Started by BoroRedKen, June 30, 2023, 12:14:23 PM

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Come on then boys. Just post a line to let everyone else how you doing. This is a side of RR i want to "promote" more.

After the last few months of my life i have come to appreciate the fact im not alone in my "battles".

We might fight and shout and argue but we are a community not a forum. And a community should always look after its "residents".

Im available to privately chat with anyone if that might help anyone, even if its just to talk about shite if that helps.

So in my best Joey voice "How you doin'"?....


Was alright until I checked the cricket score.

Useless cunts.

Mike Peeler

Fine and, dandy me. It's always good to talk and, get things off your chest, so fair play to you in asking folk if they might need a little help in that area.


Painted the kitchen this morning

I've got a few windows to paint as well....I'll do that when the morning session of cricket is done

Apart from that I'm fine


I have my moments. Im a great believer in talking and listening.

I dont subscribe to all that macho bullshit tbh. I do care about people and their thoughts.

Samaritans might have washed their hands of me since my nicking but that does not stop the kind of person i was when i was there.



Quote from: tunstall on June 30, 2023, 12:24:03 PMPainted the kitchen this morning

I've got a few windows to paint as well....I'll do that when the morning session of cricket is done

Apart from that I'm fine

Cool matey! :bigjack

Im decorating also. Sick of magnolia walls and white ceilings. Going for some colours to brighten the place up. I need it to feel like a home not a house now.

Its weird talking to cunt ive never heard of though!!

 :morgan:  :bigjack


Don't get stressed , it really is not worth it , used to, then i got wise once i saw my kids turned out great & achievers .....they now say anymore laid back  I'd be dead

A smile is always better than a snarl


Quote from: Gingerpig on June 30, 2023, 12:29:29 PMDon't get stressed , it really is not worth it , used to, then i got wise once i saw my kids turned out great & achievers .....they no say anymore laid back  I'd be dead

A smile is always better than a snarl

I like that Ginge. :bigjack


Ebby and Tone A. Hows you 2?

Any updates?



Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on June 30, 2023, 12:28:23 PM
Quote from: tunstall on June 30, 2023, 12:24:03 PMPainted the kitchen this morning

I've got a few windows to paint as well....I'll do that when the morning session of cricket is done

Apart from that I'm fine

Cool matey! :bigjack

Im decorating also. Sick of magnolia walls and white ceilings. Going for some colours to brighten the place up. I need it to feel like a home not a house now.

Its weird talking to cunt ive never heard of though!!

 :morgan:  :bigjack

Nearly shat meself the other day when I bought the paint....not fucking cheap

F3 canine servicer

Not got anything special to report......just cruising through life and happy as a pig in shit!


Quote from: F3 canine servicer on June 30, 2023, 12:38:12 PMNot got anything special to report......just cruising through life and happy as a pig in shit!

Now thats positive!



I'm sound 👍👍 going fishing for the weekend in Yorkshire


Im fine thanks Ken, thanks for asking

Still away with inlaws but once home will be back posting this day Boro threads on this excellent forum for all us Boro fans

Keep improving day by day Ken 👍

Ravishing Rick Rude

It's like fucking Dear Deidre on here.

Man up and get some tits and clout on the page.

I'm all good by the way, even after the cancellation of my gig tonight.   


John Trebor

I'm fine 👍 Apart from being constantly knackered 🥱

Ebenezer Good

I'm ok ' still posting on here so can't be too bad.👍


I was fine, looked at "The Cesspit",  :bullshit:  Blood pressure started to rise, closed "The Cesspit" page down  :vyvyan:  :wankers: and all is hunky dory again  :rick:

It's What's In The Groove That Counts



Marton Cricket Club at 6, a few beers, home for 10.

BP. 132 / 76.  Best since they started checking on me 40 odd years ago.

Life's like a box of chocolates, no coffee cream today.


Just back from Torquay the shit hole been there seen it never again on the bright side not back to reality till Monday
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist


Quote from: teamboro on June 30, 2023, 03:14:58 PMJust back from Torquay the shit hole been there seen it never again on the bright side not back to reality till Monday
it's the same in most seaside towns.


Never been happier since retiring a year ago. Sometimes you don't realise what a bummer work is until you don't work.


Quote from: Gboro64 on June 30, 2023, 03:58:53 PMNever been happier since retiring a year ago. Sometimes you don't realise what a bummer work is until you don't work.
I can't, I have a brain dead job but healthy.  I hardly watch TV, I despise gardening, golf is for others. There is only so much reading I can cope with.

I will pack in at 70.