Your thoughts

Started by In With the Lurpak, April 26, 2024, 06:03:50 PM

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In With the Lurpak

I am one a very few  anti vaxers as you know. I know people have lost people to the big C and also other things so I am not here to wind any one up at all.  :redcard:

Seen too many people go that should not have went this past 3 years.

we have had all the MRNA Covid stuff and also recently Cancer scares it's never off the news even Royalty involved . All of a sudden we now have the same mob who pushed the vaccine are now pushing a brand new miracle cure via " a Jab " to cure skin cancer .

Ill say from the off these lot can shove the new jab where the sun doesn't shine.

All far too ominous now .  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard:


Never had side effects. No new illnesses. Not grown a 3rd bollock.
I have had 4 jabs.

Would i have anymore? Nope.

Had "covid" twice. But ill argue it was a bad flu to me. And flu has nearly finished me twice so i kinda know all about flu.

So i will just stick with live biological injections (for ma bones) and the flu jab.

The lockdowns etc i believe play a part in the number of deaths lately. So some people will make a connection between the jabs and current deaths. To me nearly 2 years of no treatment is likely more responsible.

Carmen had her op cancelled twice. Numerous appts cancelled. Would she still be here if she had treatment when she was supposed to? Will we ever know the truth?

(RIP Big Kev, Minge, my buddy Ebby, My wife Carmen, Kev and his sister(E).) X


Another proof of the number of deaths lately.

Soon marks 1 year since Carmen passed.

I still do not have a death cert because of "backlog". Still looking at least at 2 more months.


Quote from: In With the Lurpak on April 27, 2024, 09:33:20 AM

Can think of a few of our ex "players" who could use that excuse 😂

Redsteel (Moderator)

Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on April 26, 2024, 07:12:54 PMNever had side effects. No new illnesses. Not grown a 3rd bollock.
I have had 4 jabs.

Would i have anymore? Nope.

Had "covid" twice. But ill argue it was a bad flu to me. And flu has nearly finished me twice so i kinda know all about flu.

So i will just stick with live biological injections (for ma bones) and the flu jab.

The lockdowns etc i believe play a part in the number of deaths lately. So some people will make a connection between the jabs and current deaths. To me nearly 2 years of no treatment is likely more responsible.

Carmen had her op cancelled twice. Numerous appts cancelled. Would she still be here if she had treatment when she was supposed to? Will we ever know the truth?

(RIP Big Kev, Minge, my buddy Ebby, My wife Carmen, Kev and his sister(E).) X

Pretty much the same for me, had 3 jabs, had covid, was like having flu with a continuous annoying cough. I had to get my jabs though, to travel for work. Would I have anymore jabs for covid, defo not, nor would I when they release the next one. I think the UK government panicked with it all, on reflection. IF they had let the virus ride without precaution, and millions had died, then we would have wanted blood no doubt. Play it safe, and further down the line, we realise it is a bad flu after all. Damned if they do damned if they didn't, so I don't really blame them for being cautious at the start. My gripe with it at the time, is they should have let the virus ride once it was established that herd immunity was working, like it was in Sweden.


I've had all the covid jabs, spring, autumn, winter boosters. I have never had any bother with any of them but yesterday i had the spring booster and my arm is fucking knacking (only where i had the jab, not the full arm). Also my temp was slightly up this morning. Don't know what's changed all of a sudden.


Having the jab has definitely made my member grow. Should I sue ?


I've had 3 jabs will not call it a vaccine I've had a few people close to the family who have died very quickly from cancer within 2-3 months of diagnosed I will never ever trust a injection again faith in doctors is an all time low I'm also very sceptical about childhood injections reading up on them makes you shudder about what we put kids through with illnesses after their injections oh and another thing I'll never ever trust a politician or listen to one again because they all serve there masters not the public

Rant over
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist