Started by BoroRedKen, April 22, 2024, 12:53:46 PM

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Just got my SAR from my ex bank after they just closed my account after 25 years.

RR is mentioned. Twitter is mentioned. FB is mentioned.

Fuck me im Tommy Farage!! or Nigel Robinson!

My next email to ******************** is gonna be fun!



The excuse is that i went over my overdraft (had it years) 3 times in a 12 month period.

Did you know that is in the T&C'S of most overdrafts?

So why do they have my SM stuff?...

In With the Lurpak

I thought I posted on this thread bout 3 mins ago I can't have clicked the post tab  :rav:

You are saying you had a bank account and at some time in the recent past they closed it down all because of this bull shit charge you are on ? I posted on here not that long ago about Jada Fransen going through the same thing .

What is a SAR ?


SAR is a Subject Access Request.

They are supposed to show you all the info they hold on you.


Its supposed to take a month but a lot of companies do things like ask you to prove your ID and the clock stops until they get the info.

In With the Lurpak

I take it you managed to open an account elsewhere Kenny, On that video above she had a right nightmare with it all and she never got charged with any racism .


For a while i had to make do with 1 of them online only basic banks. CardOne it was.

Went to pay by card in a shop once and it got knocked back. Tried ringing them etc no reply.

It turned out CardOne were using some firm called Wirecard (i think) who were dodgy and went bust.
It took nearly 10 days before any customer could access money!!.

Fortunaltly got an account with a High St bank. Got to say they know the craic but they did not care what had happened at previous bank.

Btw. The bank that booted me after 25yrs?

Yorkshire Bank.


I havnt always been a tramp ya know?!

The good old days. Even had a buisness once upon a time.

Thats why i think i related to Blotty more than most did. Know what its like to feel on top of the world 1 Monday and by the Friday its all gone.



HQ in the Dirt capital. Best to move on.