Started by BoroRedKen, April 03, 2024, 10:02:52 AM

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Hate the idea of "people with all the cash" but love Taylor Swift, a billionaire, because she hates Trump.

So as long as the billionaire "thinks" the same as them its ok to earn that amount of money?.

So what about Tim Martin? Any Tory politician? Sir Kier Starmer (if i had told my old fella that in the future his beloved Labour Party would be ran by a knight and a millionaire he would of laughed then slapped me!)?.

That just shows how their feeble 1 sided minds work.


Here's a Tory conundrum.

Kier Starmer came from nothing;

He grew up in the small town of Oxted in Surrey. He was the second of the four children of Josephine (née Baker), a nurse, and Rodney Starmer, who was a toolmaker. His mother had Still's disease. His parents were Labour Party supporters, and named him after the party's first parliamentary leader, Keir Hardie.

He is a success financially. Politically and as a Barrister.

I thought he would have been a poster boy for Tories, he is everything they are about.

But no, simply because he is a Labour leader he is to be derided.

Yesterday Billingham council stopped Sunday lunches for meals on wheels saving £8000 per annum  on the same day the bloke who Houchen gave £200m free scrap buys his 26yo son a £300,000 Rolls Royce. As it happens I would have done the same if I had been allowed to bid for the land.

This is why me and Tories are a million miles apart. I want people to be successful, to work hard, to get to the top. Tories want to give their mates millions as a favour. 

Yes we are miles and miles apart.

Johnny Thunder

Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 01:55:43 PMThis is why me and Tories are a million miles apart. I want people to be successful, to work hard, to get to the top.

Yes, so you can tax the cunt out of them with more tax brackets.


Johnny Thunder

Johnny Thunder

Johnny Thunder


Quote from: Johnny Thunder on April 03, 2024, 02:50:30 PM
Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 01:55:43 PMThis is why me and Tories are a million miles apart. I want people to be successful, to work hard, to get to the top.

Yes, so you can tax the cunt out of them with more tax brackets.

this Tory government has the highest taxation ever.

At the time of the last general election, UK tax revenues amounted to around 33% of national income. By the time of the next election in 2024, on current forecasts, taxes will amount to around 37% of national income – a level not sustained in the post-war period. Compared with a world in which taxes had stayed at 33% of national income, the UK government will be raising upwards of £100 billion more in tax revenues next year. This is equivalent to around £3,500 more per household, though of course the tax rise will not be shared equally.

You caught this fish.

Johnny Thunder


This was a post about the hypocrisy and banality of OTR.

And yes i know Keefs dad was a toolmaker............. 

In With the Lurpak

Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 01:55:43 PMHere's a Tory conundrum.

Kier Starmer came from nothing;

He grew up in the small town of Oxted in Surrey. He was the second of the four children of Josephine (née Baker), a nurse, and Rodney Starmer, who was a toolmaker. His mother had Still's disease. His parents were Labour Party supporters, and named him after the party's first parliamentary leader, Keir Hardie.

He is a success financially. Politically and as a Barrister.

I thought he would have been a poster boy for Tories, he is everything they are about.

But no, simply because he is a Labour leader he is to be derided.

Yesterday Billingham council stopped Sunday lunches for meals on wheels saving £8000 per annum
on the same day the bloke who Houchen gave £200m free scrap buys his 26yo son a £300,000 Rolls Royce. As it happens I would have done the same if I had been allowed to bid for the land.

This is why me and Tories are a million miles apart. I want people to be successful, to work hard, to get to the top. Tories want to give their mates millions as a favour. 

Yes we are miles and miles apart.

That's a fucking disgrace . Are they Labour or Tory run council either way they are a pack of utter cunts .

I have just read another council is doing a pilot scheme where they pour £1600.00 each month into the pockets of illegal immigrants  " so they get the best start in life "

WANKERS  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard:  :redcard: 


What has your 2 points of Billingham council and the guy who bought his son car getting at? Is the leader of Billingham council the 1 who bought the Rolls?


The meals on wheels served 70 people on a Sunday. 2 course a main and a pudding. 3 paid members of staff (not including drivers).

Roughly 3,000 meals a year costing 8k? Is Heston Blumenthal the chef??.......


Since 2019 it had seen a decline in service users (49% decrease).

I aint no business bloke but i know when im flogging a dead horse.......


I was saying at  the same time as Billingham Council was having to stop Sunday Lunches to save £8000 a year, a bloke who was given nearly £200 million on a deal that you and I were not allowed to bid for, so his son could buy a £300,000 RR.

I don't begrudge him it, I would if it has been my son, the difference is, Me, You, the population of Cleveland or the UK couldn't. As the deal was struck between a few Tory friends.

It staggers me that it's acceptable.

Yet on here I read numerous times yesterday and today, 'wait till Labour get in'.

It's always Corbyn eh, not Houchen Eh, not Truss eh, not on Preston eh. These people are leeching us dry.  Do you think Corbyn would have given Baroness Bra a Ladyship in addition to the £200 million Boris gave her for useless PPE.


As for Starmer. My old fella a proper left wing Trade Union Leader would have loved him as Labour leader. He would have said good on him for being a success.


So is it a "funding" issue or really a service that is no longer in the demand it once was?

(For that area. Im not suggesting MOW's are not a valuable service if the "demand" is there.)

I still dont get your **FLYME WORD ALERT** conflation between the 2.....


Blotts because its something that really interests me can i ask where the Billingham info is? Im struggling to find a "report/news" on it.

 :bigjack  :bigjack


NE Bylines  - yesterday.

Just checked, its headed Tees Works and Billingham a tale of 2 fiascos

I have no idea who they are.


Starmer despite his background came through the WEF young Leaders programme Same as Sunak and many others including Putin all controlled by Schwab
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist


Oh the "independent" NE Bylines.

The "independent" "news" that has 1 Harry Gallagher as its resident poet? There is a man who can debate all points of view.

Mike Galsworthy. Theres a bastion of independent view points. Writes articles for the "paper" with tag lines such as "The impact of Brexit on the scientific community".
The founder of the NEB who wants to be chair of the European Movement: The way forward.
The EM "tagline" is "step by step back into Europe".

So of course the NEB will post that story and any negative Houchen etc "stories". The EG have not reported it. Local news have not reported it. Are any of you lads from the Billingham area even aware of it?

You would automatically call any report from "The Daily Fail" as anti-labour, pro Brexit and probably right wing.


From Mr Galsworthy himself....

"I believe that the number of politicians on board with us will only begin to meaningfully change direction on Brexit/rejoin when they see public opinion overwhelmingly changing (both nationwide and crucially also in specific electoral areas). Our job must be to help accelerate those changes in public opinion, nationally and locally, and across sectors, to drive politicians into dialogue. Specifically, one first port of call is to develop a European Movement Business Forum, to bring in business voices of companies and industries large and small, to raise funds, make the case, then push the case to media and politicians.

I believe that politicians and political parties will only take us seriously if and when they think we are a major force in civil society with lots of allies. In the meantime, I would also want to see us establish a parliamentary forum/network that also extends across the continent to help find champions on that side for our return. However, at the end of the day, our future political influence/impact will at least partly depend on our size, reach, visibility, media profile and credibility.

That could be any 1 of Fmttm that wrote that........


Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 01:55:43 PMHere's a Tory conundrum.

Kier Starmer came from nothing;

He grew up in the small town of Oxted in Surrey. He was the second of the four children of Josephine (née Baker), a nurse, and Rodney Starmer, who was a toolmaker. His mother had Still's disease. His parents were Labour Party supporters, and named him after the party's first parliamentary leader, Keir Hardie.

He is a success financially. Politically and as a Barrister.

I thought he would have been a poster boy for Tories, he is everything they are about.

But no, simply because he is a Labour leader he is to be derided.

Yesterday Billingham council stopped Sunday lunches for meals on wheels saving £8000 per annum  on the same day the bloke who Houchen gave £200m free scrap buys his 26yo son a £300,000 Rolls Royce. As it happens I would have done the same if I had been allowed to bid for the land.

This is why me and Tories are a million miles apart. I want people to be successful, to work hard, to get to the top. Tories want to give their mates millions as a favour. 

Yes we are miles and miles apart.

It's hardly the Gresham ward, going to Fleetham street school is it Mr Blotty?

And before you go all copy & paste on me I know the working class struggle.

Take Jesus Christ for instance. Born in a stable, worked as a carpenter, yeah?

I bet he didn't go to university?
He can't have been that daft there's a book about him that sells all over the world, bet it's sold more than any that fella with the daft voice is in?

I read all the broadsheets, red tops, Teesside times, Herald and post too . . Oh and Marie Claire, just to keep it impartial.

Incidentally I've got a lot better things I could be getting on with, but you've forced my paw here!

It's a good job I like you,otherwise I'd be forced to tell you some more real facts!

Now can I get back to watching Department S in peace?

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


That's brilliant.


The Dog only tells the truth.
Enjoy your evening sir.

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 07:31:45 PMThat's brilliant.

KS Dad owned a toolmaking company is more accurate


Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on April 03, 2024, 07:56:33 PM
Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 07:31:45 PMThat's brilliant.

KS Dad owned a toolmaking company is more accurate
Eesssh how very dare you! You know that is wrong. Like some of his "decisions" as a HR lawyer then DPP.

As a sidenote the current DPP earns £245,000 p/a (300k+ after renumerations). I was quite surprised at that wage tbh.