Started by BoroRedKen, March 31, 2024, 07:55:03 PM

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The 1st of April sees the new "hate crime" laws come into effect up there.

Its almost the end of ANY free speech no matter how you dress it up.

If someone is offended by a placard stating biological FACTS at a Trans centre and report it you will be nicked.

If you are in your gaff and say something contentious that may be overheard by a passer by if the door/window is open and they report "hate" you will be locked up.

Police Scotland have stated from midnight that THEY WILL INVESTIGATE AND RECORD EVERY REPORT!

The clown in charge has also stated that "vexatious" complaints will be investigated. So they could be investigate the complaint AND perpetrator!

Where will it end up?


Watch the Tory woman in parliament talking to the current Leader of the SNP.

At the end of her speach she asked her how many times she had broken the law. The SNP woman had no idea, the Tory said 7 different offenses that police could turn up at.

The Tory was brilliant.


It's the bloke who said everyone in Scotland was white ain't it? He's hated big time like

John Trebor

Quote from: Blott on March 31, 2024, 09:52:20 PMWatch the Tory woman in parliament talking to the current Leader of the SNP.

At the end of her speach she asked her how many times she had broken the law. The SNP woman had no idea, the Tory said 7 different offenses that police could turn up at.

The Tory was brilliant.
Current leader of SNP is a bloke I think. Unless he's been replaced already.


Quote from: John Trebor on April 01, 2024, 12:26:22 AM
Quote from: Blott on March 31, 2024, 09:52:20 PMWatch the Tory woman in parliament talking to the current Leader of the SNP.

At the end of her speach she asked her how many times she had broken the law. The SNP woman had no idea, the Tory said 7 different offenses that police could turn up at.

The Tory was brilliant.
Current leader of SNP is a bloke I think. Unless he's been replaced already.
it was a woman sat on her own on the SNP seats. She was completely destroyed, she just didn't know her brief.


RE the SNP. Thought the last leader was a right pillock. But watching PMQ's the young guy now seems to have a sense of humour deep down.

The SNP are still off their rockers though.


1 of the issues i have is this vexatious reports will be investigated.

How does that work with the fact that you can report these things anonymously????..........


I so wish i was the kind of person that would have no issue with going "public" over my situation.

2 and a half years of investigation over 1 post that contained 1 "banned" word.

My charges have dropped from incitement to commit racial hatred to the poxy section 127 "public offence" bollocks.


Nearly 3 months on bail now.

Still not been asked for a defence yet. Not been asked about "context". Not been asked anything about my personal circumstances.

The simple thing is this.

Under this section 127 claptrap you are GUILTY TIL PROVEN INNOCENT.
Nobody gives a fuck about the personal costs to me over this nearly 3 years.



Some of the threats i have received over this time nobody wants to listen to. There has been some awful stuff sent to me.

Most of them were because of a photoshopped post supposedly from here that was put on Twitter by "somebody".

The "law" dont want to know about them.


Re my last post i have to confess some of that is down to me. I just dont do "fear".

I believe i can only act when something is shoved physically in front of me. I will not stop being "me" just because some faceless pricks think they are "big boys".


Whilst im "pontificating" i shall clear 1 thing up.

I get told to fight fire with fire and report posts from OTR.

Yes i might stir the pot but to go as far as going to the cops over "offence" is something i cant lower myself to do no matter what the provocation is/was.

As someone whose whole life it has affected and impacted i cannot and will not inflict that on any fellow human just because i could not bully them.

Thats what happened here. Sexpom/Quicksilver thought i was going to fold like a cheap suit. Dopey fucker should have checked out what kind of bloke i am.

In With the Lurpak

Erimus has a thread there " the good old days " Watching this below really was the good old days, Normal people enjoying life. Politicians of all parties went about destroying all this were now inside a woke mental asylum . Id gladly string the lot up for what they have done to these lands.



I was watching a debate on tv about "has comedy died"?

Then i realised i watch stuff like Are You Being Served?, Dads Army, Young Ones, Bottom, Little Britain, Catherine Tate, The Fast Show etc etc etc and noticed, with the exception of 1 "recent" sitcom, i dont find modern comedy at all funny.

The exception?

Very Flyme here!!


Excellent show. Toby Jones showing his funny chops.


I dont find modern comedy at all funny.

Me neither Ken


Just been watching the updates on GBNews, it'll be very interesting indeed

My strt to post back on flyme if/when it comes over here, I'll end up getting that forum shut down  :ray:


Quote from: In With the Lurpak on April 01, 2024, 09:47:43 AMErimus has a thread there " the good old days " Watching this below really was the good old days, Normal people enjoying life. Politicians of all parties went about destroying all this were now inside a woke mental asylum . Id gladly string the lot up for what they have done to these lands.

I. Not saying this to be awkward but I am not having yesterday was better than today.

People lived in slums, my Nana's house backed onto north Ormesby steel mills, she could not open her doors or windows for the smog, no one from Berwick Hills went to further education, none had a car, what was a private house? Who had an indoor bath or bog, oo one knew where Spain was never mind the idea of a holiday, most smoked. The shite from ICI and Dorman Long you couldn't see the church clock in North Ormesby from Church Street.

Today is far better, I like chatting to people from different backgrounds, proud of my lads and their Master degrees, jump in the car and within 30 minutes being in the Dales or Whitby.  There is a lot wrong today, but I don't need to put a scarf on to keep the smog out.


There is going to be an addition under a separate law which will cause hell on Earth i reckon......

"The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 creates a new crime of "stirring up hatred" relating to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex.

The law does not protect women as a group from hatred.

The Scottish government is expected to include this later in a separate misogyny law.


jK Rowling has basically said she will fill the courts up with her words.

Ural Quntz (Moderator)


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on April 01, 2024, 04:05:58 PMThere is going to be an addition under a separate law which will cause hell on Earth i reckon......

"The Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 creates a new crime of "stirring up hatred" relating to age, disability, religion, sexual orientation, transgender identity or being intersex.

The law does not protect women as a group from hatred.

The Scottish government is expected to include this later in a separate misogyny law.
Isn't only protecting women from hate...erm..hateful?

Or at the very least infantilising?


Good point Rutters.

I was told at court that women will be soon "off limits" online.

People like OTR would be knacked for their "views" on Tory female MP's.

What would the comment from Sexpom, "HANG THEM FROM LAMPPOSTS IN THE STREET" get him if that law came in here?

We have it similar in England.
My original charge was "Incitement to commit racial hatred".
Now its under that section 127 bollocks.


What is a section 127?

"127 Improper use of public electronic communications network

This section has no associated Explanatory Notes. (1)A person is guilty of an offence if he— (a)sends by means of a public electronic communications network a message or other matter that is grossly offensive or of an indecent, obscene or menacing character;" ...


Mine is "Grossly Offensive" and "Menacing Character".

'cos im Al fucking Capone...........



Remember lads its 1 WORD IN 1 POST.....................


When its all over i shall explain it all.

Thats if i get a not guilty.

If not i shall explain through a visiting order 'cos it could be up to 2 years in prison!