Roofie dogs dick...has to be in

Started by Gingerpig, March 10, 2024, 08:30:28 PM

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Quote from: John Trebor on March 12, 2024, 09:49:51 AM
Quote from: AtomicDog on March 12, 2024, 07:41:44 AM
Quote from: Nosmo-King on March 12, 2024, 05:31:14 AMMy downfall was demanding Sexpom retracts his assertion that this forum was racist. Got pretty heated till big bad Nick entered the fray - and banned me! Since that time that board has descended into an abyss- and the management don't give a monkey's!! Or appear not to.

Well that deserves a massive 🐾's up from the Dog Sir, there's nothing wrong with telling the truth is there?

I do echo Kenny's sentiments-about being liked on there-you're a good poster on here.

Anyway f**k em and f**k Biggie (Small).

Do you have a link to said post Nos Lad or has it been removed by the junta?


Typical smarty-pants ban from BoroLad. Absolutely not justified at all.

Thanks for that. Reading through them posts really cemented what a bunch of silly c**ts go on there.

They can "Vitual sing" to the rooftops all day long.

But the actual FACT is not one of them frequent "Middlesbrough boozer" life, cos they'd get laughed at, tortured, by people that a lot of us knew, grew up with, the fabric of our town.

I want this place to work, not for Me, it won't change the course of My life, change anything.

But there's decent folk on here, people I could relate too, have a discussion in the pub, whatever.

But one thing I certainly know is as much as Nichols the sycophantic, arse crawling fool will never, ever have in his memory is a packed wake in the crypt of Middlesbrough town hall in his memory.

Cos he's a no mark.

As Lidds would say

"If you know, you know?"

If that makes Me a "Knuckledragging Racist" it's a cross I shall have to submit too.

I've lived such a sheltered life . . .

But don't piss on My kennel and say you're

"watering the garden."


Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: AtomicDog on March 12, 2024, 09:48:51 PM
Quote from: John Trebor on March 12, 2024, 09:49:51 AM
Quote from: AtomicDog on March 12, 2024, 07:41:44 AM
Quote from: Nosmo-King on March 12, 2024, 05:31:14 AMMy downfall was demanding Sexpom retracts his assertion that this forum was racist. Got pretty heated till big bad Nick entered the fray - and banned me! Since that time that board has descended into an abyss- and the management don't give a monkey's!! Or appear not to.

Well that deserves a massive 🐾's up from the Dog Sir, there's nothing wrong with telling the truth is there?

I do echo Kenny's sentiments-about being liked on there-you're a good poster on here.

Anyway f**k em and f**k Biggie (Small).

Do you have a link to said post Nos Lad or has it been removed by the junta?


Typical smarty-pants ban from BoroLad. Absolutely not justified at all.

Thanks for that. Reading through them posts really cemented what a bunch of silly c**ts go on there.

They can "Vitual sing" to the rooftops all day long.

But the actual FACT is not one of them frequent "Middlesbrough boozer" life, cos they'd get laughed at, tortured, by people that a lot of us knew, grew up with, the fabric of our town.

I want this place to work, not for Me, it won't change the course of My life, change anything.

But there's decent folk on here, people I could relate too, have a discussion in the pub, whatever.

But one thing I certainly know is as much as Nichols the sycophantic, arse crawling fool will never, ever have in his memory is a packed wake in the crypt of Middlesbrough town hall in his memory.

Cos he's a no mark.

As Lidds would say

"If you know, you know?"

If that makes Me a "Knuckledragging Racist" it's a cross I shall have to submit too.

I've lived such a sheltered life . . .

But don't piss on My kennel and say you're

"watering the garden."



will never, ever have in his memory is a packed wake in the crypt of Middlesbrough town hall in his memory.



You can't buy respect Gordon, that's something in life that's earned.

How does he know you might ask?

"Cos I f"*@*ing do "

Maybe I know"Real true" Boro fan's?

I don't need to pontificate on a 'Soccer message board'
to know that, eh?

As Johnny Thunders worte (The real one)

"You can't put your arm's around a memory"


Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Todays pointless shit

Seriously.....what is the fkin point & why don't they call this spamming shit out , no one will have  asked him to preview Peterbro v Shrewsbury.!!!..........he is seriously fkin unhinged /desperate for acceptance . One of the strangest to infest the Cess Pit , & thats a "unique" bunch to be in