Roofie dogs dick...has to be in

Started by Gingerpig, March 10, 2024, 08:30:28 PM

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Erimus is Private Walker compared to Private "Roofie" Godfrey......

Who does he think he is kidding??.....


Had a read of OTR earlier.

Uncle Rob is banging the female drum loud.

Is he about to become Roberta?.....


More like the bride of f***ing Frankenstein

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

John Trebor

Quote from: erimus74 on March 11, 2024, 04:07:01 PMI've said on here before & I'll say again I genuinely like the bloke, one of the better posters OTR, met him at the my exhibion at base camp a couple of years ago when he introduced himself, always been nice & polite to me
Fair enough, maybe he has crafted for himself a weird internet personality totally at odds with his real one.
Though to be fair even on the board he is lovely to people who are nice to him. But as soon as someone points out he has made a mistake  (e.g. Ramadan, a game in hand over Preston, Mountbatten was a baddie - just to name some recent ones), or don't agree with one of his divisive points of view - he turns.
The arrogance and condescending replies turn up in force. Followed by page after page of random photos and links to beat everyone into submission.
And that bloody font!!!!!


Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


I don't know Roofie apart from his online persona. He comes across as a complete and utter prat seeking attention any possible way he can.

Seems to me more over the road are drawing a similar conclusion!!


I have been guilty of tarring others with the same brush when it comes to some Flyme "members".

The 1's that have joined here have proved that to me. Might not agree politically for e.g. but we dont result to childish tropes and slanging matches and that bollocks of ignoring people.
That is the biggest way to stifle debate when you refuse to listen to anyone whom might have a different opinion.

I realise there must be some lads and lasses on there that would like to speak but dont either like confrontation or dont want to rock the boat.


Ken, I agree with your sentiments. Seems to me the rule by fear is the MO over there - step slightly out of line - and you're toast!

And the owner continues meekly to turn a blind eye- somewhat weak and pathetic.


I think you got name checked Nosmo.

I have met and spoke to Erimus and the perception some OTR have of him being a political "bigmouth" could not be further from the truth!

The stuff said about and to Razor was totally out of order and i still dont understand why it was allowed.

I always thought you were a "safe seat" OTR Nosmo. I genuinely thought you were 1 of the "liked" posters. Not quite the "clique" but safe nonetheless.

It just shows its a smokescreen masquerading as a footy message board of politically biased thoughts and opinions. 
And they can be vicious (as i am proof of just how far some of them are prepared to go).


My downfall was demanding Sexpom retracts his assertion that this forum was racist. Got pretty heated till big bad Nick entered the fray - and banned me! Since that time that board has descended into an abyss- and the management don't give a monkey's!! Or appear not to.


In With the Lurpak

I have just been reading the latest on Roofies Eddy thread  :alf:

It is exactly to the word how John Trebor above states,

Look at the thread. Roofie has made a complete fool of himself  :sid:  :sid:

Went on to do some virtue signalling on steroids ended up looking like a hemorrhoid  :unbelievable:

He waited a bit to try get himself out the blunder he made, found he couldn't so went on the attack along with some arse crawling chums of his ..

Instead of just saying " hands up I made a blunder " He spins a yarn about his Muslim neighbour saying it's ok what he said  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :ray: 

Absolute fucking crank  :leo:  :unbelievable:


Yet another prized prat otr is Boro Mart. What a bitter, twisted, conceited know it all he is. Challenge him and he puts you on ignore list. He truly is one of the biggest shits to grace that board......

In With the Lurpak

He starts a thread talking about love and peace to all . (Awwwwwwwwwwwwwww that's nice)

Magic Man and some others point out he's waffling tripe

at that point below he should have just said my mistake sorry .. but he goes on a National front type rage spewing venom

what happened to love and peace for all it never lasted long did it  :alf:  :alf:

He only got told he had made a mistake  :sid:  :sid:  :sid:



Quote from: Nosmo-King on March 12, 2024, 05:31:14 AMMy downfall was demanding Sexpom retracts his assertion that this forum was racist. Got pretty heated till big bad Nick entered the fray - and banned me! Since that time that board has descended into an abyss- and the management don't give a monkey's!! Or appear not to.

Well that deserves a massive 🐾's up from the Dog Sir, there's nothing wrong with telling the truth is there?

I do echo Kenny's sentiments-about being liked on there-you're a good poster on here.

Anyway f**k em and f**k Biggie (Small).

Do you have a link to said post Nos Lad or has it been removed by the junta?

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Well having read some of the comments here, I've had to go on there and take a look!

I have come to my own conclusion on this melee.

So I shall say My piece on the matter and no more!

Dear Mr Rofus might I suggest when you go into battle, especially with your "freinds"
Always choose the right footwear. Timpsons being a favourite or some nice slip on Lonsdale sports shoes (in case it comes on top) sliders are good for 'quick access' too, but the Timpsons are proven to win in a good dust up, that's a statistical fact, read that in The Guardian.

Being ex military yourself you should know you don't go to war in slippers . . . The Timpsons will win all the time!

Slippers are for lounge wear, nipping out for some ciggies, going to sign on in etc. and if one should happen to slip off your paw, some hood might pick it up and use it as a weapon, deadly in the wrong hands might I add.

You silly sausage . . !

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: In With the Lurpak on March 12, 2024, 06:00:28 AMI have just been reading the latest on Roofies Eddy thread  :alf:

It is exactly to the word how John Trebor above states,

Look at the thread. Roofie has made a complete fool of himself  :sid:  :sid:

Went on to do some virtue signalling on steroids ended up looking like a hemorrhoid  :unbelievable:

He waited a bit to try get himself out the blunder he made, found he couldn't so went on the attack along with some arse crawling chums of his ..

Instead of just saying " hands up I made a blunder " He spins a yarn about his Muslim neighbour saying it's ok what he said  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :ray: 

Absolute fucking crank  :leo:  :unbelievable:

Its on a par with 1fanny's scarf & sorting out the pub racists & everyone applauding him ......complete fkin Mittys

John Trebor

Quote from: AtomicDog on March 12, 2024, 07:41:44 AM
Quote from: Nosmo-King on March 12, 2024, 05:31:14 AMMy downfall was demanding Sexpom retracts his assertion that this forum was racist. Got pretty heated till big bad Nick entered the fray - and banned me! Since that time that board has descended into an abyss- and the management don't give a monkey's!! Or appear not to.

Well that deserves a massive 🐾's up from the Dog Sir, there's nothing wrong with telling the truth is there?

I do echo Kenny's sentiments-about being liked on there-you're a good poster on here.

Anyway f**k em and f**k Biggie (Small).

Do you have a link to said post Nos Lad or has it been removed by the junta?


Typical smarty-pants ban from BoroLad. Absolutely not justified at all.


Quote from: Gingerpig on March 12, 2024, 09:12:36 AM
Quote from: In With the Lurpak on March 12, 2024, 06:00:28 AMI have just been reading the latest on Roofies Eddy thread  :alf:

It is exactly to the word how John Trebor above states,

Look at the thread. Roofie has made a complete fool of himself  :sid:  :sid:

Went on to do some virtue signalling on steroids ended up looking like a hemorrhoid  :unbelievable:

He waited a bit to try get himself out the blunder he made, found he couldn't so went on the attack along with some arse crawling chums of his ..

Instead of just saying " hands up I made a blunder " He spins a yarn about his Muslim neighbour saying it's ok what he said  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :ray: 

Absolute fucking crank  :leo:  :unbelievable:

Its on a par with 1fanny's scarf & sorting out the pub racists & everyone applauding him ......complete fkin Mittys

As if anyone believes his stories


Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

John Trebor

Roofie wasn't happy someone started a match thread before he did. He actually posted a link to his own in the middle of it.


Quote from: John Trebor on March 12, 2024, 11:37:57 AMRoofie wasn't happy someone started a match thread before he did. He actually posted a link to his own in the middle of it.

Bless him precious  fool :ray:


The lad's off his tits to be fair.
He used the message as a platform to shoe in his hate of Israel.
Pure and simple.

The comments further on are typical of boreme eating itself with intolerance.


Quote from: RiversideRifle on March 12, 2024, 11:01:13 AM
Quote from: Gingerpig on March 12, 2024, 09:12:36 AM
Quote from: In With the Lurpak on March 12, 2024, 06:00:28 AMI have just been reading the latest on Roofies Eddy thread  :alf:

It is exactly to the word how John Trebor above states,

Look at the thread. Roofie has made a complete fool of himself  :sid:  :sid:

Went on to do some virtue signalling on steroids ended up looking like a hemorrhoid  :unbelievable:

He waited a bit to try get himself out the blunder he made, found he couldn't so went on the attack along with some arse crawling chums of his ..

Instead of just saying " hands up I made a blunder " He spins a yarn about his Muslim neighbour saying it's ok what he said  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :rav:  :ray: 

Absolute fucking crank  :leo:  :unbelievable:

Its on a par with 1fanny's scarf & sorting out the pub racists & everyone applauding him ......complete fkin Mittys

As if anyone believes his stories

Classic from 1fanny 'Did you know breakfast comes from breaking fast'
