Started by BoroRedKen, February 28, 2024, 03:08:17 PM

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Have to bring race into EVERYTHING?

On a thread about MP's needing security he has to mention Abbott and some other MP.

Then he goes onto to show a picture of Tommy Robinson getting arrested.

I thought the threats to ALL MPs lately were from other extremist groups?

Last week in parliament it was not TR and his rent-a-mob bullying people.

This is why you cannot say fuck all anymore.
Always some white old moaning cunt crying "racist" every 2 mins.

Not 1 picture of antisemitic propaganda beamed onto Big Ben though... 


Because he doesn't have a life. There is another lad Jedi who trawls the web for things to worry about.


Roofie is a wanabee Erimus without the style or knowledge.

Is hatred of everything Jewish is based on a week's holiday in Israel.


Roofie the non boro fan who has never been to the riverside , lives in  nottingham , spouts hatred & bile left right & centre , is never wrong  but is a wretch of a man who could not wait to TRY & fill E74's boots .......which he thinks is all about copy & paste everything on any bloody subject.

Trys to be nice , but the mask slips every time he is criticised or even mildly disagreed with the petty answers come out !!!!  Told boro fans talking about not renewing to "stay away" ......very apt in his case RE the Boro  ....he has never seen the fkin place like many on there who spread bile


He is a bit thick mind.


Another one who craves attention. Pretty pathetic really.


Loved the comment about give it to the police instead. That made me chuckle.

Why should they not be offered protection if there is a genuine threat to their or their family?

Or is admittance to the need also recognising that there is a problem with all forms of extremism?

I got loads of threats. Water off a duck's back. But if i was more cafe-hearted some of them would have panicked me. So i see that side of the issue.
But when your private life is "invaded" then its a more serious issue.
And the colour of a person or their job should not be an excuse for threats to be made. Do we all remember the comment from OTR of "Hang Tory MP's from lamposts in the street"?

People who question this must of forgot about Jo Cox and Sir David Ames.


What's happening with Boro Masala . . .?

Gone a bit quiet . . . I was looking forward to the curry club meet up at Jammals?
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Blott on February 28, 2024, 03:33:15 PMBecause he doesn't have a life. There is another lad Jedi who trawls the web for things to worry about.

Because he's a racist cunt,


Not sure about racist, definitely Anti sematic.


Quote from: Blott on February 29, 2024, 04:59:02 PMNot sure about racist, definitely Anti sematic.

Blotto, they portray themselves otherwise , but , do you ever see fall outs or pile on's on here anywhere near the venom & bile that goes on on there?


No. Here can a battle, but it makes me laugh. The Dog and Erimus destroy that place.

Can you understand grown men crying because a bloke is too tough.


Quote from: Blott on February 29, 2024, 09:02:17 PMNo. Here can a battle, but it makes me laugh. The Dog and Erimus destroy that place.

Can you understand grown men crying because a bloke is too tough.

Was on there for yrs , but last 4=5 yrs its  lost  the plot ............but westy is seriously after clicks for cash !