It's Burns Night!!

Started by Ollyboro, January 25, 2024, 06:24:52 PM

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Yes, it's that night of the year whose very name gives Simon Weston the heebie jeebies. It's got so much bigger than celebrating the life and works of an indecipherable slave driver. It's now a celebration of Scottishness itself. So let's raise a glass of sickly tonic wine to the country that gave us Ian Brady, Tam Paton and the fucking Krankies. My Jock other half is currently knocking up a Balmoral Chicken, whilst I intend to get into the spirit of the occasion by taking a load of methadone and leathering her. Och fucking aye.


Johnny Thunder


I wondered why all the bewers behind the bar in Murphy's at Schiphol had daft wigs on yesterday....

Johnny Thunder

Johnny Thunder

Quntzy, get off yer fuckin sunbed and get cracking.

