Started by BoroRedKen, January 09, 2024, 01:45:54 PM

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You really don't like women. You should go and see someone about it.

I have pretty much been through all the UK crime stats, there are no reports of women rape on men. If there are any it is such a small number statistically to be irrelevant.

So you want the police to set up a special unit for men who have been raped by women of which there are none.

There are special units for male on male rape.

In With the Lurpak

Quote from: rutters on January 17, 2024, 05:37:30 PM@In With the Lurpak
You have been a victim of rape but like most men you won't disclose.

And even if you did, in the UK you'd be reporting a non-crime, there'd' be no specialist suites for you, no specialist officers, no specialising lawyers or courts and no clamour for jury-free courts to ensure your rapist is imprisonment. So what would be the point?

You'd probably lose your anonymity and certainly wouldn't benefit financially. In addition you'd probably be charged with wasting Police time or even arrested for making False Allegations.

Thank our WOKE friends for your discrimination. They're the one's 'fighting for equality'.

Aye ye probably bang on the money like all the same I can't complain I still buck her to this day so all's forgiven  :cloughy:

Francks left peg

Quote from: Blott on January 11, 2024, 03:04:52 PMI think that's bullshit. I have been involved with the police dozens of times, they always helped with one exception.

They came to my house, made my wife feels safe, they could not have done more.

I know literally dozens of policemen everyone one is decent, caring and has to put up with shite most on here don't understand. They are monitored none stop.

You gave an example this week where a young policeman tried it on with a young policewoman she said no he accepted it. He is now on the front page of the gazette and will lose his job. That sort of stuff happens every day in the workplace, it's a disgrace what he is going through.

Interesting points Blott

In With the Lurpak

The Rozzers who post on Bore Me can't be very caring Mr Blott they have watched a decent hard working blokes life go down the shitter for typing a few words on a keyboard which are typed thousands of times all over the internet & the site they post on has stuff that would make your eyes bleed, Just today they were hoping Trump get assassinated :diego:  . Why hasn't one of em even come on here anonymous and said I'm a copper Kenny I can't do much about your case but I think it's a disgrace .


Quote from: In With the Lurpak on January 17, 2024, 07:37:19 PMThe Rozzers who post on Bore Me can't be very caring Mr Blott they have watched a decent hard working blokes life go down the shitter for typing a few words on a keyboard which are typed thousands of times all over the internet & the site they post on has stuff that would make your eyes bleed, Just today they were hoping Trump get assassinated :diego:  . Why hasn't one of em even come on here anonymous and said I'm a copper Kenny I can't do much about your case but I think it's a disgrace .
easy I don't go on Boreme unless directed from here.

According to OTR they have; Policemen, Policewomen, Architects, Civil Servants, Doctors, Journalists,  Photographers, Armed Forces, Poets (hmmm), as nausium, they have no one working in Greggs or on shifts.

The  case against Ken is sinful. As I said the other day I know very little about Libel law, I am sure ken does and he rinses them.


I go shoplifting in Gregg's all the time, it's dead easy.

The one in Coulby Newham is the best, piece of p*ss in there.

Just wait till the staff are slagging off that fat lass in pyjamas and Uggs.


I'm in there.

Coronation chicken baguette  + four sausage rolls , sometimes they're too hot to eat, have to have a Rollie outside Tesco, till they cool down.

I just sit laughing a the mug outside, collecting trollies, him who thinks he's dead important the f**king loser.

Nicked his bait box once.

Triangle crab paste banjos.

No wonder he work's in Tesco. Should've went to university, could've had a big house, flash watch, nice holiday, drink craft beer, had loads of mate's.

Mind I did see he walking home one time, in the snow,  looked freezing.

Done a handbrake turn in the vauxhall viva I'd just nicked, picked him up.

He's alright actually whinney banker, but lives in Gosport.

Got on fine on the way there, likes his music, we were puffing on the blunts.

Stopped at ferry bridge (No skins left) gets back in the car, he slips this cassette in the player.

Thing's starting to go downhill fast.

Who the f**ks this, pass me pipe?

"It's Shrug they're like a Middlesbrough Fall you know, banter and that"?

Nor they're f**king not get out ya divvy, no wonder you work in Tesco.
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Blott on January 17, 2024, 06:56:03 PMYou really don't like women. You should go and see someone about it.
If you think wanting men and women treated equally is dislike for women then you're as confused as I think you are and you should go see someone about it.

I have pretty much been through all the UK crime stats, there are no reports of women rape on men. If there are any it is such a small number statistically to be irrelevant.
As previously stated (ad nauseum), the law in the UK is framed to only make men culpable.

So you want the police to set up a special unit for men who have been raped by women of which there are none.
As I have to keep repeating, I want people treated equally. I don't think you know what you want.

There are special units for male on male rape.
What's the relevance of that?


So let's get this right, you want men's none happening rape to have the same level of resource as where 100pc happens. OK

I want the government to set up a department to review why ping pong is called table tennis.

Whilst we are at it, a police division to clamp down on over 100 yo knife crime.

We can come back to this on April 1st


Quote from: Blott on January 17, 2024, 11:59:25 PMSo let's get this right, you want men's none happening rape to have the same level of resource as where 100pc happens. OK
You mean like men don't get raped in other countries (as your extensive research demonstrated)?

I want the government to set up a department to review why ping pong is called table tennis.
Yes, you probably do. You should see someone about that.

Whilst we are at it, a police division to clamp down on over 100 yo knife crime.
You're just being childish now.

We can come back to this on April 1st
Your posts would be more fitting


You either want people treated equally or you don't.

The easily-led swallow the line that 'Woke' is equitable, it's not. It's discriminatory by nature.

People like you lack the critical thinking skills to understand as much so you head-nod along with whatever the current, trendy, herd-think is.

Try Harder, Think deeper, Research Better.


I am woke, are you a rabbid Gammon?

Your argument about rape is ridiculous and you know it. You cannot treat a crime that does not happen in the same way you treat a crime that does happen.

Stop digging. You found zero evidence to your ridiculous idea. Do you think there should be snow plows in the Sahara? Just in case.


Your extensive research unearthed that there are no women imprisoned in other countries for rape therefore female rape doesn't happen.

You've succinctly demonstrated that 'Woke' is discriminatory and for that I thank you.

You can hand the Ipad back to 'Miss' now.


A) I don't have an iPad, or a pc, I have this £70 phone that included a £20 voucher.

B) of course woke is discriminatory it's why 100 pc of scaffolders off shore are men, and 99.845pc of bricklayers, and woman have babies. Life's full of discrimination, most of it sensible.

X) there is no women on men rape.


99.845pc of bricklayers have babies ?  :pd:


Quote from: borope on January 19, 2024, 02:05:00 PM99.845pc of bricklayers have babies ?  :pd:
note the , 

The Great British Bake off

The Great British Bake, off.

Saying that there must be one bricklayer that's a woman.


If female on male rape doesn't happen then why are those women rapists (the ones you said didn't exist) in prison?

We've known for a while that those advocating equality are quite happy supporting inequality.
We've known for a while that those advocating tolerance are the intolerant.
We've known for a while that those screaming 'Racist!' are the nasty little racists like you.

It's just that in your case it was particularly quick and easy to prove.


Females (natural born) CANNOT be charged with rape under current legislation. They can be charged with sexual assault/battery etc.

Actual "penetrative rape" is the sole bastion of males currently.


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on January 20, 2024, 10:44:56 AMFemales (natural born) CANNOT be charged with rape under current legislation. They can be charged with sexual assault/battery etc.

Actual "penetrative rape" is the sole bastion of males currently.
I wish I had known that. No wonder I could not find any reported.


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on January 20, 2024, 10:44:56 AMFemales (natural born) CANNOT be charged with rape under current legislation. They can be charged with sexual assault/battery etc.

Actual "penetrative rape" is the sole bastion of males currently.
That's my point.
In other countries both sexes are held equally culpable because non-consentual sex is treated as rape regardless of the genders involved (statutory rape if the victim is underage).
You happy with that discrimination?
And after what you suffered on FMTTM I'm surprised you're tolerating racism on your own board.

In With the Lurpak

Not many good coppers about most are bent  :diego:

Scottish police will not investigate Nichola Sturgeon after the former first minister wiped pandemic-related WhatsApp messages.

Bereaved families have instructed lawyers to prepare a criminal complaint detailing the "wilful" destruction of messages "on an industrial scale".

In With the Lurpak

Bad Bad Cop !!

Carts a fire man off to the slammer while they trying to treat injured people in a upside down car

All cos the fire truck was parked over the yella line  :unbelievable:


Again I would say 99pc of police I dealt with they were on my side and against crooks.

In With the Lurpak

Again I reckon the forces are full of rotten eggs. Be a few good ones .. but stuff like that below. criminal in itself . what happened to all the money she swiped as well and bought a motor home leaving it round her mams gaff out of prying eyes way .. they all reek of corruption

Scottish police will not investigate Nichola Sturgeon after the former first minister wiped pandemic-related WhatsApp messages.

Bereaved families have instructed lawyers to prepare a criminal complaint detailing the "wilful" destruction of messages "on an industrial scale".


Is it illegal to wipe What's app messages?

I will bein deep shit! Do I go to a police station and plead guilty?