Started by BoroRedKen, January 09, 2024, 12:21:51 PM

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Has anybody read some of the comments?

We have Rob Nichols of Fmttm "posting" on his board links to the petition.

Have a look..

"This is yet another attempt at iradicating any of our British culture"

"Captain James Cook was and is still a part of our local and National history. The woke brigades crusade to rewrite history is disgraceful... history is factual and is there to show the Good and Bad that has got us to today..."

"The council have destroyed lots of our past without even asking! Scum."

"The museum is extremely important to the people of the North East."

"I'm a proud Teessider not a woke council goon.."

"Middlesb Council is an absolute disgrace. Culture is expendable in their eyes, it's OK because the children of the previous leaders who waxed all the budgets will be fine in their private schools"

"Captain Cook the man, and more importantly the science, the exploration (both creditable and unacceptable today) are a vital part of the regions identity and a draw for SPENDING tourists from the otherside of the world. Its cultural vandalism. Take a paycut Mr Mayor and the rest of th"

Rob Nichols associated with claims "of the woke mob?" Have they also forgot its a Labour Mayor?

And yes i know there is a comment on there from fucking Voldermort but i aint saying a fucking thing.


Boro council wanna focus on other things

Seen the state of the Borough Road/Linny Road interchange? half the fucking paths are closed off cos that old building is crumbling to bits....half of Linny Road heading in to town is closed off......for some reason no one knows

Whats happening with the Transporter?

they've invested a lot over by the train station and over the border but there is still so much more that needs doing


Get The Captain Cook pub open yer cunts

And fill it with buxom bewers pulling pints



Are they going to change the name of the hospital as well and cancel all episodes of Air Ambulance off UK Gold?

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: tunstall on January 09, 2024, 01:55:56 PMGet The Captain Cook pub open yer cunts

And fill it with buxom bewers pulling pints



Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on January 09, 2024, 03:34:47 PM
Quote from: tunstall on January 09, 2024, 01:55:56 PMGet The Captain Cook pub open yer cunts

And fill it with buxom bewers pulling pints


Reported as Sexist and not enough meat n 2 veg.


I keep saying the same thing ad nausium, you cannot equate yesterday as today.

Can you imagine been on boat without bogs, eating old meat, drinking stinking water, hoping you land somewhere, when you get there you can see sod all because it's misty and darkness we don't understand, then you see a few fires lit, do you go toward them or away. They must have been shit scared.


Quote from: Blott on January 09, 2024, 05:31:52 PMI keep saying the same thing ad nausium, you cannot equate yesterday as today.

Can you imagine been on boat without bogs, eating old meat, drinking stinking water, hoping you land somewhere, when you get there you can see sod all because it's misty and darkness we don't understand, then you see a few fires lit, do you go toward them or away. They must have been shit scared.

Yes I can Mr Blott I've done it, Albert Park actually.

There's toilets in the skating rink and the food in Rea's cafe isn't that bad.

I hope you didn't put that review on TripAdvisor, especially the bit about

"Misty and darkness"
Just because they're black doesn't mean they are bad dog's!
In fact jungle Jim loves em, they're always in his shop.

There's no excuse for "Casual Rascism" there really isn't.

Don't be getting all PC with Me either of course Jim isn't from the 'Jungle' it's just a name that he's always been called.

He takes no offence by it.

Do Me a favour go in Park Lane garage, which he now owns due to his hard work, might be called


And ask him if he's offended, especially at what some f***ing idiots think, that seem to think they represent our town.
When they can't even name a first generation immigrant they know from the town?

No wonder people don't want to visit here

What next . . .

'The bed's in Nazareth House are really uncomfortable, we have to work for our food . . . And we get bummed regularly?"

If you don't like it move away you snitch, like all the other Moonies?

And I bet you've got a big posh house in Overfields . . . And a Hillman Imp.

If you've got nothing positive to say about the area, do you mind keeping your thoughts to yourself?

Pissed off

Tarquin Up the Middlesborough
That new big posh estate up Ormesby bank

*Received via courier*

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Albert park skating ring, ah those were the days. I know a bloke in Normanby who was a referee at Roller Hockey he went allover Europe.

Did anyone ever catch a fish?


I don't know.

I caught crabs in Albert park before . . . Not from the boating lake.

That's another story though.

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Come in No 5, it meant you stayed at the bottom end near the fire station for 2 hours


No it was actually on the island in the middle of the lake.

Think she was called Jane?

I was wearing a loin cloth at the time, in February too.
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: AtomicDog on January 09, 2024, 07:45:33 PMNo it was actually on the island in the middle of the lake.

Think she was called Jane?

I was wearing a loin cloth at the time, in February too.
with platform shoes


Quote from: AtomicDog on January 09, 2024, 07:45:33 PMNo it was actually on the island in the middle of the lake.

Think she was called Jane?

I was wearing a loin cloth at the time, in February too.

Swam out to the island that was covered in duck shit in February for a bucking. You old romantic you


Quote from: Blott on January 09, 2024, 08:11:31 PM
Quote from: AtomicDog on January 09, 2024, 07:45:33 PMNo it was actually on the island in the middle of the lake.

Think she was called Jane?

I was wearing a loin cloth at the time, in February too.
with platform shoes
No sliders?

You weren't watching were you.

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

In With the Lurpak

The Thread over you know where about Middlesbrough council on verge of going bust .

Most replies aimed at Tories, Some one say's it's because some kids live in damp houses to which councillor heat pump agrees

What does the council spend its money on?

Providing social care for vulnerable people in Middlesbrough takes up around 83% of our budget.

Are refugee's asylum seekers classed as vulnerable people - Yes

This below is from  2016 ( just one example - tip of the ice berg )

So once they arrive the council get a lumpa of £8520 per person ( back in 2016 ) which then drops in value each year afterwards .

There is a well known saying

The phrase "time to pay the piper" means it is time to accept the consequences of thoughtless / wreckless or rash action

No Mention of money spent on " Refugee's " at all over the road not a word of it .


A lot of people appear to be taking a closer look at SKS legal career lately.

He bluffed and blurbed past the Saville stuff and a few of the cretins he defended in court but this Post Office "stuff" is beginning to bite him in the arse a bit.

His current line of defence is "i could not do anything as DPP".

Now we are "finding" out that may be bollocks he is talking.....


Quote from: In With the Lurpak on January 11, 2024, 07:40:00 AMThe Thread over you know where about Middlesbrough council on verge of going bust .

Most replies aimed at Tories, Some one say's it's because some kids live in damp houses to which councillor heat pump agrees

What does the council spend its money on?

Providing social care for vulnerable people in Middlesbrough takes up around 83% of our budget.

Are refugee's asylum seekers classed as vulnerable people - Yes

This below is from  2016 ( just one example - tip of the ice berg )

So once they arrive the council get a lumpa of £8520 per person ( back in 2016 ) which then drops in value each year afterwards .

There is a well known saying

The phrase "time to pay the piper" means it is time to accept the consequences of thoughtless / wreckless or rash action

No Mention of money spent on " Refugee's " at all over the road not a word of it .

There wont be, its about the opposition time after time, its like, hey, look over there moment

In With the Lurpak

100% right Kenny

Teesside & the North east have 10 times the amount more than other parts of the  country when it comes to " refugee's" being placed in different area's . This all costs a lot of money when as above Government cash starts to dry up . It's Ironic we have red nose bleating on about Captain cook museum being closed due to lack of money which has all been spent on the " refugee's " they all wanted and sing the  praises of .

Councillor heat pump spins it as some kids living in damp houses . They are beyond pathetic to not even acknowledge where a massive slice of the pie is really spent .


"Middlesbrough Council is asking the government for emergency funding. Without it, essential services will be affected.

But it didn't have to be this way.

I'm naturally careful with money and like to keep costs down. So when I was mayor we lived within our means and even increased emergency reserves for crisis situations.

But I was so shocked by Middlesbrough Council's lack of cost control when elected in 2019 - and it was a constant battle within the council walls to try and get the right members of staff to take responsibility for day to day spending, which is something politicians can't legally control as much as I wished we could.

The Children's Services department was totally out of control, wasting millions.

In the end I was so appalled by what was going on I had to bring in outside experts to help to fix the chaos - and my fears were proved correct when the experts said that a top member of staff had failed get a hold of the situation and we'd quickly go bust if an intelligent plan wasn't put in place. 

We did this and managed to balance the budget 12 months ago.

However, since Middlesbrough Labour took control last year the urgency to put the council on the right financial course - and challenging senior staff - has stopped and it's now very close to bankruptcy.

For decades Middlesbrough Labour has blamed everyone else for council problems - and they continue now even when they're in power.

Keep an eye on this page - I'll keep updating everyone on the situation.


I have asked Andy to do a Q+A on here to give him his right to reply to certain allegations around this.

If other Boro fans forums will only allow "publication" of 1 side of "events" regarding something like council bankruptcy then RR will offer the "other side" a "right to reply" straight to the Boro people.


When's the ski slope going up?


Is Andy on the Minibus going to the Palestine soirée?

*Asking for a friend*
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on January 11, 2024, 10:38:56 AM"Middlesbrough Council is asking the government for emergency funding. Without it, essential services will be affected.

But it didn't have to be this way.

I'm naturally careful with money and like to keep costs down. So when I was mayor we lived within our means and even increased emergency reserves for crisis situations.

But I was so shocked by Middlesbrough Council's lack of cost control when elected in 2019 - and it was a constant battle within the council walls to try and get the right members of staff to take responsibility for day to day spending, which is something politicians can't legally control as much as I wished we could.

The Children's Services department was totally out of control, wasting millions.

In the end I was so appalled by what was going on I had to bring in outside experts to help to fix the chaos - and my fears were proved correct when the experts said that a top member of staff had failed get a hold of the situation and we'd quickly go bust if an intelligent plan wasn't put in place. 

We did this and managed to balance the budget 12 months ago.

However, since Middlesbrough Labour took control last year the urgency to put the council on the right financial course - and challenging senior staff - has stopped and it's now very close to bankruptcy.

For decades Middlesbrough Labour has blamed everyone else for council problems - and they continue now even when they're in power.

Keep an eye on this page - I'll keep updating everyone on the situation.


I have asked Andy to do a Q+A on here to give him his right to reply to certain allegations around this.

If other Boro fans forums will only allow "publication" of 1 side of "events" regarding something like council bankruptcy then RR will offer the "other side" a "right to reply" straight to the Boro people.

Thanks for that Ken, goes to show blinkered people will only look for what they want to look for & blame everyone but who should be blamed, easy to do that I suppose, as I said, hey, look over there


Have any of you read some of the comments?

They are the stuff of fantasies.

1 of the reasons for possible closure is lack of visitors. Its all school trips.

Reading stuff like "its a tourist attraction" is laughable!

The "fans" of Cook will not have it about his last journey. It was the Kings fault. The crew had mental health issues.

Amazing that these "fans" are behind every other "explorer" who might even have a sniff of "naughtiness" about them getting "cancelled".

Got fuck all to do with Rob cosplaying Cook has it?
Not 1 of them has the balls to pull him on Cook.


Do you think we can start a petition to get to get Hadrians wall knocked down?