Started by BoroRedKen, January 07, 2024, 11:08:35 AM

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Full tweet....

"It's Sunday today. I was going to have a day of rest. 🙃

Some people seem to forget, I've been in this industry (football) over 20 years.

The players all talk. They're like women in that regard. They tell each other everything. They brag about their conquests. 🍆

I know all those virtue signalling, 'We've worked really hard for years to get to this position' females are upset. Your knickers are in a twist. Unfortunately, I know where all your skeletons are buried. That's your fault. You compromised yourself messing with the talent.

I don't want to have to exhume some bodies. I also, don't blame you using your sexuality to get an advantage. It's a big tool and everyone should use all there tools wisely in the game of life.

We all know whose marriages you have violated. What info you got from the pillow talk to get ahead and who is in a desperate situation behind the scenes because of the #Metoo movement and the fear it's put to certain organisations. Rightfully so, as well. Dirty pervs.

We all know some of you have multiple players on the same team on your body counts. I don't judge you solely on that. But come on now, don't expect me to take you seriously. Please.

Don't take me for a fool. Lawyer up. Sue me. Get me cancelled. Pressure my employer's, my sponsors. 🤣🤣🤣

Do what and as you please.

I've got plenty to fight you back with. I've deeper pockets than most.

Just remember, people who throw stones, shouldn't live in glass houses.

I hope you're whiter than white if you come for me. That includes some of the black community currently libelling themselves on my timeline. Don't worry, I see you. I have the screenshots. Carry on your nonsense, I'll delightfully part you from your money. 💰

I don't want a war. I never have. That also doesn't mean, I will walk away if you start one. I never taken a backward step in my life.

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday.

May your God's shine favourably on you.


#Namaste 🙏🏻"



Best line to Georgie Bingham

You had more boxers down than Mike Tyson  :supremeleader:  :supremeleader:  :supremeleader:


That was, regardless of your opinion of Barton, a 1st class quality put down!

 :supremeleader:  :supremeleader:


He will know a lot will joey he needs to be careful though but he might be starting a he begging of the end for all the woke shite


We all have skeletons.

Up here the lass standing as a Lib Dem councillor has just had to apologise to the "people" of Skinningrove  for calling them "in-bred".....


And she was born there!

But this is the "wokerati" do best.
Maybe Barton shining a light on their "past" is whats needed to end this claptrap, namby pamby, DEI bollocks.



A guy I worked with for ten years, whiter than white a great bloke once said to me 'we all have a secret we want no-one to know' keep it that way.