A serious subject to discuss.

Started by BoroRedKen, December 19, 2023, 09:54:57 AM

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Esther Ranzten has stage 4 cancer. It is terminal. She has registered herself with Dignitas for an assisted suicide.

If a person is still of a sound mind should they have the right to decide when to die if they have a terminal illness?

Another really sad side of this, to me, is that if a family member or friend goes to Switzerland with the person they face arrest in the UK upon getting back and a potential of up to 12 years in jail.

My personal opinion is just 1 thing. It boils down to the "of a sound mind". If thats the case then a person, in that situation and not just they feel a bit down, should be able to make that descion themselves.



If a person is still of a sound mind should they have the right to decide when to die if they have a terminal illness



I am sorry that Dame Esther has cancer, it must be an awful time for her and her family.

She advocated that people over 65 who refused their "third" booster should be abandoned by the NHS if they had a stroke or a heart attack, that they should be left at home to die. She, like many celebrities, took the shilling to appear on TV to abuse and coerce people to give up bodily autonomy.
What goes 'round..

As for the question I would echo Tony's reply above.



Johnny Thunder