Started by LIDDLE_TOWERS999, September 28, 2023, 02:12:29 PM

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Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on September 29, 2023, 09:07:34 PMI dont condone Fox. But to  have a very close friend commit suicide nearly 30 years ago, that still affects me to this day, to 6/7 years a Samaritan it has completely sickened me the smirking and comments from the lady involved.

I would of said far worse to her if id had the chance.

Male suicide his too fucking common. Know a few lads who have tried and a couple who have been successful. I remember when I first got to my unit for the first time years back me and another lad found a bloke swinging I will never get that image out of my head


It's even more worrying that people like her hold sway.
There is no Minister for Men because she finds it 'an attack on women'.

Remember when Feminism used to pretend it was about 'equality'?


This is the woman who is behind the "sackings" at GBNews.....


Her comments about men are disgraceful and DO incite hatred towards men.