Started by BoroRedKen, September 25, 2023, 05:35:17 AM

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Anyone on here "into" it?

Or should i ask this kind of question on Mumsnet?

Got to say im enjoying reading about the subject.

Johnny Thunder

Never heard of the cunt.



Nope, never heard of it either.

John Trebor

That's Numberwang!

Mike Peeler

Well above my station all that stuff.

I can't even do a Sudoku  :rudi:

John Trebor

In all seriousness though, is it like astrology but instead of star signs it uses numbers relating to your birth date and the letters in your name? Stuff like that?
I'm aware of it but never looked into it, just assumed it was nonsense.
But is there something in it do you think?



But I love the same sort of stuff, it's the same as contemporary art. I know it's nonsense but it's great fun. You could have the same argument about all religion.

A lad I work with has 2 degrees including chemistry, he is convinced about UFOs.


It was a young lad driving the cab last week (when i say young mid 20's) and he was telling me about it.

The basic start is you add the numbers of your DOB to get your lifepath number.

Now normally i would think maybe the same way i do about horoscopes etc but when i worked mine out and checked the number i was a bit shocked that it did describe me.

Closer than any other "phenomena".

DOB Jan 23 1950. (not real!)

1+2+3+1+9+5+0 = 21. 2+1 =3 (The number is worked down to a single figure number.) So 3 would be your lifepath number.

John Trebor

Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on September 25, 2023, 04:07:58 PMIt was a young lad driving the cab last week (when i say young mid 20's) and he was telling me about it.

The basic start is you add the numbers of your DOB to get your lifepath number.

Now normally i would think maybe the same way i do about horoscopes etc but when i worked mine out and checked the number i was a bit shocked that it did describe me.

Closer than any other "phenomena".

DOB Jan 23 1950. (not real!)

1+2+3+1+9+5+0 = 21. 2+1 =3 (The number is worked down to a single figure number.) So 3 would be your lifepath number.
Does the date of birth take into account different timelines around the world or is it all based on a standard like GMT? Otherwise 2 people born at exactly the same moment but in different parts of the world would have a different number wouldn't they?
Or am I overthinking it?


Im new to it myself but i will put it to the lad. I see what you mean though Minty.

Johnny Thunder

It's a load of fuckin shite.
