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Started by BoroRedKen, September 23, 2023, 08:30:05 AM

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Another posting his race baiting agenda.

They will not listen to Kabbas crimes against ordinary people going about their daily business.

Unlike the cop charged with his murder these are not assumptions about Kabba. These are facts. These are criminal convictions and charges.

What are people like Cress and the other grifter going to look and feel if the officer is black?

How ridiculous is Cress being basically posting the "outrage" about the officers identity being protected?

I got serious death threats from anti racism groups to a point where the cops wanted to issue 1 of them personal safety notices to me directly of a "credible" threat to me.

I got this for saying "Dinghy Count"! What are Cress and his ilk going to threaten this officer with?

This racist trope involving any black person must of been premeditated murder if the perpetrator was not black is starting to wear thin in the UK.

Why does Cress not mention Kabbas criminal history? George Floyd?

Why does Cress not mention the shooting of the BLM activist female? I remember at the time people cried "racist attempted murder". Until 4 black males were subsequently nicked but found not guilty. They dont mention that females life changing injuries. The fact she is wheelchair bound. The fact she cannot speak or walk? Where is Cress shouting for her attackers to be rounded up? He is not. And we all know why. People like him KNOW the cowards who shot her 3 times are black.

People like Cress are the 1's aggravating racial tension.

The cop gets found not guilty then what? The law of 12 men good and true is racist then? The defence team are racist? The looting and rioting after a not guilty verdict would be "understandable" because its all stacked and everything about it would, in their heads, racist. So this a "no win" situation re a racist element being involved.

People like Cress sit there and puff their chests out feeling good about themselves.

Does Cress have any clue what getting death threats is like? Do you these cretins issuing the death threats to me give a fuck about my negihbours on both sides being couples in their 80's?

Do people like Cress know anything about me for eg?

7 years as Samaritan? 4 years as a CAB advisor? 2 years teaching basic English to non English speaking all over the North East?

No they fucking do not. They take 1 persons photoshopped comment from here as me being a raving racist.

Remember this is for me entitling a thread "Dinghy Count" and daring to mention the P word regarding Rotherham and Telford.

I recoil with horror at what the cop, who should be due his right to a fair and just trial and the presumption of the most basic guideline of law innocent until proven guilty, would face if his identity was known based on the threats i have gotten. 

Mike Peeler

It's all about trying to whip things up into a Guilty verdict even before a trial has taken place.

Iv no idea how it will play out without all the facts - It is going to be an interesting one.

Even If he is innocent and gets off I smell trouble on the streets in a fairly naughty way ( the rats will be out), and in thinking like that you just wonder don't you how this one will get played out. Will the authorities buckle beforehand knowing that

You can only hope for correct justice if such a thing exists in today's world.

When they got away with pulling them statues down that was the time it went all pete tong


The issue i have Mikey is the charge. Murder.

That word has massive implications in law. Pre-meditated.

Are we supposed to believe this cop started his shift as an ARO with the intention to murder someone that day?

But i am waiting for the case. I am waiting for the facts to emerge. I am waiting for 1 of the basic fundamentals of UK Law. EVIDENCE!.

Mike Peeler

I'm no legal eagle but I've heard they often go in at the top and can then work down toward a lesser charge when it's laid out in court.

It's easier to go down than it is up, I get your point like.







Its a never-ending conundrum. Guilty. Racist. Not guilty. Racist.


The copper will be done for manslaughter and negligence probably. You have to be 100% sure before firing. Kabba is another criminal off the street though 👍👍👍👍


He will be found not guilty.

I never go on that site. How is CtC doing on his sectarian crap?

John Trebor

Quote from: Mike Peeler on September 23, 2023, 08:52:49 AMI'm no legal eagle but I've heard they often go in at the top and can then work down toward a lesser charge when it's laid out in court.

It's easier to go down than it is up, I get your point like.

That is correct. In fact they are not allowed to increase the charge but can always come down. So they start high.


Now you have the poor mans Erimus, Roofie wading in with tweets supporting Kabba.

Totally unknown circumstances. Implying, by sharing that tweet, that the police co-ordinated an assasination of an "unknown male" and implying the cops stole the bloke, who claimed JSA and had never worked a legal day in his life, Rolex watch.

Remember the second Mark Page got charged? Nichols banned any mention of it in case it prejudiced any trial or criminal proceedings.

Why is Nichols allowing this then? The officer has been charged. If its good enough for Nichols mate Page the fucking nonce then its good enough FOR ANY OTHER TRIAL/PROCEEDINGS.


The car Kabba was driving was linked to an armed robbery. Why do these people think they have the right to resist arrest.

If a copper pulled me over I'd try to cooperate in a civilized manner.


Quote from: Gboro64 on September 23, 2023, 12:08:41 PMThe car Kabba was driving was linked to an armed robbery. Why do these people think they have the right to resist arrest.

If a copper pulled me over I'd try to cooperate in a civilized manner.

Why? Is it because you are a law abiding citizen who does not strut around threatening ordinary citizens with firearms? Is it because you have nothing to hide?
The answer is yes Gizzy.

If Cress, for eg, partner/wife was working in a shop and a criminal like Kabba pulled a gun on her and scared her almost to death and probably the rest of her life tormented by the events iof a robbery would he be so quick to feel sorry for the criminal when caught or shot dead threating other lives with a vehicle as a weapon?

If Kabba was white i would say exactly the same. These criminals are not untouchable. Quick to pull weapons on ordinary folk.
But cry like fucking babies when ARO point their weapons at them.


Just reading some of those posts are the very reason I wont ever contribute to that forum, how low can it get

John Trebor

Quote from: erimus74 on September 23, 2023, 01:40:05 PMJust reading some of those posts are the very reason I wont ever contribute to that forum, how low can it get
Actually, to be fair, I have been surprised how many posters have responded condemning them. Reasoned responses as well, not inflammatory.
I think they may have finally overstepped the mark. Interesting that a lot of the usual suspects are staying clear as well.

Not sure what happened to Quicksilver. Has he been warned off?


Dont turn your back. He will not be far away.

He will appear soon again no doubt about it.

I seriously wonder if the lad suffered some kind of PSTD during his army days.

And as much damage as he has caused me i would not wish that situation on anyone.

I know, from my pals in the forces, some of the horrific things they have seen. The losses suffered by each unit is something, no matter how much i detest someone, i could even begin to imagine.


He could just be a race baiting gimp who would cause trouble in an empty room and now some people have cottoned on to his agenda he does what he does best.
Run and find somebody else "to fight his battles elsewhere".

You decide.


Don't think that Cress's stories hold much water Boss
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on September 23, 2023, 02:17:42 PMDont turn your back. He will not be far away.

He will appear soon again no doubt about it.

I seriously wonder if the lad suffered some kind of PSTD during his army days.

And as much damage as he has caused me i would not wish that situation on anyone.

I know, from my pals in the forces, some of the horrific things they have seen. The losses suffered by each unit is something, no matter how much i detest someone, i could even begin to imagine.


He could just be a race baiting gimp who would cause trouble in an empty room and now some people have cottoned on to his agenda he does what he does best.
Run and find somebody else "to fight his battles elsewhere".

You decide.



Quote from: John Trebor on September 23, 2023, 02:07:17 PM
Quote from: erimus74 on September 23, 2023, 01:40:05 PMJust reading some of those posts are the very reason I wont ever contribute to that forum, how low can it get
Actually, to be fair, I have been surprised how many posters have responded condemning them. Reasoned responses as well, not inflammatory.
I think they may have finally overstepped the mark. Interesting that a lot of the usual suspects are staying clear as well.

Not sure what happened to Quicksilver. Has he been warned off?

Banned  :rudi:


How do you know kelloe?
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on September 23, 2023, 02:17:42 PMDont turn your back. He will not be far away.

He will appear soon again no doubt about it.

I seriously wonder if the lad suffered some kind of PSTD during his army days.

And as much damage as he has caused me i would not wish that situation on anyone.

I know, from my pals in the forces, some of the horrific things they have seen. The losses suffered by each unit is something, no matter how much i detest someone, i could even begin to imagine.


He could just be a race baiting gimp who would cause trouble in an empty room and now some people have cottoned on to his agenda he does what he does best.
Run and find somebody else "to fight his battles elsewhere".

You decide.

PTSD is never an excuse to be a cunt. Lot of lads who I know who have suffered are all good blokes who are suffering daily and wouldn't do what happened to you

RaZor Ramon

Is it as bad as this thread?

Fucking hell you'd expect to see that sort of stuff written there in Women's Weekly. 😂


Quote from: RaZor Ramon on September 23, 2023, 07:13:47 PMIs it as bad as this thread?

Fucking hell you'd expect to see that sort of stuff written there in Women's Weekly. 😂
Always perplexed Me about these local 'characters' Mr  Razors Sir.

In all My years I don't seem to be able to relate to one of them?

Yet there is one on here I kinda known, for a very long time too, that I can?

Incidentally the full lot of those fool's, if you gathered them all up and liquidised them, probably wouldn't get enough substance to fill his Gazelle's.

But what do daft dog's know eh?

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: AtomicDog on September 23, 2023, 08:00:48 PM
Quote from: RaZor Ramon on September 23, 2023, 07:13:47 PMIs it as bad as this thread?

Fucking hell you'd expect to see that sort of stuff written there in Women's Weekly. 😂
Always perplexed Me about these local 'characters' Mr  Razors Sir.

In all My years I don't seem to be able to relate to one of them?

Yet there is one on here I kinda known, for a very lond time too, that I can?

Incidentally the full lot of those fool's, if you gathered them all up and liquidised them, probably wouldn't get enough substance to fill his Gazelle's.

But what do daft dog's know eh?


That is a beautiful hound btw
It's What's In The Groove That Counts


Quote from: AtomicDog on September 23, 2023, 05:50:20 PMHow do you know kelloe?

Search members, his name does not appear.