Another dog atttack

Started by Mike Peeler, September 20, 2023, 09:11:26 AM

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Mike Peeler

he was lucky no traffic was coming at speed or he could have been a goner.

The loose dog goes on the rampage after the dog walker and, his mutt.

I got some of this in case my dog gets set up on it and if I do as well when out walking with it. You never can be sure these days. :rav:

Thank me later chaps - hopefully, you will never need it if you do get some.


I don't want to get involved in these kind of posts as the Dog is something close to My heart and I don't want to sound blinkered.

But FFS what are these dog's doing let off a lead, if you can't control them? . . . At least muzzle the dog!

Again, this is only my view.
It's down to F***ing idiot's owning dog's, you know one's you wouldn't give the time of day to, nevermind try to educate. But unfortunately the world is full of them.

These are the type that think they're 'rock hard' when they couldn't fight f***king sleep, see them all the time when I walk My dog, young dink's, I see the dog and feel so sorry for it, wanna punch the f***ing owner myself.

Banning won't make an Iota of differce some other 'Type' will come along.
The media seems to have a thing about dog's at the minute - It's totally wrong, the attacks that have been happening some have been brutal I feel for the victims of the attacks totally - before long they'll be back onto something else.

Dog attacks happen everyday they always have and always will.
It's bad ownership not bad dog's, it really is that simple.

I suppose in a way dog's can be like kid's You bring it up like a c**t it's gonna grow up
 Into  a bigger c**t.

 You bring your kid's up to have manners, respect, teach em the difference between wrong & right.
Dog's are very similar in that vein.

A f**king idiot will always be a f**king idiot unfortunately, I don't how you train them, sorry.

Dog's are highly intelligent animals look at the money the US forces invest in a Belgian Malinois for instance?
Another way to look at it. There's a broad scope of people on here yeah, even some overseas?

Many on here own dog's, love them dearly?

How many of you have out of control dog's? . . . I bet the answer is none.

I don't want to go off and one and I won't be arguing with no-one over this post.

I'm sorry if I've offended anyone it's not intentional.

I won't say no more on this or any of these type of posts.
Of course they should be put up and of course they should be highlighted.

But you cannot educate stupid. Therefore I'm banging My head against a wall.
Please don't  anybody take offence, that's just My view.

Enjoy your day people

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Johnny Thunder

Ravishing Rick Rude

I had a ding dong with a sinead O'Connor looking woman over kirkleatham Woods this morning.

For the last two years she has walked round there with a staff which has always been unfriendly but muzzled up. Every time I've seen her I've always put my girls on leads until she is out of the way even though her unfriendly dog is muzzled.

Recently she has removed the muzzle and stands still while there's others about but the last few times I've seen her she has been difficult.

This morning I saw her, my dogs avoid hers and carried on their way.
I was walking along and she was walking behind me, getting closer and closer then stopping when my dogs stopped, then carried on walking when we did. This went on for 10 minutes. I managed to distract my dogs in to a field the other side of the mental fence.
As she walked past me she said I should have those dogs on leads(one of hers was off its lead) as they are a danger to hers.

I said hold up a minute sinead you could've went the other way round. There was 4 potential roots from where we met.

Her response was I was here first you should've held your dogs back.

I was a good thirty foot or more in front of her.

I told her if either of my dogs get attacked by your unmuzzled dog, I'll strangle it to death to get it off.

I was then threatened with the rspca.

My problem is she knows it's viscous as it has always been muzzles, now suddenly it's free from its muzzle and she expects other dog walkers to get out of her way.

Stupid cunt


If she used to have her dog muzzled she surely must of been wary it may fight/bite?

When i walked Duke (he is massive) i was 100% convinced in 2 things. 1 was knowing Duke's temperament and being 100% safe with the knowledge of his demeanour and behaviour towards dogs/humans.

And 2 knowing i could control him with voice commands. His recall etc is 100% despite the situation. Why would a dog like Duke be to used to help train pups?

I went for a big dog (puppy now). I was unsuccessful. The lady with the dog said to me the amount of, her words, tracksuits and chunky gold chains round their necks had enquired about taking him was astronomical.

Luckily she is a responsible person and has found the perfect home for him.