8,000 immigrants in one day...

Started by Ural Quntz (Moderator), September 13, 2023, 10:43:39 PM

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Blotty, so you rabbit it on about the elderly population, do you think these cowards coming over on these boats are the answer??? And wheredo you get this info that our children will be paying 40% tax from?? I can see them paying that if we dont shut our borders to these bunch of cowards coming over!!!!


Quote from: Blott on September 15, 2023, 01:32:19 PMIf you think it's like for like fair enough. Australia population 26m, UK 68m, EU 448m.

Australia to Asia and Africa a very long way

EU a stone's throw.

You still have not answered who will be paying for the elderly. It's because you want today's youth to pay a basic rate of 40%.

You want this country to be strangled slowly as China an Japan.

Little Britain for little people.

WTF are you talking about?

The distance the boats travel is really not the issue, the method of turning them away is the point. We should do the same.

Oh, and btw..

I want all of us to pay for the elderly.
I want the triple lock guaranteed and the pension increased by 20%
I would pay for it through the elimination of all foreign aid other than disaster assistance, the cancelation of HS2 and the removal of all non-essential plastic surgery and gender reassignment from the NHS scope.


Quote from: TerryCochranesSocks on September 18, 2023, 12:49:48 PM
Quote from: Blott on September 15, 2023, 01:32:19 PMIf you think it's like for like fair enough. Australia population 26m, UK 68m, EU 448m.

Australia to Asia and Africa a very long way

EU a stone's throw.

You still have not answered who will be paying for the elderly. It's because you want today's youth to pay a basic rate of 40%.

You want this country to be strangled slowly as China an Japan.

Little Britain for little people.

WTF are you talking about?

The distance the boats travel is really not the issue, the method of turning them away is the point. We should do the same.

Oh, and btw..

I want all of us to pay for the elderly.
I want the triple lock guaranteed and the pension increased by 20%
I would pay for it through the elimination of all foreign aid other than disaster assistance, the cancelation of HS2 and the removal of all non-essential plastic surgery and gender reassignment from the NHS scope.

you just saved nothing in real terms. Peanuts the Tories gave more to one woman to sell us useless PPE.

No point arguing with you.


A 20% increase on pensions would be iro £22bn per annum
HS2 phase due to cost £107bn according to Lord Berkely's report
Foreign Aid is £8bn pa
It's hardly "nothing".
Any shortfall should be picked up by the taxpayer.

There is no point YOU arguing with anyone. 


Do you think they might be a decent centre forward amongst them or a few that can play football?

*Asking for a friend*
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Dear Mr. Blott,

Wokeness is discriminatory in itself because it only pertains to specific identities, races and sexes.

Unless, of course, you think that the average, straight, white bloke from Brambles Farm is in the privileged position of suffering from zero prejudice or discrimination?


Quote from: rutters on September 18, 2023, 04:17:22 PMDear Mr. Blott,

Wokeness is discriminatory in itself because it only pertains to specific identities, races and sexes.

Unless, of course, you think that the average, straight, white bloke from Brambles Farm is in the privileged position of suffering from zero prejudice or discrimination?
you just described me as I was. Brought up in Berwick Hills. This is where we differ I don't care or even notice if you are white or black, I see a person. Poor people and immigrants have always been easy targets. 'they dint want to work' 'they have kids for benefits' of course a few do, but very few. A middle class women has lovers a woman from Brambles Farm is a slut.

Can we have mass immigration, no, can we have controlled immigration,yes. I don't care if the bloke I work with us from Acklam, Brambles farm or from Eritrea, he's a bloke.


I heartily agree and I hereby declare you 'Anti-Woke'.

Well done brother, you got there in the end👏👏👏


Nah, I like being a do gooder and woke.

We need a good immigration system.

The bit I don't have an answer to is how you stop millions of people leaving war and famine.

If I could not feed my kids I would try and get into a country where I could.

Johnny Thunder

They aren't fleeing war and famine though.

They are fleeing France.


Quote from: Blott on September 18, 2023, 09:39:50 PMNah, I like being a do gooder and woke.

We need a good immigration system.

The bit I don't have an answer to is how you stop millions of people leaving war and famine.

If I could not feed my kids I would try and get into a country where I could.

They're not bringing their kids.


Quote from: Johnny Thunder on September 19, 2023, 07:02:53 AMThey aren't fleeing war and famine though.

They are fleeing France.

Dunno like....


"The bit I don't have an answer to is how you stop millions of people leaving war and famine"

They stop men leaving Ukraine but they don't benefit from your wokeness. Most of the people risking their lives crossing the channel are men but, in this case, there's no clamour for diversity and inclusion.

Can you see how wokedom is discriminatory and divisive?


Quote from: rutters on September 19, 2023, 11:39:16 AM"The bit I don't have an answer to is how you stop millions of people leaving war and famine"

They stop men leaving Ukraine but they don't benefit from your wokeness. Most of the people risking their lives crossing the channel are men but, in this case, there's no clamour for diversity and inclusion.

Can you see how wokedom is discriminatory and divisive?
yes of course I can. As I can see the right wants discrimination and division. I expect it to be men on the move it's traditionally them who earn money.


So how can you be proud to be 'woke' but against division and discrimination when 'woke' is divisive and discriminatory?


Quote from: rutters on September 19, 2023, 01:50:20 PMSo how can you be proud to be 'woke' but against division and discrimination when 'woke' is divisive and discriminatory?
no the question was do I think it's divisive and discriminate. It is to the right, they disagree with it.

It's a never ending circle. I am woke and a do-gooder, that makes me divisive on here.


But wokeness addresses perceived inequalities and prejudices faced by chosen races, sexes and sexualities.

It's neither left nor right but rather usurped by the left as they discovered that 'identities' were more reliable supporters than the working class.


Any opinion on anything is divisive. If woke is not caring about colour and creed I am woke.

Do I think that you can have a free for all on immigration the answer is no.

Countries who have no immigration are going backwards economically.


'If woke is not caring about colour and creed I am woke'.

The entire raison d'etre of 'wokism' is based on pre-occupation with perceived disadvantages faced by specific colours and creeds.

It's the very opposite of what you claim to care about.


That's nonsense.

What is the meaning of woke in Oxford dictionary?
adjective. /wəʊk/ /wəʊk/ (informal, often disapproving) �aware of social and political issues, especially racism This word is often used in a disapproving way by people who think that some other people are too easily upset about these issues, or talk too much about them in a way that does not change anything.


It's the specific 'social and political issues, especially racism' which makes them so divisive.

Diversity, inclusion and equality advocates are only active in areas where they perceive inequality to black people, women or LGBT+ people exists.

Don't you find it strange that none of those highly paid Diversity officers in the NHS have noticed that there are only women's hospitals, only women's cancer screening progs, only women's fertility treatment, 80% of the staff are female, most of the funding goes on women, there is no Men's Health Tsar, no men's health hubs, no men's health strategy and men die earlier?

Woke divides, Equality unites.


I have no idea why the Civil Service in all its sections needs Diversity Managers. I work for a company with I would guess 60% immigrants, we don't have one or any problems.

If you think men are under represented in health I think you are wrong. I have no issue on the service I receive. If there is no strategy why do I get an annual review and they check my shit every 3 years.   

When we had different wards for sexes is better than it is today. I would want women on their own wards.


'I have no idea why the Civil Service in all its sections needs Diversity Managers' = Wokeness

'If you think men are under represented in health I think you are wrong' I've just given you a list of under-representations.

There already are discrete wards for sexes but there are no men's Hospitals, cancer screening progs, fertility treatments, health hubs, health strategies or Health Tsars.


Why would I want a men's hospital? I feel safe as it is, I am not sure mature women in a mixed ward do.

What the gender pay gap in medicine looks like. In England, women hospital doctors earn on average 18.9% less than men (based on a comparison of full-time equivalent mean pay). Women GPs earn on average 15.3% less than men and clinical academics 11.9% less than men.18 May 2021

Where are these womens hospitals?