Started by BoroRedKen, September 01, 2023, 05:24:34 AM

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Why does Steve Gibson let anyone connected with Fmttm anywhere near the club?

"Tory club owner screws over deprived area for profit.

Colour me shocked....

What has Gibbos politics got to do with the club?

No fucker mentioned anything until 2 years ago!

Question his business accumen (although do that whilst you are having your coffee after a shitty night shift in the rain, whilst Gibbo sleeps in his mansion because of having a successful business!) by all means but to say its because he is a Tory supporter is just fucking daft. 



The hypocrisy of that site is truly mind-boggling.More so than ever before it is a case if your face fits you can post what the hell you want - without fear of being reprimanded ( very much my opinion). The site has slivered to a depth where it has become a figure of fun in comparison to yesteryear.


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on September 01, 2023, 05:24:34 AMWhy does Steve Gibson let anyone connected with Fmttm anywhere near the club?

"Tory club owner screws over deprived area for profit.

Colour me shocked....

What has Gibbos politics got to do with the club?

No fucker mentioned anything until 2 years ago!

Question his business accumen (although do that whilst you are having your coffee after a shitty night shift in the rain, whilst Gibbo sleeps in his mansion because of having a successful business!) by all means but to say its because he is a Tory supporter is just fucking daft. 

In a word, nothing


Quote from: Nosmo-King on September 01, 2023, 08:52:32 AMThe hypocrisy of that site is truly mind-boggling.More so than ever before it is a case if your face fits you can post what the hell you want - without fear of being reprimanded ( very much my opinion). The site has slivered to a depth where it has become a figure of fun in comparison to yesteryear.

Good point Nosmo.

I just dont get the vitriol here gets when you read some of the stuff over there. The politicising of everything is astounding.

Any new poster is made to feel unwelcome until he/she/they/them say "fuck the tories" or "they are all fleeing war and persecution" due to level of paranoia and an outlier daring to voice a different opinion.

Why the distrust? That is what i think about. It is reminiscent of an "echo chamber". The #BeKind soon gets forgotten.


There are several who have free reign on there , how the hell westy is allowed anywhere near the press stuff is a disgrace , the bile & venom of the "tolerant" on there knows no limits when they don't agree with someone ....which is most of their bitter little lifes


Even the Mods on here do not agree all the time.

Some say its a bad look for here. I disagree.

It shows tolerance on here. It certainly shows that i have not filled RR with members who agree with me.

Every debate on Fmttm turns into a slanging and petty name calling for days on end.

And the graphs, numbers, peer reviewed stuff gets fucking boring to read.

Only using The Guardian and Private Eye as "source material" is fucking boring and narrow minded.


Quote from: Gingerpig on September 01, 2023, 09:04:45 AMThere are several who have free reign on there , how the hell westy is allowed anywhere near the press stuff is a disgrace , the bile & venom of the "tolerant" on there knows no limits when they don't agree with someone ....which is most of their bitter little lifes

Its no different on Twitter Ginge.

They spout all this be kind bollocks then threaten to pour acid down your throat when you disagree.

How many Mooners are actually proactive? Cannot be many because they are all to busy pontificating on a footy forum.

And the MSF is becoming a joke of an "organisation".

They know their lane, as dictated by the club, and will not come out of it.

Has anybody had any replies from Ms Fergusson after all this time? Razor?

Yes men/women.


The worst thing about the MSF in my opinion?

Robs closeness to the coppers.

You know the bloke whose members regularly call cops racist and unsuitable for the job.

The same 1's who call for the defunding of the police.

It just does not sit comfortable with me.


You know, I dont know the 1st thing regarding @Nosmo-King on his political views, nor do I want to, thats down to him & although we differ in our opinions on Steve Gibson his points have always been around his running of our beloved football club, hes never once, to please the audience, resorted to cheap political shots, or whether he reads the daily mail or not & I respect his opinion on his football matters only

Could you imagine after a game & you challenged Gibbo over his running of the Boro since 2006 & then finished off with, yes but youre a tory & own a big house 😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂🏡🏡🏡🏡🏡😂😂😂😂


Do I care what the politics of the owner of Jolsha is, no. Do I care what the politics of my barbers is, no. Do I care the politics of Gibson, no. Do I care about the politics of the owner of this, no.

Does he care about mine, no.


Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:18:34 AMDo I care what the politics of the winner of Jolsha is, no. Do I care what the politics of my barbers is, no. Do I care the politics of Gibson, no. Do I care about the politics of the owner of this, no.

Does he care about mine, no.


I only care about someone's politics if it affects other human beings in a detrimental and negative way.

And when i say I care i actually mean that I disagree with their views but wouldn't start being abusive on a messageboard or in real life.


Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:18:34 AMDo I care what the politics of the owner of Jolsha is, no. Do I care what the politics of my barbers is, no. Do I care the politics of Gibson, no. Do I care about the politics of the owner of this, no.

Does he care about mine, no.

Haha, can you imagine some of them chosing where to eat, shop, hair cut, buy a newspaper, what newspaper, everyday of the week, month, year based on who votes for what

I just couldnt be botheted


It doesn't take rocket science to know I am Labour through and through. The toughest time I had was in the Beechie before the last election trying to defend Corbyn, in truth I couldn't. Even in there they could not believe I would be voting Labour. I tried to explain Corbyn was not the reason it was the principle of Labour I voted for.

Today in there we still talk to each other without animosity, I feel the same on here.

I never felt that way somewhere else.

Johnny Thunder

Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:26:37 AMIt doesn't take rocket science to know I am Labour through and through.




Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:26:37 AMIt doesn't take rocket science to know I am Labour through and through. The toughest time I had was in the Beechie before the last election trying to defend Corbyn, in truth I couldn't. Even in there they could not believe I would be voting Labour. I tried to explain Corbyn was not the reason it was the principle of Labour I voted for.

Today in there we still talk to each other without animosity, I feel the same on here.

I never felt that way somewhere else.

But why shouldnt it be the case

Fair enough stand your ground in how you see politics in this country, agree to disagree but to dislke/hate someone for putting a cross in a different box, says more about that person TBH


Quote from: erimus74 on September 01, 2023, 10:38:14 AM
Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:26:37 AMIt doesn't take rocket science to know I am Labour through and through. The toughest time I had was in the Beechie before the last election trying to defend Corbyn, in truth I couldn't. Even in there they could not believe I would be voting Labour. I tried to explain Corbyn was not the reason it was the principle of Labour I voted for.

Today in there we still talk to each other without animosity, I feel the same on here.

I never felt that way somewhere else.

But why shouldnt it be the case

Fair enough stand your ground in how you see politics in this country, agree to disagree but to dislke/hate someone for putting a cross in a different box, says more about that person TBH

I don't get it either. When CtC said all Tories are peices of shit is when I lost it with him. Off I went.


Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:39:39 AM
Quote from: erimus74 on September 01, 2023, 10:38:14 AM
Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:26:37 AMIt doesn't take rocket science to know I am Labour through and through. The toughest time I had was in the Beechie before the last election trying to defend Corbyn, in truth I couldn't. Even in there they could not believe I would be voting Labour. I tried to explain Corbyn was not the reason it was the principle of Labour I voted for.

Today in there we still talk to each other without animosity, I feel the same on here.

I never felt that way somewhere else.

But why shouldnt it be the case

Fair enough stand your ground in how you see politics in this country, agree to disagree but to dislke/hate someone for putting a cross in a different box, says more about that person TBH

I don't get it either. When CtC said all Tories are peices of shit is when I lost it with him. Off I went.

Yet he'll have worked with people who voted tory, sit & drank with people who voted tory & follow the Boro whose owner is a tory

As I say double standards, I wouldnt care if the Boro owner was an alien from outerspace, mind these comments regarding Gibbo only surface when the clubs not doing to well

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 10:26:37 AMIt doesn't take rocket science to know I am Labour through and through. The toughest time I had was in the Beechie before the last election trying to defend Corbyn, in truth I couldn't. Even in there they could not believe I would be voting Labour. I tried to explain Corbyn was not the reason it was the principle of Labour I voted for.

Today in there we still talk to each other without animosity, I feel the same on here.

I never felt that way somewhere else.

So why even try to defend what you know to be bad?

Suggest you have a closed mind when it comes to politics?



I don't think Corbyn was bad, just useless. Unless they have changed the rules we vote for our local MP, in theory the PM is first amongst equals.

I know McDonald from school, a decent bloke who is Boro daft. He always says hello to me at away games.

I will never vote Tory as I don't believe in most of what they stand for. Odd as it sounds I think they are right about taxation. There is zero evidence that when you tax passed 45% it brings in more cash.


Just to ad my two penn'orth. I voted Labour as soon as I was old enough to vote. As I got older and started to take notice, I eventually realised that as Middlesbrough was such a Labour stronghold, it was taken for granted that it would remain a safe Labour seat. This has held the town back. I wonder what could have happened if it had been a marginal seat and the parties actually had to do something for our vote? I can't see me voting Labour again. It's no longer a party that represents the working man IMHO.  Unfortunately, the country is now run by liars, shysters and conmen so The Cons won't get my vote either. Who do I turn to now?
It's What's In The Groove That Counts


All valid points.

Im a Tory. I make no secret of the fact.

But the Conservatives in office now are so unrecognisable to any Conservative i have voted for.

Sunak and Truss are 2 politicians i would never have voted for.

Believe me the discourse is well and truly hammered home within Conservatives.


Quote from: TMG501 on September 01, 2023, 01:12:37 PMJust to ad my two penn'orth. I voted Labour as soon as I was old enough to vote. As I got older and started to take notice, I eventually realised that as Middlesbrough was such a Labour stronghold, it was taken for granted that it would remain a safe Labour seat. This has held the town back. I wonder what could have happened if it had been a marginal seat and the parties actually had to do something for our vote? I can't see me voting Labour again. It's no longer a party that represents the working man IMHO.  Unfortunately, the country is now run by liars, shysters and conmen so The Cons won't get my vote either. Who do I turn to now?
That's a brilliant synopsis. I always say after 2 governments the party loses its way. Same for Middlesbrough, although I never voted for Houchen good luck to him. He is dodgy though, but so was the guy before him and the one before him ...


Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 02:13:24 PM
Quote from: TMG501 on September 01, 2023, 01:12:37 PMJust to ad my two penn'orth. I voted Labour as soon as I was old enough to vote. As I got older and started to take notice, I eventually realised that as Middlesbrough was such a Labour stronghold, it was taken for granted that it would remain a safe Labour seat. This has held the town back. I wonder what could have happened if it had been a marginal seat and the parties actually had to do something for our vote? I can't see me voting Labour again. It's no longer a party that represents the working man IMHO.  Unfortunately, the country is now run by liars, shysters and conmen so The Cons won't get my vote either. Who do I turn to now?
That's a brilliant synopsis. I always say after 2 governments the party loses its way. Same for Middlesbrough, although I never voted for Houchen good luck to him. He is dodgy though, but so was the guy before him and the one before him ...

I dont get that Blotty, if its a known fact that Houchen is dodgy, not my words mind & the bloke before him & before him too

So got me thinking

A) How do you know he's/they're dodgy, what is dodgy
B) If he's/ they're dodgy how come, if its fact, its been allowed to be this way

Im not having a go just generally interested in how this claim has come about for so long without been challenged

I would class myself as gullible & believe peoples intentions of doing the right things are legit, met Andy Preston & he came across as nice, caring bloke, same ss if I met Houchen, or any other party candidate, sooner tjink right of anyone than not so, but thats just me


Quote from: erimus74 on September 01, 2023, 02:25:31 PM
Quote from: Blott on September 01, 2023, 02:13:24 PM
Quote from: TMG501 on September 01, 2023, 01:12:37 PMJust to ad my two penn'orth. I voted Labour as soon as I was old enough to vote. As I got older and started to take notice, I eventually realised that as Middlesbrough was such a Labour stronghold, it was taken for granted that it would remain a safe Labour seat. This has held the town back. I wonder what could have happened if it had been a marginal seat and the parties actually had to do something for our vote? I can't see me voting Labour again. It's no longer a party that represents the working man IMHO.  Unfortunately, the country is now run by liars, shysters and conmen so The Cons won't get my vote either. Who do I turn to now?
That's a brilliant synopsis. I always say after 2 governments the party loses its way. Same for Middlesbrough, although I never voted for Houchen good luck to him. He is dodgy though, but so was the guy before him and the one before him ...

I dont get that Blotty, if its a known fact that Houchen is dodgy, not my words mind & the bloke before him & before him too

So got me thinking

A) How do you know he's/they're dodgy, what is dodgy
B) If he's/ they're dodgy how come, if its fact, its been allowed to be this way

Im not having a go just generally interested in how this claim has come about for so long without been challenged

I would class myself as gullible & believe peoples intentions of doing the right things are legit, met Andy Preston & he came across as nice, caring bloke, same ss if I met Houchen, or any other party candidate, sooner tjink right of anyone than not so, but thats just me
because I subscribe to Private Eye. Also the dealings over Acklam Hall are shocking.