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Started by BoroRedKen, August 24, 2023, 10:41:20 PM

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Are they moaning about the cost of "Asylum"?

As for this comment..

"I don't think they want to stop them

'Clear blue water' on policy , 'lefty lawyers', Labour will 'let them all in' etc etc"

Well who has stopped 73 different "rulings" then?

To deny that some lawyers are exploiting this issue is just sheer blindness.

Or was the Geordie woman just doing an ad for her business?

A faceless judge somewhere in Strasbourg at 3am UK time kyboshing everything. But "influenced" by what or whom?

Are the TIK-TOK videos "faked"? Are the ads on TIK-TOK RW tropes?

Not 1 comment of the "asylum seeker" who documented his boat journey then filmed his very smart hotel room as an "ad" to come to the UK.
Or is that faked also?......