Started by BoroRedKen, August 14, 2023, 01:17:23 PM

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3 different shadow ministers said today that stopping the tax breaks for private schools will provide...

12,500 new teachers.

6,500 specialist teachers

2,500 classroom assistants.

Eh? Give over!
Just from cutting the tax breaks on private schools?

Why is private education getting fucked over?

Is education not education? Whether state or private?

If some families can afford to send their kids to private school why not?



Private school kids make up 7% of the total of kids of school ages. Around 615,000 kids.......


3% are probably Bojo's and Moggs kids....


Francks left peg

Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on August 14, 2023, 01:17:23 PM3 different shadow ministers said today that stopping the tax breaks for private schools will provide...

12,500 new teachers.

6,500 specialist teachers

2,500 classroom assistants.

Eh? Give over!
Just from cutting the tax breaks on private schools?

Why is private education getting fucked over?

Is education not education? Whether state or private?

If some families can afford to send their kids to private school why not?


And where are they getting these teachers from? There is a record number of teaching vacancies that we can't fill.


Its the same with every policy.

Stop the criminal gangs.

Then what?

Stop the criminal gangs....

We have a clear and funded proposal for such and such.

What are the they?

Clear and funded

But how?

Stop the criminal gangs.......


They will need those extra teachers to teach the kids leaving private education.

The first thing private schools will cut will be the subside places for 'working class' kids.

"Anyone but Labour"


Private education is wrong in so many ways. I don't give a flying if you can afford it.

There should be no tax breaks. Pay VAT on it.

If I could afford it I would have sent my kids. But I would not have expected any help from the government.

I wonder if they can help with my holidays after all it could be educational.


13 years of this shite government, 13 years of austerity for what?

It makes me puke.

You cannot blame Labour for the FU of the last 13 years and election of a leader for a few weeks who succeeded in destroying the economy.


Feel better now its out your system?

Missed the point again.

My point is not about the merits or not of a private education but saying that ending the tax breaks for private education WILL cover the "costs" of 20,500 new teachers?

That is pure bollocks.

So ending the tax break MIGHT pay for some of the recruitment they promise but where is the rest coming from?

Francks left peg

You can fund as many teachers as you want, but if there's no teachers, which there isn't currently, then you have no chance.


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on August 14, 2023, 11:08:31 PMFeel better now its out your system?

Missed the point again.

My point is not about the merits or not of a private education but saying that ending the tax breaks for private education WILL cover the "costs" of 20,500 new teachers?

That is pure bollocks.

So ending the tax break MIGHT pay for some of the recruitment they promise but where is the rest coming from?
good the archaic nonsense should have ended 100 years ago. Why should £1 of my tax go to the son of a Lord and Lady.


I just dont get this hatred towards anyone who has more money than them.

Look at the grief Gibbo gets.

If i would have said 10 years ago Labour would be run by a multi-millionaire Knight of the Realm you would of had me sectioned!


Eh? So in Blottworld only toffs go to Private school?

What about the Asian family that work their nuts off day and night to send their kids private?

What about some of the foreign students whose parents flog their guts out to send their kids?


When I needed this government to help me. They told me to stick my finger up my arse the money is needed for £300m of PPE for a Lady who f off with it. The PPE could not be used in a Vets.

So do I have sympathy for a group of kids who will never have a minutes stress in their life's, no.


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on August 14, 2023, 11:18:47 PMEh? So in Blottworld only toffs go to Private school?

What about the Asian family that work their nuts off day and night to send their kids private?

What about some of the foreign students whose parents flog their guts out to send their kids?
good luck to them, but you why should they avoid VAT? I pay it on everything.


Quote from: Blott on August 14, 2023, 11:22:03 PM
Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on August 14, 2023, 11:18:47 PMEh? So in Blottworld only toffs go to Private school?

What about the Asian family that work their nuts off day and night to send their kids private?

What about some of the foreign students whose parents flog their guts out to send their kids?
good luck to them, but you why should they avoid VAT? I pay it on everything.

Maybe, just maybe, it helps to create maybe future leaders, scientists etc etc.? Granted it may also help create pink haired doofus's to walk slowly in the road....

Taxes and death Blotty.


Nothing wrong with education under hard Labour dear Boy

Our workhouse produces some of finest needlecraft on this mortal coil, their intricate darning is the envy of the modern world!

Look after your workforce and they'll look after you,  how exultant do those little urchins look?

Many have gone on to be Doctor's, Engineer's, Chimney sweep's, Gong Farmer's the whole bloody lot young Man.

Don't suppose any of you layabouts are looking for a rewarding career by any chance?
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Blott on August 14, 2023, 10:33:50 PMPrivate education is wrong in so many ways. I don't give a flying if you can afford it.

There should be no tax breaks. Pay VAT on it.

If I could afford it I would have sent my kids. But I would not have expected any help from the government.

I wonder if they can help with my holidays after all it could be educational.

Consider the fact that there is clear evidence that those children who go through private education go on to achieve greater earnings than those who have been state educated (we're dealing here with general rules, not specific cases).
Those people will therefore pay much more income tax throughout their working life.
It's like not paying tax at the point of investment but taxing the resultant earnings later.

It is also worth mentioning that parents who send their kids to private schools are not absolved from paying into the state system at the same time through their taxes, if they're going to be taxed on their private school fees should they not be excluded from paying into the state system they're not benefitting from?

I note with some amusement that you voice the typical 'labourite' statement -
"Private education is wrong in so many ways..I would have sent my kids"

It's the politics of envy and hypocrisy which Margaret Thatcher exposed brilliantly.


Quote from: Blott on August 14, 2023, 11:22:03 PM
Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on August 14, 2023, 11:18:47 PMEh? So in Blottworld only toffs go to Private school?

What about the Asian family that work their nuts off day and night to send their kids private?

What about some of the foreign students whose parents flog their guts out to send their kids?
good luck to them, but you why should they avoid VAT? I pay it on everything.

No you don't.

Johnny Thunder

Does anyone think Blotty was under the influence last night?

That cool exterior seemed to have deserted him.


Ural Quntz (Moderator)

He has his moments..... :monkeyman:


I enjoyed my little badinage with Blotts.

Im happy that he feels comfortable to "challenge" me without fear of bans or snidey comments.

When i post i expect to be treated just the same as other members or i should keep my trap shut.

We are a community not a forum.



Quote from: Johnny Thunder on August 15, 2023, 10:35:56 AMDoes anyone think Blotty was under the influence last night?

That cool exterior seemed to have deserted him.

Of FMTTM Dear Johnny old Boy?

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Johnny Thunder


I was at work so I doubt I had had a few.

There is no way that ££££ is related to intelligence.

7% of the countries kids getting a massive advantage because of £££££ is simply wrong.

As for the Tories, they have been in power for over 13 years, we were told we needed austerity, it was a lie. We needed capital renewal.

Was there a channel boat people problem under Labour, no.

Were 1 in 7 people of this country waiting for vital operations, no.

Were there new schools and hospitals, yes.

Government debt: is the first time the ratio of debt to GDP has risen above 100% since March 1961, apart from a brief spike at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic that was later revised down because of stronger GDP figures.

Among the worst examples is the British Army's Ajax programme for new armoured tanks. Originally aiming to procure 589 vehicles for £3.5 billion by 2017, the tanks have been beset by technical problems. Only 26 have been delivered and even they are not considered deployable due to noise and vibration problems.

Inflation is over 7 pc under labour 2 pc.

It's a shambles