Nonce Watch

Started by Redsteel (Moderator), July 25, 2023, 10:47:18 AM

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Redsteel (Moderator)

These two fuckers need putting down. How the fuck does the conversation even start, to establish that you are a fuckin wrong un wanting to shag kids? The fuck is wrong with people!


Mike Peeler

Yes, I've often thought wondered how it all works for a 'double act' or more to get together.

The 'single' nonces can obviously work away at being predators, but like you say god knows how you pal up with another nonce without first knowing they are nonce.

"Alright, mate/love fancy doing a bit of noncing" err No thanks, Okay catch you later. WTF!

Two sick fuckers in that article


Mental health, broken home, no money, drug problems AND 13 years of a Tory Gov(remember the poster from Liebour?).


Just put them down.

It is that simple.

I wont grieve for ANY nonce.


He does look like a poster from OTR.

I wont mention his name because he is a fairly quiet dude but fuck me its a twin!