BBC Footy page spammed with womens WC

Started by Redsteel (Moderator), July 22, 2023, 08:47:01 AM

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Redsteel (Moderator)

Look at this pish below.

Womens shite

The relentless pursuit of trying to make it as big as the mens, at tax payers cost, boils the urine. It's fuckin awful to watch and will never get the support it is after. See how long it lasts when the BBC is finally defunded or ran by sane people.

Mike Peeler

That 'wokey' lot will sell and push the arse off it. It's in their interest to saturate the air waves and the online world with it. The ' ladies game' itself is probably on a four years or so plan of making it a hit or the funding will start to filter off/downwards.

It could be a money spinner for kit makers etc, so they will want it to go big I just don't see joe public giving it the attention they give the bloke's game.

It is like saying support Boro men on Saturday and Boro ladies on a Sunday and in an equal and ideal world to 'them' pay the same costs, and get the same sized type of crowds sorry but it just ain't going to happen IMO.


Quote from: Mike Peeler on July 22, 2023, 09:09:17 AMThat 'wokey' lot will sell and push the arse off it. It's in their interest to saturate the air waves and the online world with it. The ' ladies game' itself is probably on a four years or so plan of making it a hit or the funding will start to filter off/downwards.

It could be a money spinner for kit makers etc, so they will want it to go big I just don't see joe public giving it the attention they give the bloke's game.

It is like saying support Boro men on Saturday and Boro ladies on a Sunday and in an equal and ideal world to 'them' pay the same costs, and get the same sized type of crowds sorry but it just ain't going to happen IMO.



Wonder why women don't establish their own football association to independently fund the women's game?

Wonder why men pay for their own gynocentric indoctrination?


In fact its in the running for post of the week!



Personally reckon  its had its day in the sun . The only thing that will give it a boost is If England goes and wins the bloody thing then we will be swamped with it . Then it will be about the money and how they should get the same as the men , to which the simple answer is play against the men 😂


Quote from: rutters on July 22, 2023, 09:14:25 AMWonder why women don't establish their own football association to independently fund the women's game?

Wonder why men pay for their own gynocentric indoctrination?

Another excellent point. That must be part of the endgame. To gain independence.

Piggy backing on the mens game?.


Quote from: TeessideTopgun on July 22, 2023, 09:15:56 AMPersonally reckon  its had its day in the sun . The only thing that will give it a boost is If England goes and wins the bloody thing then we will be swamped with it . Then it will be about the money and how they should get the same as the men , to which the simple answer is play against the men 😂

Did they not get beat by a young male school team in the U.S.?

Redsteel (Moderator)

Quote from: rutters on July 22, 2023, 09:14:25 AMWonder why women don't establish their own football association to independently fund the women's game?

Wonder why men pay for their own gynocentric indoctrination?

The national team are still taking the knee for a load, tells you all you need to know regarding the FA. Makes us look like right cunts to the rest of the world. Since when has taking the knee in the past symbolized anti-racism?

Redsteel (Moderator)

Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on July 22, 2023, 09:17:41 AM
Quote from: TeessideTopgun on July 22, 2023, 09:15:56 AMPersonally reckon  its had its day in the sun . The only thing that will give it a boost is If England goes and wins the bloody thing then we will be swamped with it . Then it will be about the money and how they should get the same as the men , to which the simple answer is play against the men 😂

Did they not get beat by a young male school team in the U.S.?

The USA team got battered by a bunch of 15yr olds, Dallas I think it was, and recently against a veterans wrexham team 12-0  :alf:


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on July 22, 2023, 09:17:41 AM
Quote from: TeessideTopgun on July 22, 2023, 09:15:56 AMPersonally reckon  its had its day in the sun . The only thing that will give it a boost is If England goes and wins the bloody thing then we will be swamped with it . Then it will be about the money and how they should get the same as the men , to which the simple answer is play against the men 😂

Did they not get beat by a young male school team in the U.S.?

Think they did Ken yep


The goalkeeping always reminds me of the footy scene in Kes 😂

Redsteel (Moderator)


Its crap, & no amount of BS will make it any good , goalkeeping is legendary , tackling non existant ( a game stopped V Ireland Because someone got stuck in), crosses etc all floaters . If its that good they would not have had to BEG tv to take the rights , stand on your own if you want to gain a level of respect , stop leeching the mans game ......then saying "oh its a different game.
  If they like it OTR that says it all , but there again , its like or be banned on there  :ray:


Not for me, no interest in womens football at all, if they get the publicity good on em but no for me


BBC are obsessed you click on a transfer story only to find out its womans football that i have no interest in.


BBC desperation with it is cringeworhty , wonder how many staff they have flown over in this era where their other obsession is climate  change !!

Redsteel (Moderator)

Quote from: borope on July 22, 2023, 10:54:07 AMBBC are obsessed you click on a transfer story only to find out its womans football that i have no interest in.

Sneaky cunts, headlines, like it's the mens game they are covering to get clicks. Then they pass that data off as stats to claim the womans game is very popular. They moved it from the once womens section because no fucker was or has been interested in it. Move it to a popular page, create fake stats, create more money.


Somebody on Headliners last night said you are now automatically a misogynist if you say you dont like womens football.

The same if you refuse to date a Trans male to female you are automatically transphobic.
No. Im just not homosexual thanks!


That word "phobic" pisses me off. Scared of?

Yeah whatever!!.......


Johnny Thunder

I love womens football.

Sat watching it with a tinnie in one hand and erect cock in the other.




Quote from: Johnny Thunder on July 22, 2023, 01:11:20 PMI love womens football.

Sat watching it with a tinnie in one hand and erect cock in the other.



Hope you dont switch hands...........


51% of this country is women, don't they pay their taxes and BBC licence fee? 

Maybe we should ban MOTD, and all male sport, it's only fair.

I agree it's a shit sport, but so is snooker and golf.

The data shows that: according to the 2021 Census, women and girls made up 30.4 million (51.0%) of the population of England and Wales, and men and boys made up 29.2 million (49.0%)


Quote from: Johnny Thunder on July 22, 2023, 01:11:20 PMI love womens football.

Sat watching it with a tinnie in one hand and erect cock in the other.


Watch to the end. :love:  :thrapp:  :buck:  :christian: