Banks To Cancel Farage

Started by Redsteel (Moderator), June 30, 2023, 08:35:57 AM

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Redsteel (Moderator)

Clearly has too much of a voice, winning best TV news presenter on top of Brexit. He has been told his bank accounts are to be closed for no specific reason, that he has held since 1980. Several other banks have told him he isn't welcome there either. He could be forced to move overseas if he can't get it sorted out.

Serious shit, could happen to anyone of us also, if you aren't left leaning in your views and politics. Sunak needs to get this sorted out sharpish, this is the UK not North Korea. I doubt he will though, as he's just as bad as those already involved.

If this doesn't make you want to sell up and fuck off out of here, I don't know what does.

Johnny Thunder

Redsteel (Moderator)

Yup, Farage went into detail about it last night.

Mike Peeler

Tommy Robinson is going through something similar the judges/system are trying to crush him financially, and that's why he is on the run as such out of the country. I'm no fanatic that follows him or believe he is whiter than white in what he gets up to.

It's just chat/pub talk I've heard from others that he will never face a jury trial. Some say he is too well known so it might be dodgy either way guilty or not guilty, others say the 'system' don't ever want the risk of him ever being cleared in a trial. So it's trial by judges only, the flipside to not ever facing a jury is he will never really receive any real huge sentence unless really banged to rights doing any naughty stuff. That's the chat I was told about him. God knows if it's true or not.

As with the likes of Farge, the system are a little concerned about the popularity of some folk out there. Farge and Robinson fit that concern in some quaters.

Redsteel (Moderator)

Farage was a serious politician with Conservative views, and now has a platform with GB News, which goes against the narrative. He's being targeted in a way which in my view is highly illegal.

Robinson and others like him you could say dummy runs as it were. If they do manage to force farage out, you can expect all of us to be targets. This board alone would certainly be of interest and those who post on it.