Started by BoroRedKen, April 03, 2024, 10:02:52 AM

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Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on April 03, 2024, 08:09:46 PM
Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on April 03, 2024, 07:56:33 PM
Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 07:31:45 PMThat's brilliant.

KS Dad owned a toolmaking company is more accurate
Eesssh how very dare you! You know that is wrong. Like some of his "decisions" as a HR lawyer then DPP.

As a sidenote the current DPP earns £245,000 p/a (300k+ after renumerations). I was quite surprised at that wage tbh.
try and find that company. Try and find any evidence he owned a factory.

I will buy the beer for anyone all night if they can bring the evidence to the Pig Iron on Saturday.

Even if he had a business, which he didn't. What's the issue?

I admired and despised Maggie, I thought Major was OK, I even thought Cameron was a decent bloke. 

The idea we belittle a bloke because of his success seems odd to me.


Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 08:13:09 PM
Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on April 03, 2024, 08:09:46 PM
Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on April 03, 2024, 07:56:33 PM
Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 07:31:45 PMThat's brilliant.

KS Dad owned a toolmaking company is more accurate
Eesssh how very dare you! You know that is wrong. Like some of his "decisions" as a HR lawyer then DPP.

As a sidenote the current DPP earns £245,000 p/a (300k+ after renumerations). I was quite surprised at that wage tbh.
try and find that company. Try and find any evidence he owned a factory.

I will buy the beer for anyone all night if they can bring the evidence to the Pig Iron on Saturday.

"Starmer's Dubious Working-Class Narrative: A Flawed Portrait of Authenticity
To court working class voters, Starmer touts his background as the son of a factory floor toolmaker. But peek behind the veil and cracks emerge in this narrative. Turns out his father owned an independent toolmaking firm, devoid of managers lording over factory workers. Already Starmer's tale feels more scripted than authentic.

One might be tempted to let it slide if it weren't for the fact that Starmer leans so heavily on this fabricated image. Moreover, it is rather insulting to suggest that a toolmaker would be looked down upon, which Starmer does...

During his speech at the TUC, Keir Starmer recounted an anecdote about his father, a skilled toolmaker who allegedly felt looked down upon for working on the factory floor.

During a speech at the TUC, Starmer claimed:

"Despite being a skilled toolmaker throughout his working life, my dad thought people looked down on him because he worked on the factory floor. He was right about that."

His vivid anecdote about others scorning his dad for manual labour exposes Starmer's upper middle class disconnect. In all blue collar communities, skilled tradespeople enjoy tremendous respect, their expertise honed over years. Starmer betrays ignorance by implying contempt for the dignity of craft and graft.

It exposes a revealing slip that sheds light on Starmer's true background, contrasting with the official version he peddles.

At that moment, an instinctual feeling arises, suggesting something amiss, a lack of authenticity in Starmer's words.

Starmer's father, in reality, operated the Oxted Tool Co. His own independent toolmaking enterprise until the 1990s. By all accounts, he was a proficient self-employed tradesman, devoid of superiors or overseers, operating from a rented workshop on an industrial estate rather than a conventional factory setting.


Someone else can claim my beer!



Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on April 03, 2024, 07:56:33 PM
Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 07:31:45 PMThat's brilliant.

KS Dad owned a toolmaking company is more accurate
So who was that bloke that built that boat, with all them animals on 2 by 2?

Tell Me that story, did jesus build it?

It must have been a good boat to hold all them animals on.

Let's not forget paper wasn't around then, therefore all their passports must have been carved on a stone tablet.

That's some serious logistics, manpower, skilled workforce.

I hope they had a risk assessment too!

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


No Daily Mail. No Right Wing Weekly. Not even from "Blue is the colour" but a Labour supporting site.......


Quote from: AtomicDog on April 03, 2024, 08:23:04 PM
Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on April 03, 2024, 07:56:33 PM
Quote from: Blott on April 03, 2024, 07:31:45 PMThat's brilliant.

KS Dad owned a toolmaking company is more accurate
So who was that bloke that built that boat, with all them animals on 2 by 2?

Tell Me that story, did jesus build it?

It must have been a good boat to hold all them animals on.

Let's not forget paper wasn't around then, therefore all their passports must have been carved on a stone tablet.

That's some serious logistics, manpower, skilled workforce.

I hope they had a risk assessment too!

That was Steve Irwin i think....


Or are you getting him mixed up with that geezer Evan Almighty Dog?.....


Never erd of the c**t

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Try again

Rodney, who worked as a toolmaker in Ashford, Kent, and his bride took the advice seriously. In June 1961, Josephine gave birth to their eldest child, Anna. On September 2, 1962, Keir was born.

That is from Lord Ashcroft who tried his best to find shot on him.


And i think that just proves how entrenched you are in your beliefs Blotty.

You asked for some "proof". I supplied stuff from LabourHeartland not a "Tory" news site etc and still everyone is telling lies.

I refuse to believe that most politicans lately are not in it for themselves.

The "story" of Starmers dad is 1 i would expect Starmer to cover up.


Come on Ken, entrenched that's as my mam used to say the Pot calling the Kettle grimey arse.

I think Starmer has been and is successful without being given millions of cash by mummy and daddy. If is his dad opened a business, good luck to him, I hope it was successful, but I still don't think he did.

You have not said you think Houchens behaviour and the giving out £200,000,000 to his mates is wrong. I don't think that's anything to do with politics I just think it's very very wrong.

Where I do think things are wrong politically is clearing the debts of water companies, selling the shares to foreign buyers, allowing them to take £ billions in dividends, increase prices double or treble the rate of inflation. Then having the gall to poison me you my kids  with sewerage, even the boys and girls in the Boat race were ill after rowing in it.

Then guess what they want me you my kids to take the companies back, with debts of over £100 billion.

All I get on here is that it will be worse under Labour, how?

The hardest thing is to get a grip of the national debt, something the Tory's have never cared about.


How can i be entrenched? I am no longer (nor have been for a while) a member of The Conservative Party. I cancelled my membership because its not currently the party i supported.

As for SKS EVERY STORY (negative) is automatically "brushed off" as "RW" or "wrong".

And yes EVERYTHING. From the Saville stuff to defending the leader of a terrorist organisation as a lawyer, to his dad and the tool company, to "Durhamgate" etc etc etc.

It Rees Mogg said hid dad only worked there the LP and left would howl with derision.


Ben Houchen is available to put his side forward. But Private Eye and your mob at The Good Law Party But We Never Win But Still Take Money In Every Month (The stats dont lie Blotts!) are hell bent on something.

When Labour do win all this goes away overnight eh?

Just like foodbanks did as soon as a Labour mayor was elected in Boro (check the foodbanks posts on Fmttm during Prestons run as mayor to the "demand" now).

And for a bonus point...

Name the mayor of Boro........


I know who the mayor of trumpton is . . .

And the mayor of Brigadoon
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on April 04, 2024, 01:15:58 PMHow can i be entrenched? I am no longer (nor have been for a while) a member of The Conservative Party. I cancelled my membership because its not currently the party i supported.

As for SKS EVERY STORY (negative) is automatically "brushed off" as "RW" or "wrong".

And yes EVERYTHING. From the Saville stuff to defending the leader of a terrorist organisation as a lawyer, to his dad and the tool company, to "Durhamgate" etc etc etc.

It Rees Mogg said hid dad only worked there the LP and left would howl with derision.


Ben Houchen is available to put his side forward. But Private Eye and your mob at The Good Law Party But We Never Win But Still Take Money In Every Month (The stats dont lie Blotts!) are hell bent on something.

When Labour do win all this goes away overnight eh?

Just like foodbanks did as soon as a Labour mayor was elected in Boro (check the foodbanks posts on Fmttm during Prestons run as mayor to the "demand" now).

And for a bonus point...

Name the mayor of Boro........

I have not been in the Labour party since before Blair, that by your theory clears me of entrachment.

I keep telling you I have never thought everything the Torys did was wrong, they have been successfully in full employment and keeping inflation under control, you can't give them grief over COVID, something that was so out of the ordinary no country coped.

But they have different aims to me. When you or I cannot go and see a doctor, dentist, wait 12 months for appointments, privatise Utilities , sell council housing and not rebuild them, lose control on immigration, build warships that are useless, make their mates millionaires from public money, I despair.


Quote from: teamboro on April 03, 2024, 07:20:46 PMStarmer despite his background came through the WEF young Leaders programme Same as Sunak and many others including Putin all controlled by Schwab

And KimJungun


Quote from: Westlane_rightwinger on April 04, 2024, 01:45:41 PM
Quote from: teamboro on April 03, 2024, 07:20:46 PMStarmer despite his background came through the WEF young Leaders programme Same as Sunak and many others including Putin all controlled by Schwab

And KimJungun
can you find the evidence that Starmer was in WEF. I can't I am not arguing because it would make sense but I can't find it.

What is Schwab?

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: Blott on April 04, 2024, 01:59:32 PM
Quote from: Westlane_rightwinger on April 04, 2024, 01:45:41 PM
Quote from: teamboro on April 03, 2024, 07:20:46 PMStarmer despite his background came through the WEF young Leaders programme Same as Sunak and many others including Putin all controlled by Schwab

And KimJungun
can you find the evidence that Starmer was in WEF. I can't I am not arguing because it would make sense but I can't find it.

What is Schwab?

It's worse than being a member!

This cunt again......


The right and their conspiracy theories. Because he spoke about Davos he is now Blair. That's pretty desperate even for the even handed Daily Express.

As at happens I think Blair is the most successful PM in my lifetime. He sorted out the financial disaster that the Tories left, renewed schools, hospitals, employed more police, nurses, and understood the US. As did Maggie.

He was wrong about Iraq, very wrong, but his decision was made after 5000 Kurds had been gassed. If you look at the reaction of the Iraqi population after the war was won they were in raptures.

But this is desperation.

Johnny Thunder

I voted for Blair. He was brilliant in opposition and battered the Tories.
He was an excellent leader but should have been fuckin jailed over Iraq.

Evil cunt.


Quote from: Johnny Thunder on April 04, 2024, 02:27:13 PMI voted for Blair. He was brilliant in opposition and battered the Tories.
He was an excellent leader but should have been fuckin jailed over Iraq.

Evil cunt.
you are probably right. He lied through his teeth on Iraq, moved information.

A lad called Lefty in OTR, put me on the right path about it.