How can you really have confidence moving forward?

Started by Nosmo-King, February 25, 2024, 12:42:32 AM

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To me this is the key point. We have a manger/coach who - at best- is treading water. At worst? Going backwards. From poor team selection, playing players out of position, poor tactical employment, Carrick is culpable in the visible demise we're witnessing.

Gibson - and his cack handed approach to increasing season ticket prices on the back of some pretty abysmal results at home - and presumably thinking he is home and dry after conducting a meeting.

With everything happening, where is the hope for the immediate future? I can not see where grounds for optimism can be gleaned.It is looking like a major result this season will be avoiding a relegation scrap - disgraceful.

Yes we've had one or two good - and freak results this season but you can't help feel this is again a season of missed opportunities.

I find the scenario somewhat depressing, and the club have only themselves to blame for swimming in a sea of abject mediocrity when they should still have had enough about them to mount a play-off challenge.


I would have listened if this had been written after the Leicester game.


I doubt anyone gives a monkeys if you listen or not. Top 6 still on in your world?


Nah, those dreams have gone, there is always next season.

I never get wound up over the Boro, those days have gone.

I took my lad to Ostrava, Rome, Lisbon, Stuttgart, Eindhoven, and Cardiff.  I never thought it would happen. Lifes far too good to be down in the dumps over football.

You enjoy your misery I am sure it makes you feel good.  Both my lads are Boro daft although they live away, it's in the knackers.

This season I watched us beat Chelsea after a run of away draws. It's why I love watching the Boro.

My old fella always said I would never see the Boro in the 1st Division, old money. He was wrong.

Francks left peg

He's not been backed!
Clearly an agreement in place of save money this year, big push next year.


Quote from: Francks left peg on February 25, 2024, 08:42:56 PMHe's not been backed!
Clearly an agreement in place of save money this year, big push next year.

Fingers crossed Franks

Francks left peg

Quote from: erimus74 on February 25, 2024, 09:13:26 PM
Quote from: Francks left peg on February 25, 2024, 08:42:56 PMHe's not been backed!
Clearly an agreement in place of save money this year, big push next year.

Fingers crossed Franks

Has to be, Erimus. Surely.. if not, Carrick would have gone I'm assuming



Sir Alex Ferguson arrived at Manchester United's training ground yesterday morning to find five season-ticket holders waiting for him, holding a banner that read: "Fergie Out". The club called the police after the small but vociferous group chanted for him to resign or be sacked.

The supporters stayed for two hours and their message was loud and clear. Ferguson might be recognised as the most successful manager in the business and his team top of the Premiership after winning their first three games but his popularity has eroded significantly over the last few seasons.

There were signs all over Old Trafford for him to go.


We the same Noz Lad . . .!

Getting right on top now mooching, scrounging, tapping in the town.

No-one's got f**k all.

We might have to get Jobs soon!

It's the Tories, Brexit, MSF and that tosspot Caesar Milan we blame.

Good job Yvonne still lets us in the Ra ra gate.

We don't give a f**k!

We Boro, we barmy, we always off our Ed's.

Get us a sausage roll each Lad, you got a spare ciggy or a bottle of double diamond?

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈