Ow crockmeister

Started by RiversideRifle, February 16, 2024, 11:30:02 AM

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That doesn't suprise me, no news is good news to you.

Yours Alexey Navalny or yesterday's news

In With the Lurpak

she's a slapper Blot


And the dead guy was another Nazi .. good riddance  :cheers:


No suprise there then Lord Haw Haw it wasn't in the Russian press.

Yours Maksim Kuzminov, Alexey Navalny, Marina Yankina, and on and on.

How many Rubles are you getting paid for this treachery?

In With the Lurpak

Speaking of treachery Blot - I am also ashamed if it wasn't for the Biden's Newlands, Johnsons etc none of it would have happened and he wouldn't be stood in the snow crying like a bitch

You won't see this on Bore Me  :diego:



Quote from: In With the Lurpak on February 22, 2024, 06:25:34 AMSpeaking of treachery Blot - I am also ashamed if it wasn't for the Biden's Newlands, Johnsons etc none of it would have happened and he wouldn't be stood in the snow crying like a bitch

You won't see this on Bore Me  :diego:


"So, which part of Birmingham are you from?"

"I'm not from Birmingham, Alan".


Quote from: In With the Lurpak on February 22, 2024, 06:25:34 AMSpeaking of treachery Blot - I am also ashamed if it wasn't for the Biden's Newlands, Johnsons etc none of it would have happened and he wouldn't be stood in the snow crying like a bitch

You won't see this on Bore Me  :diego:


I can't believe you quoted that Lord Haw Haw. It's written by a Russian blog, or in today's terms bot.

But your master pays and you do as they say.

In With the Lurpak


You wanna leave the computer alone for a month or so you're fucking deranged fella  :sid:  :sid:


Where are you getting beer in Ruples Lord Haw Haw.

Ural Quntz (Moderator)


Quote from: Johnny Thunder on February 21, 2024, 02:11:31 PM
Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on February 20, 2024, 04:23:25 PMMost of that is not true

The 'money' the US are 'ploughing' in is from written off largely old gen equipment so the value is merely a book transfer and does not involve cash. The transfers of the actual equipment have been independently audited and found to be accurate on reaching the front.

Russian sales of oil and gas (i.e. the source of all Russian export sales) is barely holding due to China and India taking it from them - the catch is that they are not paying in dollars, in fact its not clear if they are paying at all.

The middle east may be making money by paying peanuts (not literally but who knows) for Russian Oil for domestic consumption and saving their own to be sold at a premium - so yes the fucking rag heads may be making a handy wedge

Russia is finding it increasingly difficult to balance the books and is having to make drastic cuts or impose charges on its long suffering populace in order to continue pouring 7.5% of its GDP into defence

This is a copy/paste from a Telegraph article that sums up what most are saying )cos I cant be arsed typing it

Russia's GDP figures are a red herring. A labour shortage and capacity constraints have fueled overheating, pushing interest rates to 16pc, while what remains of the consumption economy atrophies. The liquid assets of the National Wealth Fund have fallen from 6.6pc to 2.7pc of GDP since the war began.

IMF chief Kristalina Georgieva, who grew up under Communism in Bulgaria, said the deformed economy is looking ever more like the Soviet system, dysfunctional and brittle behind the façade. "I actually think that the Russian economy is in for very tough times," she said.

Three of five of the most-read stories in the Russian version of the Moscow Times last Friday were about shortages. One quoted Mobius Technologies and others flagging an acute lack of spare parts for hard drives, controllers, motherboards, and data storage.

The reserve of spares built up at the beginning of the war is exhausted. Components are trading at prohibitive prices.

A second story was about the lack of engines for shipbuilding. A third was about "empty shelves" in supermarkets, partly because Turkish and Chinese banks have been blocking payments from Russia.

A Vedomosti article quoted Russian businessmen lamenting that they can no longer clear transactions in yuan through Chinese banks – including the Big Four state banks – due to stringent audits to comply with tighter US sanctions.

Payments were stopped regardless of whether or not they were in dollars, and even when using the Russian SPFS and Chinese CIPS systems, intended to circumvent Western control of the SWIFT nexus. The Sino-Russian treaty of "friendship without limits" does in fact have limits.

Banks in Dubai are closing the accounts of Russians with "opaque" sources of funding, fearing the long arm of the US Treasury.

The EU is drawing up plans to sanction companies in China, India, Turkey, Sri Linka, Serbia, Thailand, and Kazakhstan for helping the Kremlin to circumvent curbs on dual use technology.

Russia will find ways to evade the latest curbs. But it cannot switch easily to semiconductors from China because its systems are configured for US chips, which must be bought at a stiff premium on the black market.

Oil, gas, and coal revenues are still flowing but the sums are modest. They have dropped from $40bn (£32bn) a month in early 2022 to $23bn this January. That is not enough to cover a 65pc rise in the budget over the last year.

The Kremlin is casting around for funds, imposing a war surcharge on the coal industry, and drawing up a list of 30 state companies for privatisation.

India and China have been buying Russian oil, but not at the world market price. The International Energy Agency says Urals crude is selling at $66 a barrel, above the G7 cap of $60, but at a 20pc discount to Brent.

The noose is tightening on Putin's shadow fleet. The US Treasury has targeted 50 tankers for violating the cap. Bloomberg reports that half have not yet dared to leave port, and 14 tankers carrying crude to India have been stranded at anchor.

An oil price spike may yet rescue the Kremlin but the IEA has just lowered its forecast for global oil demand for the third month in a row. Surging supply from US shale keeps overwhelming OPEC cuts.

Fuckin copy and paste cunt.


Stop de-railing my thread yer dafcun  :rudi:

Johnny Thunder