Sunak was against Rwanda

Started by Blott, January 06, 2024, 10:24:43 PM

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You couldn't make it up.

Labour will be worse,



I noticed that in prisoner last night too

she's a rubbish actress  not even a real Abo?

And Chrissie Latham, where's that strumpet gone, Barnhurst?

I hope not cos when Bea got sent there she got 'spiked' with magic mushrooms, might have been fly agaric?

She had a terrible time it was so sad to see, She was tripping off her tits.

I think the evil governor was behind it, not Ted Douglas, he's head of the prison service, the other mush, Him that played Alf in home and away, evil bastard.

And Anne Reynolds is not a patch on Davo.

Don't any of you on here ever watch real TV?

I bet Doreen reads Rascist Raw . . . She's as thick as fuck too.

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈