The Crisis charity tv ad.

Started by BoroRedKen, December 19, 2023, 11:33:35 AM

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How hard hitting is that appeal when you see the homeless persons reflection in the shop door?

Not some young baghead or criminal.

But a lady of older age.

I know that is the point of these appeals but its so easy to forget that something like becoming homeless (and i mean real homeless not sofa surfing homeless) Could happen to any 1 of us if something went wrong in our lives.



I was lucky a couple decided to take a chance on me and offer me a home and a job. There are pure heartbreaking sad stories out there in homeless "land".

Thank the lord for them 2 Christians who helped me.

Wonderful amazing couple.


The thing with these kind of adverts they ask for a certain amount the exact amount you have to give what happened to giving what you can afford
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist


30 quid to feed someone this Christmas.

30 quid? My shopping money per week ffs!.......