My young uns playing in Nijmagen

Started by erimus74, November 18, 2023, 05:42:55 PM

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Tonight, in front of a sell out 300 crowd, flying for the flag for Teesside & the UK.

Really chuffed for him, he's done so well


Quote from: erimus74 on November 18, 2023, 05:42:55 PMTonight, in front of a sell out 300 crowd, flying for the flag for Teesside & the UK.

Really chuffed for him, he's done so well

Recall a poster OTR once saying he was sick of reading my posts about my youngun, mind, another poster who lives in Spain, never goes the Boro games, once posted he was sick of my Boro related "this day in time" posts & my old mans music, make of that what you want, says a lot hey


Nice one Erimus, glad for you 🐾

F**k them OTR

Oh and Blonde on BBC 2 most of tonight.
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Erimus keep posting what you post I enjoy reading your posts as the dog has said fuck them over the road
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist


We all love to talk about our young uns they are our legacy after all . I for 1 love to hear about their success whoever is posting , nothing makes you  happier than them getting on 👍

We have just had the best Saturday night for a long time , my 11month old grandson stopped overnight for the first time , Life doesn't get any better than that 😍

So Erimus you keep us upto date by all means , after all WE ARE FAMILY


Is there any performance videos out there E-Man?

Listen to me Erimus. This is the only time i will ever pull rank on here.

As long as my name is above the door you post away about your young un. You post as many Boro related stuff on here as you can manage.

I appreciate and thank you for the time and effort you put into RR.

I have 3 adult sons and numerous grandchildren that i have no contact with. I live my father and grandfather "role" vicariously through the stories etc posted on here about any success or positive news about our families.
My daughter says the boys must be talking about a different human about me.

But you crack on E-Man. You are a valued member of RR. And unlike OTR and its "leaders" you are well thought of on here. I know you dont like swearing mate but i cannot think of any other words than "fuck them OTR Erimus, they are showing their true colours lately".



Thanks all, appreciate the nice words. Topgun, yes its great isnt it. Ken, sorry to hear about your troubles, life certainly isnt fair


It is what it is mate.

We are all interested and no doubt keen to see young Erimus succeed. Good for us, great for you and mega for Middlesbrough/Teesside if he keeps getting the accolades.

Crack on young E-Man.



And Erimus feel free to plug any gigs, recordings, videos and appearances anything.

We are getting some good viewing numbers mate. Please use that fact to promote anything from him.



Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on November 19, 2023, 11:37:35 AMAnd Erimus feel free to plug any gigs, recordings, videos and appearances anything.

We are getting some good viewing numbers mate. Please use that fact to promote anything from him.


Cheers Ken