All that asbestos

Started by In With the Lurpak, November 17, 2023, 04:04:09 AM

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In With the Lurpak

I Read the comments on this one no one disputes any of it.

One comment say's " The past is being dug up and they don't like it"

Also this bit ?


They were brought down by the CIA/FBI and it's been proven the the planes would not have brought them down not many people remember a third tower brought down and caught on camera was brought down with no plane that hit it but people believe the bullshit there government tells them
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist

New Division

It was Lord Lucan behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll

In With the Lurpak

Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on November 17, 2023, 07:11:53 PM

Really John  :diego:

Your first post back since your flounce !!

Is to try and catch me out using a lefty Doyles fake  fact check site called snopes  :rav:  :rav:

I must have wheely hurt wurty your wickle feelings john  :sid:

You said Ramzan Kadyrov was brown bread ( filmed yesterday with his kid  :diego:)  ( Vlad was in the fridge with the lurpak ~~~ filmed every week since   :sid: )  ( Ukraine this that the other ~~~ it's over the Russian won  :rudi: ) Timen time again you got humiliated until you fled a few weeks ago spitting dummy out and you return with a piss poor snopes link  :unbelievable:

Come back Mr Steel please  :klippety:

It's time John Kuntz shipped out  :taxi: