Started by BoroRedKen, September 26, 2023, 01:35:55 PM

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So now Braverman is "vile" for putting a stop to people in small boats (if only there was 1 word to describe a "small boat". Oh there is 1? Is it "Din......"? Fuck that fool me once and all that!") using anti discrimination gay as an "excuse" for crossing.

But hang on. How many times have Sherlock and his band of Muppets told us "they find a safe country, settle in and then bring their wives and kids over".?

If you cannot see that, for example, take shoplifters. Whose idea was it to "reveal" that cops wont come out for less than a 200 quid shoplift.? That "enabled" shoplifters carte blanche up to 200 notes to commit a crime.

So the same logic must apply to "unscrupulous" channel crossers to say "im persecuted 'cos im gay".

So that makes about 120k gays from other countries arriving.

Maybe its not our wives and daughters and granddaughters we need to worry about at all!


A few are seeing through his shyte over there. Will crawl back under a stone soon I reckon!


Somebody just played their ace up the sleeve. Set him off by implying being disabled and moaning over a SC coloured black is only a 1st world problem.

This could get interesting.....


Another disgusting post by Sherlock yesterday -

'The more I think about this the angrier I get. If his name gets out, I wouldn't lose a seconds sleep if someone gave him life changing injuries'

On the Sycamore Gap thread, I think his employers need to see this one. :unbelievable:



They reported me for "inciting hatred".

How is calling someone Sideshow God and a cosplayer in his faith (An actual ordained Deacon) any less offensive than anything i have ever written?

What would the reaction be from them if i accused Sadiq Khan of being a fake muzzie? (Using muzzie instead of Muslim must be the same as taking the piss out of a mans faith like Sherlock and co are doing).

Is Catholicism not a protected faith?

Nichols these mugs are a strange hill to die on.