Started by LIDDLE_TOWERS999, August 31, 2023, 07:28:20 PM

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And as long as he is prepared to be contractually bound via SLA to his boast I'm sure they'll take him on.

But hang on, he'll need that final salary pension scheme, sick pay, holidays and an unlimited training budget so it may be that he only gets half that ? Civil servants don't charge by the hour but he may get in as a contractor as public servants don't like to "do" and that is left lowly outsiders.


Quote from: Westlane_rightwinger on September 01, 2023, 12:32:16 PMAnd as long as he is prepared to be contractually bound via SLA to his boast I'm sure they'll take him on.

But hang on, he'll need that final salary pension scheme, sick pay, holidays and an unlimited training budget so it may be that he only gets half that ? Civil servants don't charge by the hour but he may get in as a contractor as public servants don't like to "do" and that is left lowly outsiders.

he would do it contractually, but I am pretty sure you have to be a civil servant.

That's semantics, get 500 tax inspectors in, at say £75k incl pension rights and the level of fraud would drop like a stone.

The savings on getting rid of Surveyors worked out well.

Every time you cut a job there is an effect.


Ken ,I try very hard not to get involved in discussions about the Tories but Thatcher Govt knew about the faults with RAAC back in 1982 when its production was banned in this country.Also in reply to your post no5 look up what Gove did in 2010 with cutting the budget to the BSF programme started by Brown.Gove then went on to say many years later that in hindsight cancelling the BSF was his biggest mistake while in office.This is factual and checkable so tell me now that the Tories didnt realise the state of some the schools.


Quote from: Smoggers51 on September 02, 2023, 11:28:16 AMKen ,I try very hard not to get involved in discussions about the Tories but Thatcher Govt knew about the faults with RAAC back in 1982 when its production was banned in this country.Also in reply to your post no5 look up what Gove did in 2010 with cutting the budget to the BSF programme started by Brown.Gove then went on to say many years later that in hindsight cancelling the BSF was his biggest mistake while in office.This is factual and checkable so tell me now that the Tories didnt realise the state of some the schools.

All valid points.

What about the schools that may have been built in the 50's and 60's? That would have put the same knowledge in say Blairs Gov with the 30 year "lifespan" of the stuff.

My gripe is not about the concrete. My point was simply that at some point other Govs must have had the same knowledge.
Why was it not an issue then?


And i also braved it and read the Guardian and even they remark its "remedial" work.

Most builders i have heard/seen say its a 2/3 week job.

The "righty" in me has to mention the ridiculous tweet i read from a major "leftie".

It said "I bet Eton is safe though".

The reply tickled me.

"Yeah because they used RAAC in 1432"



And you have every right to voice an opposing opinion on RR, Brother or not, if you dont agree with something and have an opinion then voice it kidda.

The only "rule" is you debate, argue, fight whatever, but at the end of the convo there are no hard feelings and we all move on to the next topic/day.



That argument Ken doesn't hold much water if you are saying the lifespan of 30 years is the point.We had a Tory Govt from 1979 until 1997 so even schools built in the 60s and 70s where coming to the end of their natural useable span.Like I said earlier Labour tried to address this by the BSF plan that the Tories scrapped as soon as they took office.



But there was also 13 years of a Labour Gov 1997-2010.

Thats my point. I dont know anything about BSF, but i shall have a read up on it, but some of the "issues" must of been aware in that 13 year Gov.


The 13 years is a bit of a coincidence is it not?

Maybe a sign that maybe 2 terms is enough.



Just for once Ken we agree ,It will never happen in my lifetime but I can dream that maybe there might come a time when the brightest minds get together and run the country for the peoples benefit and not follow party dogma .It will never happen but we can dream.Stay safe Ken.


Research published by the House of Commons library found that between 2009-10 and 2021-22, the DfE's capital spending budget fell by about 50% in real terms.

I think that's the problem.