Started by BoroRedKen, April 28, 2024, 07:14:56 PM

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Taking on The Guardian.

They published an article saying U.S. users were deserting X following Musk's takeover.

Musk retorted with figures to prove the claim wrong and "gently" reminded The Guardian that their readership has dropped 2/3rds since 2020......

 :alf:  :alf:

In With the Lurpak

Turned out to be a stooge after all. He hired her below to take over the reigns . World Economic Forum hag one of Klaus Schwab's you will eat insects be poor and happy mob.

Johnny Thunder

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Some interesting background from Wiki

Fortune and The New Republic described Yaccarino as a former Trump appointee who follows a number of conspiracy theorist and far-right accounts on Twitter.[15][16] Upon her appointment, the Financial Times noted that Yaccarino's previous work with the World Economic Forum had earned backlash from some "more conspiracy-minded Musk fans" who distrusted international political organizations. Musk, a harsh critic of the WEF, stated that Yaccarino's links to the organization would not harm his self-proclaimed commitment to free speech on Twitter.[

Under Musk's and Yaccarino's leadership, hate speech has increased on the platform,[19][20] which has caused companies to suspend advertising.[21][22] In November 2023, after Musk made comments in support of an antisemitic conspiracy theory, a number of companies, including Yaccarino's former employer, Comcast, paused their advertising with X.[23] Yaccarino attributed the pause in advertising to a Media Matters for America report that claimed ads on X from major corporations had appeared next to white nationalist and Nazi content, rather than to Musk's comments; in a company-wide email, Yaccarino said the article was "misleading and manipulated."[24][25] Amid the controversy, Yaccarino was privately urged to resign by a number of advertising executives, including friends.[26]

Fortune listed Yaccarino as one of the CEOs who struggled the most in 2023, writing that she "seems either unable or unwilling to restrain her boss from his worst impulses while failing to reassure advertisers that all is under control."[2

Won the Worlds Best Blow Job title in 2023 sponsored by Elon Musk

She's 60.

That bit about best blow Job is made up BTW


Is Wiki that reliable?

X does seem "busy". The left are taking a little bit of a shoeing from the right lately.

The Dr Cass set the ball rolling and now "TERFS" are speaking out and back at the Trans mobs so maybe a shift is in the wind?.

Redsteel (Moderator)

Soro's company Media Matters tried to stitch Musk up, and is suing them accordingly. This is around the same time he told Bob Igor and his pals at Disney to go fuck themselves over advertising. They basically told Musk to delete right wing accounts, going back to how it were prior to his purchase of twitter. What they class as hate speech and far right, is an opinion that differs from their own, always remember that.

Musk sue's Soros