Started by BoroRedKen, April 27, 2024, 11:55:56 AM

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Would you like to explain to EVERYBODY what "incitement to commit" means?

Or shall i?

Rallying people to commit criminal acts, like distracting motorists on a A-road?

Come on "big boy" you want to play.

Lets play........



I will call him out.

I find it amazing that less than 2 weeks before an election Denzel B decides to become all political.

Where was his bravado and bollocks 6 weeks ago? 3 months ago? Last year?

Its like trying to back a certainty in the Grand National. There is always a chance it will fall.

Remember this prediction.

If BH loses Denzel will claim "a hand in his downfall".

This is Denzels "moment to shine".....


He's a Palestine flag shagger.


Quote from: Kelloe on April 27, 2024, 11:34:22 PMHe's a Palestine flag shagger.

& thats the thing i don;t get ....if you are patriotic etc to Britain you are described by the "left" as the above flag shagger /gammon/cap doffer

Yet wave yer EU /Palestine flag etc  you are all moralistic  etc ..........We see you for what you are hypocrites, waiting for the next virtue bus to come along !


It really makes me laugh.

Nobody had heard of the TR 2 weeks ago!

Its like getting a tip for a 1/7 shot!

How long has BH been mayor? How long has the Teessworks and TIA bollocks gone on for?

Yet 3 weeks before the election these bunch of "rebels" jump on the bus.

Are they that deluded that we dont see straight through the "glory hounds".?

At least some of the wally's on Fmttm have put the hours in having pops at BH. They must be pissed off that these bunch of cowboys come along with 3 weeks to go and steal their thunder!



If you read OTR then i think the reality may be dawning on them re the mayoral election.

Idiots like Smalltown have done no favours for the opposition by using terms like "cognitive issues for BH supporters.  Things like "37 stone" from a local Labour Councillor. Then we come to the johnny cum laters the TR.

Who ever thinks/thought that personal attacks, constant claims of criminality despite no police involvement or even an arrest based on any dodgy dealings etc etc was the "way to go" needs their bumps read!

The worst attack i heard regarding Chris McEwan, and to be fair it was a horrific thing to say to any human being, is that he could be Rob Nichols twin!.....


And i will say it again!

Idiots like Smalltown, 1 of the TR "bigwigs", 1Fanny etc etc etc CANNOT even vote in the election because they dont even live in Teesside let alone the TVCA!!

So who is even going to listen to let alone be influenced by people who hightailed it out of Teesside at the 1st opportunity?

And this "still have relatives in the area" bollocks dont wash with me either.

Call me pedantic but they even stooped so low as to break the law by hanging that banner over the bridge.

The real people of Teesside dont like this "name calling" bollocks by anonymous gobshites.
Surely you garner more support by being open and transparent?

Is hiding behind anonymity and scarves and masks really going to make people listen? Really?



But i shall leave the last word to our lil friend Smalltown.

And this maybe the funniest thing you will read this year!

"Let's just hope the comrades os Teesside Resistance have gained some traction and helped cut through all the lies"

Dont you just wanna cuddle the sabretoothed little ratbag eh??..







I am quite shocked by the amount of press and news coverage this mayoral election is getting.

I like to think of it as a positive sign.

For too long our area has been forgotten about by mainstream politics.

As much as it pains me to say it we have geezers like Ian Blades who are prepared to stick their head above the parapet and try to, whether you agree with him or not, do what he thinks is right for his ward.
But for too long our local politics has always felt like that.
Local. I do genuinely believe that both sides of the political divide within Teesside have never been given the support they should have by their respective parties.

So maybe in a twisted way the spotlight on our mayoral election may give the respective parties the boot up the arse they need to back their local reps regardless of which side of the fence they belong.

Teesside deserves a bigger stage!


Houchen thought this would be a walk in the park, but thanks to Private Eye, The Yorkshire Post, Steve Gibson, Teesside Resistance and now Carol Vorderman (yes he actually blocked her, causing her to post about him with the #BinBen tag!) he now knows it's not going to be

Hahahaha!!! Oh yeah I'm sure he's really rattled by half a dozen kids with a banner  :ray:


Quote from: Geoff_B on April 28, 2024, 12:38:30 PMHouchen thought this would be a walk in the park, but thanks to Private Eye, The Yorkshire Post, Steve Gibson, Teesside Resistance and now Carol Vorderman (yes he actually blocked her, causing her to post about him with the #BinBen tag!) he now knows it's not going to be

Hahahaha!!! Oh yeah I'm sure he's really rattled by half a dozen kids with a banner  :ray:



"Rishi Sunak is proposing changes to PIP today, including the possibility of replacing weekly payments to vouchers."

From Denzel DeRebel.

Thick cunt just proved he only reads the headline!.

PIP is paid monthly you div.



Lives in Redcar. Possibly works nights.

Sound familiar lads?.......

Think news stories and COB towards the end........


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on April 29, 2024, 07:57:07 AMLives in Redcar. Possibly works nights.

Sound familiar lads?.......

Think news stories and COB towards the end........