Reading an interesting thread

Started by BoroRedKen, April 27, 2024, 05:38:48 AM

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On 1Boro.

Interesting to me re forums.

Not long ago i got a notice from some bods with fuck all else too do but complain and try to bully "little places" over "infringement" stuff.

Unusually, for me i know!, i actually dont mind 1Boro. Yes its a bit vanilla but the lads that run it are decent honest lads just trying to get a place that they want. And they played a straight bat with me so respect to them.

So imagine how surprised i was to read, i suppose i am only assuming this here, that something may have been said to them about certain copyright infringements.

I was given a certain amount of time to remove certain images or face fines that would run into thousands of pounds!

Now im a bit like an elephant. I NEVER forget anything.

I remember a few years ago a certain forum owner had a right moan about this etc etc.

Is somebodies earnings from instructive and frankly ridiculous adverts that important to him that he would "complain" about others?

I mean its not as if they have no form for grassing aint it?......