55 year old dress

Started by In With the Lurpak, April 22, 2024, 10:31:16 AM

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In With the Lurpak

This popped up on X. Makes you think why she would pick the exact same dress from a film made 55 years ago

about some bird who gets pupped by the Devil/cult leader bloke.

Tin foil or not at the very least the odds of her picking & wearing the same dress ? 10,000/1 maybe



Richard Ramirez wore Nike trainers.

The Manchester bomber wore a NF jacket.

OJ did not wear black gloves.

Hitler wore leather shoes.

Fucking barmy these "satanic cultists".

In With the Lurpak

One reason I posted this apart from Westy OTR  :westy: Who else goes with a fashion look from 1968

The demonic cult leader thing is another story .


Im the 1st person to admit i know zero about fashion!

I got a pair of Samba and the next week Sunak is wearing a pair!

Being the youngest of 4 lads (by quite a few years) i can remember my bros in their flares and platforms or boots and biker jacket.

Everbody had a Teesside Fur coat. The Donkey Jacket.

Music and the smell of Swarfega. That was "fashion" to me!


Westy has cornered the market in Skipware. Dressing up gives him a sense of purpose and those close to him a breather.