10 TO 12 WEEKS

Started by BoroRedKen, April 22, 2024, 10:53:35 AM

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Before the 1st flights to Rwanda begin according to Sunak.

Tin hats out boys!!

In With the Lurpak

I read it's going to cost something like £2 Million to send just one person to Rwanda probably to cover the back handers needed for such a scheme and the upkeep of who ever they send . ill go myself if they going to use £2 Million to make sure I live a comfy life ..


On my flight home at the beginning of the month got talking to the guy sat next  to me (ex forces), said he was just waiting for a start date for his new gig ...... escorting failed asylum seekers on flight out of the country

In With the Lurpak

Sick of hearing the old were going to stop the boats from all sides  :winston:

This below from Orban is real . He is not talking tripe . I Have said many times all this is well planned . No one is stopping no boats the flights to Rwanda is a Gimmick to appease voters nothing else.


Redsteel (Moderator)

The first thing Starmer will do is scrap the flights, even IF its working as a deterrent. Soros has his hand well and truly in both the Tory and Labour party, no doubt in my mind. You can tell who hasn't been bought by that old fuck, coz they speak out and want to leave ECHR. Oban is correct when he says they want rid of all conservatives and christians throughout the world. It is like we are in a movie good vs evil at present.


There is an element of Custers last stand in Sunaks speech.

He stopped just short of leaving the ECHR i reckon.

The good guy in me says are we now putting a price on human life. The immigrants would cost 2mill to fly out. Ah well fuck 'em let 'em drown. Nobody surely wants that.

The realist in me says it will get "worse". We are approaching a GE. And yet the main opposition are still very vague about their policies. They are going to pay everything with the money from non-dom and VAT on private education!

SKS still will not commit to what a woman is.
Yet he stated in PMQ's that the Raynor stuff was an attack "on a working class WOMAN"!


Redsteel (Moderator)

Majority of them are rotten to the core, and Labour having no clear policies on many matters, tells me all I need to know what their intentions are. The first thing they will do when they get in, is drop to their knee's and take a massive load from the EU's ball sack. After being told by the EU how it is, the flood gates will open for illegals, and all the cities/towns which are conservative strongholds, will be flooded with them. That'll be 5yrs, non-stop of migrants coming to our shores, and there is fuck all we can do about it. The only hope we have right now is that the tories get wiped in the next GE and from it rises either a Reform Party with serious politicians joining them, or a Conservative party that is led by Farrage. If that doesn't happen, then look forward to a Venezualen type standard of living, where everyone has fuck all and the state rules your life with an iron fist. One thing is for sure, I will be doing my best to get the fuck out of here before it goes belly up.


Certain people are already bringing up TIA and Houchen.



The political system is fucked they are not bothered about the people only what they can do for their masters and spending tax payers money on anything but what it's supposed to be for the expect us to pay more
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist


Just the Tories being clueless and spineless again.

If they wanted it to be a deterrent why not announce that the next 200 arriving will be put on a plane instead of putting them at the end of a 40,000 strong queue which will never decrease?