Tommy Robinson

Started by Poolielad, April 23, 2024, 12:36:32 PM

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Tommy Robinson won his dismissed..What a great St Georges Day this turned out to be.


The cop in charge blamed a dying laptop battery for the "error".

It sounds very familiar............


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on April 23, 2024, 01:32:49 PMThe cop in charge blamed a dying laptop battery for the "error".

It sounds very familiar............
Also admited he doctored the statement then claimed that he had dyslexia you couldn't make it up🤦🤦🤦🤦
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist


Tell me a job where that would not be an automatic P45!


tunstall he didn't win his case at all?

The inept police made a right royal fuck up

Redsteel (Moderator)

Quote from: tunstall on April 23, 2024, 06:58:50 he didn't win his case at all?

The inept police made a right royal fuck up

No, that was part of why his case was thrown out. The met claimed he was resisting arrest, which he wasn't and that his presence was causing disorder which it wasn't. All the cops camera footage was gone, over 20 officers, and all of them for one reason or another, gone. What are the odds??? They also pepper sprayed him at point blank range which was illegal. It's all ot there Tunny, you just need to go find it, because the msm certainly aren't reporting it.


Probably cos he's a fucking bellend who doesn't deserve the time or effort?

Just saying


Im TR biggest fan but that nicking was out of order. Funnily enough the Jewish fella from last week was 1 of the people that "reported" TR on that day.

Look at today. "Far right". The Met police got "permission" to make people remove face coverings. Look at London on a Saturday lately. No mask removal enforcement.

Today the cops steamed in. No Facebook or Twitter posts/tweets 2 days later saying "we need to speak to this person".

Yet 2 tier policing is a "right wing construct".

Go figure.


How many times do you think the Met police used the word "context" today?


The "far right" tried to deviate from a set route (set by the Met).

Somebody going to tell me that at the end of every Saturday march the organisers go to the cops and say "we will be marching here"?


They get to change the route EVERY SATURDAY.


Quote from: tunstall on April 23, 2024, 07:49:06 PMProbably cos he's a fucking bellend who doesn't deserve the time or effort?

Just saying


Tunny I'm not TR big fan but he's never been tried by a jury just a judge because they know a jury would say not guilty all charges against him are false like has been said because yesterday was st George's dat police weighed in if it was any other march they wouldn't double standards
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist

In With the Lurpak

Problem with it all is this, He had some top notch solicitors / Even a top notch Barrister looking after him in court . These are the people who easily wipe the floor with a case against some charges that do not stack up the Judge knows fine well he has to do the right thing.

Now Take One of us ( Just like Kenny above ) who relies on the average solicitor firm just the average joe bloggs in court on trumped up charges that are basically bollocks .. look what happens to Mr Average in same situation .. your basically pressured into pleading guilty they play games with peoples lives until they break em.   Money though and top Barristers get you a different outcome .


You make fair points Crocks.

When i 1st nicked no solicitor would touch it unless i paid a retainer fee starting at 200 quid.

3 solicitors within reasonable walking distance of my home do not even do criminal law.

I worked with my brief nearly 30 yrs ago. I just rang him for advice and luckily for me he stepped up to the plate.
Otherwise i would have had no option but to risk a trial.

Still being on bail, 3 months now after 2 years "released under investigation" i still have things i cannot discuss.

I am watching the TR stuff develop. My case is literally the same as his. Originally nicked and charged with "INCITEMENT TO COMMIT RACIAL HATRED" to now charged with 1 count of section 127.

What i dont get is TR case was done and dusted in 5 months. I am 3 years into mine.......


Its not sour grapes.

Every aspect of my life has been "invaded". My arrest was out of order and the way it was handled.
Even the way they ripped my laptop from its socket and just marched out of the house with it not even putting it in an evidence bag or hide what it was.

I did make a point of shouting at the top of my voice outside im supposedly a racist not a fucking nonce. Because you see a laptop and phones and other electrical devices been taking from a house and what would you think?

Cleveland Police have not had a "major naughty word" succeed yet at trial. Im not the "poster child" they thought i was going to be for them......... 


And dont give me this "its the CPS not the cops".

3 years the cops have dug for the CPS.

I know "serving civil servants" post on Fmttm. Why dont they grow a spine and shut these "reporters" up?
They wont.
Because they believe the "hype" about here? They genuinely believe that i am a racist? They believe here is it a hotbed of hate?

I would love 1 of the "civil servants" to answer this simple question.

3 years of investigations and court cases for eventually 1 word in 1 post? Proportionate?