So now its full on anti-semitism maybe?

Started by BoroRedKen, March 28, 2024, 11:21:24 AM

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"This is genocide.
The Hamas attack was an atrocity but two despicable wrongs do not make a right.
Netanyahu is a monster.
The usual labelling of any criticism of Israel as anti-semitic has to stop. Forever.

These are crimes against humanity, no matter what particular fairy story you happen to be brainwashed into.


But no mention of the hostages?
This anti-Israel rant is up there with the hypocrisy over Angela Raynor. The loudest voice against the "right to buy" scheme but did not give a toss making a 45k profit under the scheme!!...... 


Can't understand why governments are not putting pressure on hamas to surrender. They started this genocide and they are responsible for it.


You have put oranges and lemons in the same argument. Rayner did nothing wrong, or illegal, she certainly did not murder 1700 women and children.

It's a bit like me bringing Houchen or Preston  into every conversation. Today they cost the area over £4 million in legal fees in a case he lost when he tried to threaten the Port.  This was after giving away £100m of metal scrap. Yesterday it was buying an old cinema that's structurally knackered  for £750,000 without a survey.  They will be dreading the open public investigation into these.

I fully agree on the anti Semitism it is shocking.

John Trebor

I'll be honest, when I first read the thread title OTR, I thought to myself 'What the hell has he done now? It's a step beyond crashing a bus that's for sure'.