ISIS claim responsibility for Moscow massacre

Started by Ural Quntz (Moderator), March 22, 2024, 11:56:25 PM

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In With the Lurpak

Lord Haw haw worked for the Nazi's in WWII he sent radio messages to Britain to tell us how bad things were going for our forces. Quite ironic Blot using him in all this above as the Nazi's are once again fighting Russia in Ukraine.

Like I said he knows fuck all about nowt.


A war with Russia and your hero Putin will not end well it terrifies me.

To think there people like you who will help him is appalling.

You would have been against Churchill and backed down to Hitler. He started the same way, attacked parts of Czechoslovakia (see Ukraine) went onto Poland ( see Poland) the same as the dictator is now. 

As I said it frightens me, you want to  back down to a dictator, who you will have as your  phone wallpaper, who wants chunks of land to prove how big his dick is, I prefer democracy.

Think about it Lord Haw Haw. 


The roots of neo-Nazism in Putin's Russia
The origins of this relationship date to the late 1990s, when Russia was shaken by a wave of racist violence committed by neo-Nazi skinhead gangs. After Putin's accession to the presidency in 2000, his regime exploited this development in two ways.

First, it used the neo-Nazi threat to justify the adoption of anti-extremism legislation, a longstanding demand of some Russian liberals. Ultimately, this legislation would be used to prosecute Russian democrats.

Second, the Kremlin launched "managed nationalism", an attempt to co-opt and mobilise radical nationalist militants, including neo-Nazis, as a counterweight to an emerging anti-Putin coalition of democrats and leftist radicals.

Moving Together, a pro-Putin youth organisation notorious for its campaign against postmodernist literature, made the first move by reaching out to OB88, the most powerful skinhead gang in Russia.

This cooperation expanded in the aftermath of Ukraine's Orange Revolution of 2004. To insulate Russia against the contagion of pro-democracy protest, the Kremlin transformed Moving Together into a more ambitious project called "Nashi", or "Ours".

As part of its preparations to confront a potential democratic uprising in Russia, Nashi enlisted football gang members, whose subculture overlapped with the neo-Nazi underground.

During 2005, Nashi's thugs staged a series of raids on anti-Putin youth groups. The most violent attack, which left four left-wing activists in hospital, led to the arrest of the assailants. They were released after a visit to the police station from Nikita Ivanov, the Kremlin functionary who supervised the regime's loyalist youth organisations.

The resulting scandal provoked a reconfiguration of "managed nationalism". While Nashi distanced itself from football gangs, its radical militants migrated to two rival Kremlin proxies, the nationalist "Young Russia" group and the anti-immigration "Locals" group. These organisations became bridges between the neo-Nazi subculture and the Kremlin.

Neo-Nazi leaders implicated in killings
As I demonstrated in a recent study of the Kremlin's relationship with Russian fascists, these linkages made possible a bold experiment to create a pro-Putin neo-Nazi movement.

In 2008-09, the Kremlin was threatened by Russian opposition activist Alexei Navalny's efforts to build an anti-Putin coalition of democrats and radical nationalists in Russia. In response, the Kremlin began to work with Russkii Obraz ("Russian Image", or "RO" for short), a hardcore neo-Nazi group best known for its slick journal and its band, Hook from the Right.

With the assistance of Kremlin supervisors, RO attacked nationalists who were abandoning the skinhead subculture for Navalny's anti-Putin coalition. In return, RO was granted privileged access to public space and the media.

Its leaders held televised public discussions with state functionaries and collaborated openly with Maksim Mishchenko, a member of parliament from the ruling party. Perhaps most shockingly, RO also hosted a concert by the infamous neo-Nazi band Kolovrat in Moscow's Bolotnaya Square, within earshot of the Kremlin.

The problem for the Kremlin was that RO's leader, Ilya Goryachev, was a fervent supporter of the neo-Nazi underground, the skinheads who committed hundreds of racist murders in the second half of the 2000s. The authorities turned a blind eye to RO's production of a two-hour internet "documentary" titled Russian Resistance, which celebrated these killers as patriotic heroes and called for armed struggle against the regime.

But they could not ignore the arrest on murder charges of Nikita Tikhonov, an ex-skinhead and cofounder of RO. Tikhonov was the leader of BORN ("Fighting Organisation of Russian Nationalists"), a terrorist group that committed a string of murders of public figures and antifa militants.

The victims included the renowned human rights lawyer Stanislav Markelov and journalist Anastasia Baburova. Tikhonov was convicted of their murders in 2011.

The police investigation revealed that Goryachev regarded BORN and RO as the armed and political platforms of a neo-Nazi insurgency, on the model of the IRA and Sinn Féin in Ireland and Northern Ireland.

The court materials show that as Goryachev was reporting to his Kremlin supervisors, he was also advising Tikhonov about the choice of murder victims. Goryachev was found guilty in 2015 of ordering the murders of numerous people, including Markelov.

The adverse publicity wrecked the careers of some of the Kremlin's Nazi promoters, but veterans of RO flourished in the propaganda institutions of Putin's increasingly autocratic regime.

One of them is Anna Trigga, who worked for the Internet Research Agency, the trolling factory that interfered in the 2016 US presidential election and tried to foment anti-Muslim hatred in Australia. Another is Andrei Gulyutin, editor of the website Ridus, an important platform of pro-Putin Russian nationalism.

Promoting neo-Nazis overseas
No less important is the role of neo-Nazis and other right-wing figures in Russia's onslaught against Ukraine.

In 2014, RO's Aleksandr Matyushin helped to terrorise supporters of the Ukrainian state in Donetsk on the eve of Russia's proxy war in eastern Ukraine. He went on to become a major field commander.

Today, RO's Dmitrii Steshin, a celebrated war correspondent for a mass circulation tabloid, disseminates lies blaming Ukrainian false-flag operations for atrocities committed by Russian forces.

The Kremlin's cultivation of domestic neo-Nazis is matched by its promotion of neo-Nazis in the West. Some have amplified anti-Western conspiracy theories as "experts" on RT, the Kremlin's cable TV propaganda channel.

Others have served the Kremlin as "monitors" who applaud the conduct of fraudulent elections. Meanwhile, Rinaldo Nazzaro, an American, has been quietly running The Base, the international neo-Nazi terrorist organisation, from an apartment in St Petersburg.

Putin's weaponisation of neo-Nazis was always a risky strategy, but it was not irrational. Unlike mainstream nationalists, who tend to support the idea of free elections, neo-Nazis reject democratic institutions and the very idea of human equality. For a dictator dismantling democracy and constructing an authoritarian regime, they were ideal accomplices.

In With the Lurpak

Quote from: Blott on March 24, 2024, 04:38:18 PMA war with Russia and your hero Putin will not end well it terrifies me.

To think there people like you who will help him is appalling.

You would have been against Churchill and backed down to Hitler. He started the same way, attacked parts of Czechoslovakia (see Ukraine) went onto Poland ( see Poland) the same as the dictator is now. 

As I said it frightens me, you want to  back down to a dictator, who you will have as your  phone wallpaper, who wants chunks of land to prove how big his dick is, I prefer democracy.

Think about it Lord Haw Haw. 

Russia defeated the NAZI's In Berlin Blot . They lost around 26 million fighting the NAZI's you have a think about it. After the war the US took a lot of NAZI's back with them to aid their own military programs.

Russia took Crimea because they had a Naval base there like forever ( The black sea fleet ) everything was rosey until 2015 when US Backed a coo against the peaceful Ukraine leader at that time . They installed their own cunt this is why Russia took Crimea . It was not going to fall into western warmongering hands.

That video below shows some of what happened. the write up in community notes below the video has been written by someone like Bad Dad or Ural to try and convince the uneducated it didn't happen the way Russia says.

Below was written by a loser cunt who wants all out war with Russia with no fucks given for any of us lot.

Readers added context they thought people might want to know
Ukraine did not attack Donbas. Russia illegally invaded and annexed Crimea and Donetsk/Luhansk. :fibber:

Russia invaded Donetsk/Luhansk because Ukraine overthrew a pro-Russian president. Ukraine wasn't shelling Donbas. :fibber:  :fibber:

Russian claims of ukrainian genocide in Donbas are false. :fibber:     


See above,Putin is in the pockets of Nazis it's how he became in control.

The Ukraine despise Russia because of the Holodomor

Ukraine was one of the largest grain-producing states in the USSR and was subject to unreasonably high grain quotas compared to the rest of the USSR.[d] This caused Ukraine to be hit particularly hard by the famine. Early estimates of the death toll by scholars and government officials vary greatly. A joint statement to the United Nations signed by 25 countries in 2003 declared that 7 to 10 million died.[e] However, current scholarship estimates a range significantly lower with 3.5 to 5 million victims.[13] The famine's widespread impact on Ukraine persists to this day.

Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 33 other UN member states, the European Parliament, and 35 of the 50 states of the United States[14] as a genocide against the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government.

Honestly Lord Haw Law you need to read more that Putin Monthly.

Russia did lose over 20m people mainly because their leader, Stalin, let it happen. He did nothing to help them. They starved.

Of your 27m deaths 8 million were from the Ukraine.

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

'Backed a coo'

My money's on this one....

Mean while the real culprit has been found



Quote from: In With the Lurpak on March 24, 2024, 09:30:45 AMThe dirty vile tactics  of the US UK Ukraine warmongers as per usual .

Why would Ukraine give citizenship to ISIS fighters !!

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


This USA led attack followed a call from US intelligence to Russian intelligence that an IS attack is likely at a concert or mass meeting.

The US told it's people in Moscow to avoid any concert.

Believe it or not no matter if you see a country as your enemy if an attack is known to be aimed at civilians there is an agreement to tell each other. It's standard practice.

Putin didn't believe them, he allowed nearly 200 of his own people to die because he knew better.


Quote from: Blott on March 24, 2024, 04:46:53 PMThe roots of neo-Nazism in Putin's Russia
The origins of this relationship date to the late 1990s, when Russia was shaken by a wave of racist violence committed by neo-Nazi skinhead gangs. After Putin's accession to the presidency in 2000, his regime exploited this development in two ways.

First, it used the neo-Nazi threat to justify the adoption of anti-extremism legislation..

Blotty man, if you're going to quote someone verbatim it is good form to credit them.

Johnny Thunder

Sometimes it's a cunt being a mod/admin.

We have to read through all this shite.



We have been fed BS about a Jewish Leader being a Nazi.

I knew it was BS, but let him have his fun.
Quote from: TerryCochranesSocks on March 25, 2024, 10:01:13 AM
Quote from: Blott on March 24, 2024, 04:46:53 PMThe roots of neo-Nazism in Putin's Russia
The origins of this relationship date to the late 1990s, when Russia was shaken by a wave of racist violence committed by neo-Nazi skinhead gangs. After Putin's accession to the presidency in 2000, his regime exploited this development in two ways.

First, it used the neo-Nazi threat to justify the adoption of anti-extremism legislation..

Blotty man, if you're going to quote someone verbatim it is good form to credit them.
very true, I should have.

We have been fed BS by Lord Haw Haw  about a Jewish Leader being a Nazi.

I knew it was BS, but let him have his fun.


Quote from: Johnny Thunder on March 25, 2024, 10:22:48 AMSometimes it's a cunt being a mod/admin.

We have to read through all this shite.


I just put it down to them all being cunts Johnny!



The upside is it disproves the shite some "civil servant" comes out with.

You can voice your opinion and debate it. We dont even mind if you keep a barney inside the "rules".


Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: AtomicDog on March 25, 2024, 05:10:56 PMSeems genuine. . .

All Ukraine combatants have to have a call sign like Westy for instance

In With the Lurpak

Class it as more fake Russian lies all you want. When statements like that are made by the likes of him from the Russian intelligence service it bodes bad news what ever way you look at it. I have no doubt Obama's unannounced visit to London days before was everything to do with this. People laugh it all off they don't grasp this is Russia who they are attacking. They are not Iraq who could not strike back . Our so called politicians are playing seriously dangerous games with all of our lives. Ukraine has fuck all to do with us fucking nothing . these cunts stirring this pot all the time don't give 2 fucks about none of us and especially any Ukrainians .     


Who is the Nazit today?

I love evidence. You take yours from Russia, I will take mine from anyone but Russia.
According to the Left Wing GB News your beloved leader isn't exactly family friendly.

China, Russia and Iran are "fuelling attacks" on Princess Kate, Whitehall sources believe.

Senior Government figures fear that hostile states are behind the spread of baseless conspiracy theories and online rumours regarding the Princess of Wales's health.

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Quote from: In With the Lurpak on March 26, 2024, 06:23:35 PM

Class it as more fake Russian lies all you want. When statements like that are made by the likes of him from the Russian intelligence service it bodes bad news what ever way you look at it. I have no doubt Obama's unannounced visit to London days before was everything to do with this. People laugh it all off they don't grasp this is Russia who they are attacking. They are not Iraq who could not strike back . Our so called politicians are playing seriously dangerous games with all of our lives. Ukraine has fuck all to do with us fucking nothing . these cunts stirring this pot all the time don't give 2 fucks about none of us and especially any Ukrainians .     

Crocky - you display a stunning lack of understanding mixed with outstanding naivety

A unique combination in my experience

Well done!


In With the Lurpak

Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on March 26, 2024, 09:07:41 PM
Quote from: In With the Lurpak on March 26, 2024, 06:23:35 PM

Class it as more fake Russian lies all you want. When statements like that are made by the likes of him from the Russian intelligence service it bodes bad news what ever way you look at it. I have no doubt Obama's unannounced visit to London days before was everything to do with this. People laugh it all off they don't grasp this is Russia who they are attacking. They are not Iraq who could not strike back . Our so called politicians are playing seriously dangerous games with all of our lives. Ukraine has fuck all to do with us fucking nothing . these cunts stirring this pot all the time don't give 2 fucks about none of us and especially any Ukrainians .     

Crocky - you display a stunning lack of understanding mixed with outstanding naivety

A unique combination in my experience

Well done!


Say's the man who said a bloke stuffed away with some lurpack in a deep freeze then went on to win an election but only clever people like you know about it .

Please Stop .