Josh Coburn - most over rated player on our books?

Started by Nosmo-King, March 15, 2024, 05:31:51 AM

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To me - most definitely! And before anyone jumps down my throat, he is a 1 in 4 goalscoring to games ratio. I realise these stats include subs appearances too. But there always appears to be a clamour amongst some of our fanbase - indeed some would have him as some saviour. I just don't get it at all.

To me he is league 1/2 standard, and would probably earn a living at that grade. For a mainstream striker at a supposed promotion chasing club he doesn't cut the mustard. Compare him to Latte Lath - virtually a 1 in 2 goalscorer and the finishing ability is vast. And let's not forget Latte Lath gets a fair amount of stick in certain quarters yet is infinitely better at the main thing - sticking the ball in the net.

I would sooner fast track Sonny Finch into the side. Clips I have seen are very impressive at sticking the ball in the onion bag.

Some will cite Coburn's hold up play to be influential, maybe so. But as one of only 3 recognised strikers with first team experience is it not too much to expect a better scoring record.

These are the facts re his scoring record- I doubt everyone will agree...........


Wild this Nozzer lad. Good young player who's had some injury problems he will only get better


Not really - he is damned by his poor scoring record. Remember, we were keen to ship him out on loan at the beginning of the season if we'd brought another striker in - hardly a ringing endorsement of the lad!

Redsteel (Moderator)

He's defo not a leading striker to gain promotion and he spends most of his time injured. I expect him loaned out or sold in the summer to be honest.


A bottom end championship loan would do him good but he defo has a future here


His record this season has obviously been damaged by injury but also by the fact that when he has played he's played in a team ravaged by injury. This has certainly harmed his chances.

For me he's still a bit raw. He does hold the ball up well and he's the best we've had for a while at bullying defenders. If he stays injury free for a decent period he definitely has a future at Boro.

John Trebor

We got one point from our first 7 matches and won the next 6.
One of the reasons for the improvement was Josh playing at centre forward.
Not because of him scoring, but his presence allowed us to play higher up the pitch and made more room in midfield for us to play our passing game.


Still a bit early to judge for me , hopefully get him fully fit and playing in a system that suits him and see how he gets on.


I say put a bid in for Chuba.
He is wasting his time at Ajax and they clearly dont want him.
In his mind he must know he fucked up leaving Boro.


Calling Greenwood and Balaser footballers automatically makes them the most over rated players at the Boro

Rogue Traders should be called

Redsteel (Moderator)

Quote from: TeessideTopgun on March 15, 2024, 09:26:13 AMStill a bit early to judge for me , hopefully get him fully fit and playing in a system that suits him and see how he gets on.

That's the main issue for me, he is very injury prone, he was out for long periods last season at Rovers. He isn't a main striker IF we are going for it next season, and he will be shipped out if that is the case.


He'd do okay as a target man with 2 up front but is definitely not mobile enough to be a lone striker as Carrick likes to play.
Always gives 100 per cent and as previous posters have said will do ok at league 1 or 2 level.