Started by BoroRedKen, March 01, 2024, 07:54:56 PM

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All this right wing extremism OTR keep yakking about?

Have i missed something these last few months??....


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on March 01, 2024, 07:54:56 PMAll this right wing extremism OTR keep yakking about?

Have i missed something these last few months??....



vile people otr.......And cowards at that.


new buzzword OTR,  file along with  racist, fascist, gammom etc

Some so blind they do not see THEMSELVES in the mirror ?


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on March 01, 2024, 07:54:56 PMAll this right wing extremism OTR keep yakking about?

Have i missed something these last few months??....
Strange isn't it that Right wing extremism keeps getting brought up.
Can't remember RWE slaughtering young people at a pop concert, Setting bombs off on buses or the underground, Crashing planes into tower blocks or driving vans into people.
Really only one form of extremist to worry about and the threat is getting bigger by the day.

In With the Lurpak

OTR Have latched onto what Sunak said the other night " This victory ( Galloway ) and the  right wing extremism along with ongoing protests  are a threat to our democracy " Bit rich coming from a bloke who lost his election campaign to become PM then was shuffled in unelected by his WEF Bosses and not by the public .

He's now become a running joke on twatter some are pretty funny as well  :charles:  :charles: 
