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Started by BoroRedKen, December 24, 2023, 04:51:52 PM

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Cries the fucking world owes him a living.
Cries victim and bullied.

Quick to call people who dont stand at thier seat at games.

Quick to post "this is world we live in".

Yet the fucker wants to hang himself everyday if his sensitive soul is "called".

Look in the mirror you fucking baby.

Sick of this 2 faced bollocks holier than thou bollocks from all them cunts.


He will never "progress " until he realises he needs to help himself first and foremost.....


Quote from: Nosmo-King on December 24, 2023, 04:55:36 PMHe will never "progress " until he realises he needs to help himself first and foremost.....
agreed, but I am still unsure about him. How many years has this been going on?


Donkey's years.....


Ohh and Merry Christmas jerkoffs!! 💪

John Trebor

He's going to a pub tomorrow for Xmas Day lunch with his family.
His tales of woe don't seem to bear much scrutiny.


It's all bollox it wouldn't surprise me if this is one of bad dads altered egoes looking for clicks,,

John Trebor

Asking for fashion tips for visiting the Legends Lounge now.
For a self-confessed Billy No-Mates, Bobby No-Life, Only Gay In The Village from Cambridgeshire, he certainly gets about.


He's having flymes eyes out that cunt

New Division

He's building up to a walletgate


Now Me,
Being the Dog detective it's 'certain' people in this 'message board' world that invented 'characters'

And instance for Me would be Mike Peeler who was on here. People screaming he was was it 'Headset' off come on Boro?
The Lad didn't admit nor deny he was. Personally I thought he made a good contribution here, I thought he was very funny, think he's missed.

So in this fantasy land people can make various altered ego's up.

But you've got to be good,  not for Me, but some people get a kick out of it.

But if you're gunna lie you've gotta be good at it, you know grow up, experience these type of people 'real' one's, we've all met them.

If you haven't, but try to make out, sooner or later you'll get sussed.

If Mike Peeler reads this:

I thought you were sound a good, funny poster.

"Tomorrow I shall be talking about
Lagâri Hasan Çelebi v Frank Whittle

And their views on the nine dart finish

Also we'll have an ex glue sniffing, drug crazed skinhead lunatic, talking about the advantages of digital recording, against analogue.
We'll have that jock from Hollywood, the one with the face like a melted Welly.
Plus fashion tips, Brexit, Tories, Big flash car's, diet tips, war.
How fat Bev from Shropshire met flat Stan online, fell in love, then lost him. Yes on the way to Greta green, slipped down a street gutter, you know, slipped down the slot, It's so, so sad, swept away,  like a tin soldier.

Plus Eric the wireless, Chunky, Bob the bucket, Anne Bunn, Alan with the hands. . . .

Oh and Dr Hillary, it'll be reely reely grate, tune it a 08:30"

Don't any of you ever watch TV?

I give up!


Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Glue sniffing skinheads  :ray:


I still dont know why Headset left.

He caused no probs for me on here and in fact i enjoyed chatting with him.

I hope we saw the real "Headset" and not the 1 that used to get a bit lippy on COB, even saying that he was never malicious.


Johnny Thunder

He was sound and is welcome back any time.

So where are ye ye big flouncing get?


Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Never heard of the cunt.....


I think its difficult to call bollox on something like this.

I have a friend who shows very similar traits and its bloody frustrating but i also know he is genuinely messed up. Rather than focus on himself - learning to like himself and working on works for himself he is desperate to feel accepted and validated by others and very quick to try and find weakness/fault in others to make himself feel better.

Its almost as if he cant beat his own insecurities so is very much relying on others either making him feel good or finding fault in others to get by

Either way, its very messy


At the moment im like a yo-yo up then down so i think Northy makes a very good point.

The lad just needs to own who he is.

"Gay" is so last year if you see what i mean.

It his business.

I would say maybe a footy message board is not the place to seek "help/advice".

Its different for me. I see and speak to the lads away from the board. I know the lads in private are not just writing what they think i want to see.
They are straight as dice with me away from the board.


Remember he took a "massive" overdose last year and the flyme lads begged him to call an ambulance.  Can't have been that serious as he was posting a minute by minute account of his time in A&E.


Quote from: Reidydog on January 04, 2024, 07:40:04 PMRemember he took a "massive" overdose last year and the flyme lads begged him to call an ambulance.  Can't have been that serious as he was posting a minute by minute account of his time in A&E.

Samaritans just rang me asking when you can start Reidy!!

 :alf:  :alf:

John Trebor

Quote from: Reidydog on January 04, 2024, 07:40:04 PMRemember he took a "massive" overdose last year and the flyme lads begged him to call an ambulance.  Can't have been that serious as he was posting a minute by minute account of his time in A&E.
If its the same incident I remember, he actually started posting while he was lying on the bathroom floor waiting for an ambulance. Moaning how long the ambulance was taking.
Then he left them all panicking for a few hours before letting them know he was OK.


Quote from: John Trebor on January 04, 2024, 09:27:23 PM
Quote from: Reidydog on January 04, 2024, 07:40:04 PMRemember he took a "massive" overdose last year and the flyme lads begged him to call an ambulance.  Can't have been that serious as he was posting a minute by minute account of his time in A&E.
If its the same incident I remember, he actually started posting while he was lying on the bathroom floor waiting for an ambulance. Moaning how long the ambulance was taking.
Then he left them all panicking for a few hours before letting them know he was OK.

He's a fucking gimp


Quote from: John Trebor on January 04, 2024, 09:27:23 PM
Quote from: Reidydog on January 04, 2024, 07:40:04 PMRemember he took a "massive" overdose last year and the flyme lads begged him to call an ambulance.  Can't have been that serious as he was posting a minute by minute account of his time in A&E.
If its the same incident I remember, he actually started posting while he was lying on the bathroom floor waiting for an ambulance. Moaning how long the ambulance was taking.
Then he left them all panicking for a few hours before letting them know he was OK.

As a former Sam i am supposed to "get this" guy.

I dont.

The slightly concerning thing is the need for validation all the time.

He is not from Boro. Other than supporting Boro there is no local connection.

I refuse to believe that there are no organisations/support network in his home town.

That is what personally makes me question his posts.


I could point him loads of "right directions" for help and support in his hometown.

But he appears to not want any "local" help because its "crap".

Well what does he want/need to make him feel better of his situation?

John Trebor

Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on January 05, 2024, 11:59:23 AM
Quote from: John Trebor on January 04, 2024, 09:27:23 PM
Quote from: Reidydog on January 04, 2024, 07:40:04 PMRemember he took a "massive" overdose last year and the flyme lads begged him to call an ambulance.  Can't have been that serious as he was posting a minute by minute account of his time in A&E.
If its the same incident I remember, he actually started posting while he was lying on the bathroom floor waiting for an ambulance. Moaning how long the ambulance was taking.
Then he left them all panicking for a few hours before letting them know he was OK.

As a former Sam i am supposed to "get this" guy.

I dont.

The slightly concerning thing is the need for validation all the time.

He is not from Boro. Other than supporting Boro there is no local connection.

I refuse to believe that there are no organisations/support network in his home town.

That is what personally makes me question his posts.
What makes me question them is the fact that they are utterly fucking ridiculous.


At Sams i used to get some beauty pervy calls!
I used to let them "crack" on!

At 1 point in the past The Sams had a "phoneline" and "listener" called "Brenda".

"Brenda" was the "wankers and diddlers" line.

I would answer a call "Hi, Samaritans, take your time im here to listen when you need to".

"Err you a bloke"

"Yes. Im Phil "(we could use a fake name, though i was never comfortable with that because if you cocked it up later in call all the trust you had built up was gone).

"Err is there a woman there"?

"Why dont you chat to me and see how we go?"

"But i want to wank to a female voice"

"Crack on son. All the time in the world".

