Started by BoroRedKen, December 18, 2023, 10:12:52 PM

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Yesterday and today have been good days for me boys.

1st times in 6 months i have felt a bit of me returning.

Spending a few hours today pissing around in Boro with little Kenny (My daughter Rochelle) just chatting about good memories of Carmen (not seen Rochelle since the funeral) was just perfect.

I think im beginning to understand its ok for me to smile and laugh again. Without feeling guilty.

Just because i cant see or feel Carmen does not mean she is not there.

A piece of my heart will remain eternally broken.
But maybe its time to try to fix the rest of it.

I hope you are resting in peace kidda. You were and always will be the strongest bravest human i have ever had the good fortune to know and love. You gave me 21 years of nothing but love and never once turned your back on me.
You fought till the very end. I am so proud of you that i could burst.
Enjoy your rest kidda. You have earned it.

RIP Carmen xxx

Ravishing Rick Rude

Absolutely mate.

Chuffed you had a good few days.

The future is bright


John Trebor

Good to hear Kenny, great news.
Carmen would be proud of you I'm sure 👍


For once i get to play this song for a happy reason.

Read the lyrics.

It WAS my go to song when the pain took hold. When i just wanted to say fuck it all ive had enough.

Now this song has changed for me.

This (and 2 others i shall post) have new meanings for me personally now. These are me. I am them. For the right reasons now and forwards.


Glad for you Ken it will do you the world of good
TEESSIDER and Proud  of the area unlike some and I'm not a Racist


Small steps maybe but you have started a journey pal , well done 👏👏👏


baby steps Ken, one day at a time.

Onwards and Upwards.

Dont let the next bad da set you back - they will happen, but good days will follow and will last longer as time moves on mate


Positive spin on Boro town centre.
