This new oil and gas field contract thing

Started by RaZor Ramon, September 28, 2023, 06:50:54 PM

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RaZor Ramon

In a flap otr about it.

Granted I don't know much about the industry but some of the figures been banded about are surely a good thing for this country (and Norway).

I've strongly considered going offshore myself, the money I can pick up in line of work out there would enable me to retire or buy my own place in my mid/late fifties such is the shortage of good qualified people in my sector. Only thing really stopping me at the moment is the financial outlay for all the certificates I'd need to start working offshore.

Even the old EV argument pops up again and still those in favour refuse to recognise how lithium and other minerals used in the construction of batteries and other electronics are mined.




Most of the money will go to private companies mate....the Tories saw to that when they sold it all off years ago

We could have done what Norway did with the natural resources and had a state owned oil and gas wealth....but the greedy cunts sold it all to the likes of BP and Shell, and I'm pretty sure they also leant them the money....and then didn't charge them tax until they started making profits.....


The oil industry is very volatile though (I know it is here)   You can be earning $500k a year but be out on your arse within a week.  Then it's all about who you know getting back in.

I know alot of people that were accustomed to that lifestyle of lavish spending etc now had to sell their big fancy house a d driving 10 year old vehicles.

I went offshore in Aberdeen about 18 years ago and had really young kids.  Hated it being away from home.  The head toolpusher told me "I'm minted now but I would give it all up to get back what I missed of my kids lives growing up"

I never went back after that hitch.

It's not fir everyone that's for sure


I still enjoy it and get half the year off....when I stop enjoying it, I'll hand the TV remote over to someone else and get a job back on dry land I suppose


Quote from: tunstall on September 28, 2023, 09:41:46 PMI still enjoy it and get half the year off....when I stop enjoying it, I'll hand the TV remote over to someone else and get a job back on dry land I suppose

Just done exactly that 👍


Lots of Teesside lads including me and now my son have done well out of the Oil and Gas industry. Keep it going i say.


I am heading back to the chef game Razor.

Need to update a few things but there are some very decent jobs kicking about in the catering game at the min.

And some "easy" money to be made.

Go make your cash Razor.


Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on September 29, 2023, 08:45:17 AMI am heading back to the chef game Razor.

Need to update a few things but there are some very decent jobs kicking about in the catering game at the min.

And some "easy" money to be made.

Go make your cash Razor.

Best of luck Ken hope you get a dream job mate 👍