Is it just me.....

Started by John Trebor, September 25, 2023, 08:57:27 PM

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John Trebor

....or have a couple more head-the-balls appeared OTR on the police shooting thread?

Cress - he's all over the place, having arguments in his head.

SweetLeftFoot - on a wind up surely? Is he an infiltrator from here?

Can't say I've noticed either before.


Cress used to sign off every post with #BLM til recently.


Its everybody else's fault bar Kabba now.

Shouting Braverman should be locked up for contempt of court for her statement supporting the officer.

Again they have changed the point to a fucking political 1  :unbelievable: 


TBF the latest "big hitters" Sherlock etc seem to be giving that thread a swerve so some of the "old guard" are getting a run out.



JVM             SMALLTOWN                    JEDI                  BOROMART

POTATO           INGBAR                       ALZI                  NORFOLKRED

                  CLAY                         PRISONER

THE FLYME RESERVE 11...................

John Trebor

That Cress has got problems if you ask me.
His thinking is all over the place on the shooting thread, but check out his post on the innocent enough horn beeping thread. He's randomly researched whether you can piss at the roadside.


I have to say i am slightly confused with his posts also after reading them.

I dont wish any ill on him.


I only go after the 1s that come after me or here.

John Trebor

Quote from: Nekder (Kenny) on September 25, 2023, 10:30:39 PMI have to say i am slightly confused with his posts also after reading them.

I dont wish any ill on him.
No, he seems harmless enough.
Doesn't seem to get nasty or anything, just confusing. Wants to make a point but loses the gist of it halfway through.
I think I'll watch Gone Fishing later,they go to some nice spots.
But I prefer beef over lamb any day of the week.


I think Mr Cress is losing the plot.............

""Amongst the celebrities the Krays knew were actors George Raft, Judy Garland, Diana Dors, Liza Minelli and Jayne Mansfield, and singers Frank Sinatra, Shirley Bassey, Cliff Richard, Danny La Rue as well as comedian Peter Sellers."
Shoot the lot, or just Shirley 'cos she's the only black one


The problem is them famous people are perceived, under Cress logic, to be guilty be association.

Nobody with a half a brain cell can say guilty by association applies to Kabba. Kabba had served time for various violent offences. Kabba was prominent in his violent gun totting gang.

We are not talking about a lad that had a few beers then had a fight outside a pub. We are talking about a criminal who was violent towards members of the public on numerous occasions.

What about the mother of his child? So terrified and under threat that an injunction was obtained that is supposed to have kept him at least 1 street away from her.

Hey Cress why did you not support Dale Creegan? Sergii Kuzmanov? Graham Trinder? Sean Fitzgerald? Lewis Skelton? All shot by ARO's.

Who are the REAL race baiters in all this?..........