Cleveland Police

Started by Mike Peeler, September 20, 2023, 05:11:13 PM

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Mike Peeler

apparently, out of special measure - it looks like they've got their act together - maybe Turner was the man for the job after all.

Let's hope they sort the scrotes out at street level and see a reduction in estate and town centre crime.

We've got our 'filth' back .... :leo:


Steve Turner was doing the breakfast news rounds yesterday and he did come across as someone who does give a toss about the area.

(Bullet/stab proof vest now on and tin helmet ready for the pelters!!  :alf: )

Mike Peeler

We've all or most of us have had our time or run-ins with the cops, some deserved, some not. The issue I have is the streets seem very dangerous in this day and age. Back in the day it was trouble on trouble if you like, and we did have scrotes but even them scrotes had some guidelines they did not dare step over.

Now it is a free ride for scum out there and not helped by a weak as piss UK police force.

For the sake of the kids and grandkids and, their afters future - we need a strong and effective police force. Whether we like them or not.

I do worry about the individual shite they employ and some of the silly 'numbers' they have to adhere to.

We need good coppers regardless of creed and colour, not box ticking coppers., that appeal to the wokey gobshites out there


Agree our cozzers have always been corrupt as f**k.
Drugs, bribes, in-house, affairs the lot!

The Bill couldn't have made programmes as convincing as what our lot actually did!
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

Ive often wondered why we dont have what most other countries have which is a local police (Policia Locale in Spain) that look after all the low level shit and then a National police (Guardia Civil) that handle the big stuff.

The US has Local cops and State Troopers and FBI, France has the Gendarmes and the Police nationale,

We have one hopeless bunch in each Admin area expected to handle it all

Jack of all trades - master of none