Government Set to Step in on Boro

Started by Mike Peeler, September 19, 2023, 04:44:35 PM

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Mike Peeler

council, its not good news in all fairness but if needs must and the shit stained run council cant run itself in a fit and proper manner - let others do it for them.

Maybe they should cut all the cries for inquiries etc from gobshites like Ratmacdonald and Co. They might start to get somewhere.

I dunno how many years/decades they had in full control and did naff all to improve things but then find the cheek to blame everything on the Tories.

Jesus Boris and the gang are far from blameless for the country's failings, but look a the shit that now floods the streets of Middlesbrough and ask who dumped it here. And you might find some shit decision-makers back then and now.


I have said this a million times. I very slightly know McDonald. He is Boro through and through, a decent nice man.

He said nothing about the Mayor and Preston that Private Eye hadn't said, neither have sued PE you have to wonder why.

Do I think he is a top politician, no.

Mike Peeler

It's been rotten for years Middlesbrough Council.

It spends its time going around in circles both parties forever at each other throats.

It means more to getting one over on each other than it does looking after its constituency.

Could it get any worse - well yes if it employed any of that lot from OTR.... :rick:  :rudi2:  :wry:


As a labour voter I think you are right. When you have a party running a council year after any real imputus is dead in the water.

Mike Peeler

I would think more of both parties if they just said we are doing this, this, and this but they don't - any opening comment is it is because of this and (them) as to why we might be in this mess.

That goes for them both  - I get sticking the boot in now and again but come on Middlesbrough Town Centre is a shit and has been for many many years now.

And that's from a proud Boro lad.

I've said it before the only person who fronts both the counselors and the general public is that Joan McTigue lady. She might not be perfect but she speaks her mind and, opinion. Liked or not.

Mike Peeler

Tension in the Middlesbrough Council quarters - that Dave Smith look like from Fly Me Matt Storey calling Andy Preston out as the iffy one over council finances.


Quote from: Mike Peeler on September 20, 2023, 05:27:21 PMTension in the Middlesbrough Council quarters - that Dave Smith look like from Fly Me Matt Storey calling Andy Preston out as the iffy one over council finances.

I think you'll find that's another piece of sloppy journalism from the local rag Mr P.
They seem to have used the wrong photo.

Why they've used one of O'Hare from the Irish folk duo Mulligan & O'Hare is beyond Me.

He doesn't even work for MBC!
I do hope Kenny Surtees picks up on this in one of his effervescent letter's to the EG

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Is this a definition of irony?

I thought it was 13 years of a Tory Gov but a Tory Gov is stepping into save it?

Could be fun!!

Johnny Thunder

Kenny Surtees is unwell Dog lad.
He is currently battling Leukaemia.


Oh, sorry to hear that Johnny Lad.

Remove the comment by all means.

I do apologise
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Johnny Thunder

No need to remove anything dog lad.

I thought it was funny and I'm sure Kenny would too.



Kenny is famous for his EG letters! He will love the acknowledgement. And hopefully if he reads this thread and comment Dog it will be a little tonic for him!

Pass our regards on Johnny.

Keep fighting Kenny lad.



If had had known that I wouldn't have posted it.

That's not My style, not at all.

*Certain Mooners are exempted from above comment*

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈


Dont think about it Dog. It was not defamatory in any way. Its what made KS the name he has.

Even i loved some of the badinage between Kenny and Joan Mac (would love her on here!) in the days before the no fun police took over the EG comments section.


He was very prominent like, another Boro legend.

God I can go back year's remember his letters, always getting stuck in.

Always reminded Me of the kind that got written into VIZ, I mean that in a complimentary way.

Hope the bloke is okay

Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Ural Quntz (Moderator)

What ever happened to B J McQuade?

His letters to the Sports gizzy were legendary


Bj was a professional  boo boy , would love it now, be in his element  :ray:


Quote from: Ural Quntz (Moderator) on September 21, 2023, 11:51:36 AMWhat ever happened to B J McQuade?

His letters to the Sports gizzy were legendary

Think he's currently still incarcerated Colonel  . . .
Due to molestation of a member of the Hominidae community

Believe he had his license revoked with 8 penalty points too

Driving without due care and attention.

Awful scenario, hope this hasn't put you off your lunch Sir.

Afternoon all . . .
Why must I feel like that . . . Why must I chase the 🐈

Ural Quntz (Moderator)