Just done a quaint little gig on Norton

Started by Ravishing Rick Rude, September 12, 2023, 10:28:00 PM

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Ravishing Rick Rude

Sheltered accommodation for the elderly.

These are the gigs i enjoy the most. Bringing happiness to people who can't get about like they used to.

Told some proper old school gags tonight. Brought the house down.

The compliments and bookings for new year(a garden party with free drink all night)

I've learnt some great material from doing gigs with the likes of Mick Miller, Billy Pearce and Our Chubbs has given me a great base to work from. Not forgetting Frankie Allen.

Life eh, if we aren't laughing we are crying.


* the residents and staff enjoy it rick  ..well done sir .......mick Miller  was brilliant  loved him

Ravishing Rick Rude

Quote from: Gingerpig on September 12, 2023, 10:33:43 PM* the residents and staff enjoy it rick  ..well done sir .......mick Miller  was brilliant  loved him

Mick Miller is excellent. So simple, yet very effective.

Noddy is still my favourite gag